Immortal Soul of Steel

Chapter 1928 The Power of the Black Hole Cannon

The Fierce Bird XXX flew out of Drestrega, inconspicuous, because there were no GN particles emitted by the GN power reactor, and no one even noticed the purple Fierce Bird XXX.

However, even after the attack of such an inconspicuous Fierce Bird XXX, the ejection hatch of Drestrega was not closed.

Felut: "The Fierce Bird XXX has completed its attack, and the black hole launcher has begun to eject."


A black handheld beam cannon-like equipment flew out of Drestrega's ejection hatch, and was firmly grasped by the Fierce Bird XXX and placed on its chest.

Yazi: "The black hole launcher has been docked and started charging... Charging is complete, black hole cannon, fire!"

Yazi shouted softly, and a black beam of light shot out from the cannon on the chest of the Fierce Bird XXX, directly above the head of the Geta True Dragon.

Because the angle was wrong, even though he had been reminded of the high-energy reaction, No. 1 relied on his keen insight to realize that this shot could not hit his Geta True Dragon, so he did not choose to dodge.

So far, the strongest weapon that Tianren has shown is the gravity traction cannon. This level of weaponry has been calculated from the beginning and cannot affect the 6,000-meter Geta True Dragon.

So No. 1 did not have any intention of dodging at all, and still led the troops to charge.

The troops around Geta True Dragon also grabbed the huge body of Geta True Dragon to avoid being sucked away by the gravity distortion caused by the gravity traction cannon.

However, what everyone did not expect was that this time Tianren did not use the gravity traction cannon, but the real black hole cannon.

After the black beam flew over the top of Geta True Dragon, it did not continue to fly forward, but gathered at the top of Geta True Dragon and turned into a big black hole.

An unmatched strong suction began to sweep in.

The terrifying suction force not only sucked the bodies holding Geta True Dragon into the gravity change, but also the huge Geta True Dragon began to fly towards the black hole uncontrollably because of this terrifying suction.

This scene shocked everyone in the Free Federation.

Roru Gulan: "What the hell is this? The machine is out of control!"

Ishimaru Hiroya: "Oh no, this level of gravity, and this black hole, is this a black hole cannon?"

Kamiya Akira: "Everyone use mental commands, hold on to Geta Shinryu, don't be swept away by the black hole opened by this black hole cannon!"

Hamtaro: "It's actually a black hole cannon? Should I really say that it's worthy of being a celestial being? It's really amazing."

Hu Suo: "Teacher, hold on to me, I will use the V2 Gundam AB Type Light Wings to take you out of the gravity pull of this black hole cannon."

Kamiya Ryuko : "I caught it, Hao!"

Hao: "Getta True Dragon, full speed ahead, maximum output, rush out of the influence range of the black hole cannon with all your strength!"

Xi: "Understood, BGM field activated, mental command · acceleration! Getta True Dragon full speed ahead, maximum output!"

Kai: "Let you see how powerful the strongest Getta is, rush out, Getta True Dragon!!!"

Getta True Dragon has the greatest power, and it resists the gravity of the black hole cannon and is not sucked away again. It even starts to rush forward at a speed visible to the naked eye, getting farther and farther away from the black hole opened by the black hole cannon. .

However, Getta True Dragon can do such a powerful thing. It is because of the terrifying power brought by its huge body, as well as the BGM field and mental command acceleration.

But other ordinary mass-produced machines do not have this treatment.

I don't know how many bodies were sucked into the black hole, began to be compressed, and then were swallowed by the black hole and disappeared.

Even the Getta robots and Demon robots among the mass-produced super robots that gathered around Getta True Dragon before were not spared.

The same goes for warships. No matter whether they are warships, cruisers or destroyers, as long as they are within the range of influence, none of them can escape the influence of the black hole cannon.

The black hole cannon of the fierce bird XXX only lasts for a short 10 seconds, which is not long in fact, and it is completely incomparable with the black hole cannon of Guranson.

But even this black hole cannon, which is much weaker than Guranson's black hole cannon, is not something that ordinary soldiers of the Free Federation Army can resist.

It doesn't take 10 seconds, just 1 or 2 seconds, and ordinary MS will be swallowed up. The mass-produced super-series bodies are better, and they can probably support 3 or 4 seconds before being swallowed up.

Larger warships can support for about 5 or 6 seconds, and they will also be sucked in, compressed into a small iron block, and then disappear in the black hole.

Only Geta True Dragon and the Anti-Heaven Special Operations Team, which relied on Geta True Dragon as a shield, reacted the fastest. They activated the BGM field and mental instructions at the first time, and resisted the suction of the black hole. Finally, in the waiting that seemed like a year, the black hole shot by the black hole cannon gradually shrank, the suction began to decrease, and finally disappeared.

After 10 seconds, the black hole disappeared completely. At the same time, the actions of the Free Federation Army also disappeared.

In just 10 seconds, a black hole cannon made all the bodies and warships within a dozen kilometers around Geta True Dragon, except for the Anti-Heaven Special Operations Team, disappear without a trace.

The black hole shot by the black hole cannon is not big, only about 20 meters, but the impact range can affect the surrounding dozen kilometers, nearly one-third of the battlefield.

And because the Free Federation Army concentrated in the middle area and charged, the formation was quite dense.

Therefore, this black hole cannon directly destroyed more than half of the combat effectiveness of the Free Federation Army.

The 50% damage rate directly frightened the ordinary Free Federation Army and they dared not continue to charge forward.

They all began to retreat to both sides.

Even against Celestial Being's four Gundams, the Free Federation Army did not dare to charge at Drestrega again.

The lethality and deterrence of the black hole cannon against ordinary pilots and soldiers were too terrifying, and it was not comparable to nuclear bombs at all.

This situation made Bask Ohm, the commander-in-chief of the battlefield, dumbfounded, and also silenced the commander and deputy commander of the Celestial Being Special Operations Team, Akira Kamiya and Hiroya Ishimaru, who had previously complained about him.

The terrifying fact that Celestial Being mastered the black hole cannon and could use it easily dealt a heavy blow to the morale of the Free Federation Army.

Not only did the ordinary soldiers have no morale, but they also had little fighting spirit against the Celestial Being Special Operations Team.

There was no way, it was not that they wanted to be deserters, but that the enemy had the black hole cannon, a terrifying weapon that far exceeded nuclear bombs.

How to fight without countermeasures?

Ordinary warships and aircraft, no matter how many there were, would only be defeated by the black hole cannon.

For the people of the Tianren Special Operations Team, no one is an idiot who can't figure this out.

However, some people are not idiots, but because of certain things, they have to abandon their reason and become idiots.

And such people happen to exist in the space force of the Free Federation.

And it's not someone else, but the commander-in-chief of the Free Federation Army's space force this time, Colonel Basque Ohm.

"Impossible, this is absolutely impossible... Tianren, how could there be a black hole cannon, this is absolutely impossible!!!"

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