Immortal Soul of Steel

Chapter 1927 Fierce Bird XXX, Attack

As Hamtaro watched in doubt, the four Gundams began to fly to both sides.

Because the distance was too far, and the radar and communication were interfered, Hamtaro could only barely see the four rough outlines even with the camera zoomed to the maximum magnification.

In this regard, Akira Kamiya and Hiroya Ishimaru were in a similar situation.

They were also a little puzzled as to why the Celestial Beings did this.

But if the three could see the large sniper rifles in the hands of the Power Angel Gundam and the Archangel Gundam, perhaps they would be able to understand what the deep meaning of the Celestial Beings' layout of the four Gundams was.

Lockon glanced at the Geta True Dragon, whose huge shadow could be seen even from a long distance, and whistled.

"Swoosh! Finally got it out? Geta True Dragon, it's really big, bigger than our Drestrega."

"I don't know how gorgeous it will be when it explodes."

Tieria's eyes flashed with an inexplicable brilliance: "Geta True Dragon, originally used to fight against alien creatures, Geta battleships, but these guys used it to start a civil war."

"Even though they encountered various crises such as the rampage of dimensional beasts and the invasion of aliens before, they never used it, but now they are taking it out again."

"Sure enough, the Free Federation has been completely corrupted. It must be completely eliminated."

Faced with the indignant Tieria, Lin Youde ignored him and asked Allelujah in the Archangel.

"Allelujah, how about it, I'll leave the gravity blaster to you, won't it miss, right?"

Allelujah smiled and said, "Don't worry, Setsuna, although my reflexes are not as good as Hallelujah's, I'm still confident that I won't lose in fixed-point shooting."

Lin Youde nodded, "Very good, then, let's get started, the first stage, the mission begins!"

Lockon, Allelujah, Tieriah: "Understood."

Lin Youde: "BGM starts!"

[BGM: Fight-Kenji Kawai]

As the BGM exclusive to Celestial Beings sounded, all the BGM fields in the entire battlefield were completely suppressed, leaving only one sound.

At the same time, the Power Angel Gundam and the Archangel Gundam flew to the extreme edges of the battlefield on both sides, and set up gravity blasters facing the place where there was nothing.

Lockon, Allelujah: "Gravity blaster, fire!"

Two purple beams flew out and shot at the edges of the Free Federation Space Army on both sides.

The purple beams whizzed past, startling the Free Federation Space Army, and then they all mocked that the accuracy was a million miles off.

However, just as such a mocking remark came out of his mouth, it turned into a series of exclamations.

Lockon: "Allelujah, sweep over!"

Allelujah: "Understood!"

Two purple beams began to sweep from both sides to the center.

The Free Federation's machines began to dodge, but because of the interference of gravity after the gravity beam of the gravity impact cannon swept over, their actions were disrupted, and they collided with each other in various places.

After 10 seconds, the two purple beams disappeared completely, and the barrels of the two gravity impact cannons turned orange and red. The two gravity impact cannons that were severely overloaded were thrown out by the force angel and the archangel Gundam, and exploded not far away.

Lin Youde: "Tieria!"

Tieria: "Understood, GN particle compression begins, GN rocket launcher·maximum output·sweeping mode! Fire!"

The Archangel Gundam put the GN rocket launcher on his chest again, compressed the GN particles, and shot out a huge beam, which began to sweep from the left to the right, from the side battlefield to the front battlefield, and swept to the right battlefield.

As they swept along, all the aircraft and destroyers that were deeply affected by gravity exploded one after another. The entire front was flooded with flames.

But even though the frontal troops were severely damaged, Bask Ohm did not show any sign of dejection. Instead, he looked excited.

"Stupid, the same trick, do you think we will be fooled twice?"

"Push forward with a large army, crush them with numbers, I don't believe they can do it again in a short time!"

In the bridge of Drestrega, Jiujo Lisa burped: "Burp~! At this time, the opponent's commander will definitely clamor that we can't do it again in a short time, so he wants to crush us with numbers, right?"

"After all, the previous wave of joint strafing attacks can only severely damage the destroyers and MS troops in the front. It is already very good to destroy dozens of destroyers and hundreds of MS, and it is impossible to do more."

"Only the Free Federation, which does not treat people as human beings, can do things like filling the line with the lives of MS pilots."

"However, since you are all like this, I'm embarrassed not to help you clean up the population."

"Sanye, let Yazi attack, open all the gun ports and suppress them with firepower to one place."

Sanye nodded slightly: "Understood, open all the gun ports and start suppressing the flank troops. Notify Yazi to go to the ejection port and wait for the attack."

Fei Lute: "Yazi and the fierce bird XXX are in place, waiting, and can attack at any time."

Christina: "Open all the gun ports, Setsuna, Lockon, Allelujah, Tieria, you can start to clean up the flank troops and drive them to the front battlefield."

Lin Youde and the other four: "Understood!"

As all the gun ports of Drestrega were opened, beams of light began to shoot towards both sides, and hundreds of GN missiles began to bombard the troops on both sides.

Instantly, countless casualties occurred on the flank of the Free Federation Army.

The flank troops of the Free Federation Army, which were about to reach the range with great difficulty, were soon disrupted by the charge of Lin Youde and his four men. The offensive was blocked.

Except for the front troops, the troops on both sides began to stagnate.

Seeing this, Basque Ohm shouted: "Part of the troops on both sides will entangle the four Gundams, and the rest of the troops will move closer to the middle and rush forward in one breath! Geta True Dragon should follow me!"

"All troops will charge forward with Geta True Dragon as the center!"

"As long as Geta True Dragon is here, it doesn't matter if the opponent fires a few more gravity cannons! Geta True Dragon can completely withstand a mere gravity cannon!"

Under this order, the Free Federation troops began to converge in the direction of Geta True Dragon.

Jiujo Lisa chuckled: "Haha, I knew you were really confident in Geta True Dragon. But, it is true that thing is really extraordinary."

"But my target is not Geta True Dragon, but the mobile forces around him."

"Little Yazi, go!"

Fei Lute: "The hatch has been opened, the catapult is in place, and the control is transferred to the fierce bird XXX, Yazi, please attack."

Yazi: "Understood, Yazi Testrosa, fierce bird XXX, attack!"

Accompanied by Yazi's light shout, fierce bird XXX flew out of Drestrega with some golden bandages on its legs and officially joined the front battlefield.


PS: Lin Youde learned from Guilliam before that the trump card of the Free Federation was the Geta True Dragon, so Tianren knew from the beginning that the Free Federation would sooner or later use the Geta True Dragon.

Because this is a long time ago, it is estimated that many people have forgotten it, so I will mention it again here.

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