Immortal Soul of Steel

Chapter 403 (4th update) Return to the Imperial Capital

"Ah~! I really want to see R-1 soon, R-1, when will you come!"

Ni Xingxing held her head and shouted while standing under Grungast Zero.

Seeing Ni Xingxing like this, everyone in the hangar couldn't help but smile.

Gu Lincai even smiled and said: "It seems that Ni Xingxing is an avid robot fan."

Ladis shook his head and said: "It doesn't matter if he is fascinated by robots. I just hope that he can have some skills in driving skills."

Not far away, Lamia looked at R-2 beside Ladis and Gu Lincai, frowning slightly.

‘R-2? The second unit in the R series, it is a long-range fire suppression unit that emphasizes firepower and range. ’

‘R-2 and R-3 are now here. From what Ni Xingxing said, it seems that R-1 will be brought here as well. ’

‘The three machines of the R series were all brought together, which is something that is completely absent from the records. ’

'And what exactly is the SRX plan? Why have I never heard of it? It’s not in the database at all. ’

‘At this period, isn’t the only plan Lin Youde is responsible for, the ATX plan? What exactly is the SRX plan...'

While Lamia was deep in thought, Veretta, who was holding a tablet and pretending to slide the screen on the other side, also raised her head slightly and looked at R-2.

‘Mission objective 2 confirmed, this is the special body R-2 equipped with a Tolonim engine. ’

‘One of the core technologies that should be part of the “Zan Baruma Empire” will actually appear on Earth. ’

‘Although it is a “black box body”, its origin is completely unknown. But as a special engine that is rarely installed in the "Zan Baruma Empire", this thing must be recycled. ’

'However, this is not my task, I am only responsible for surveillance. and……'

Veretta turned to look at R-3 beside her.

'It is also a black box body, but the R-3 is not equipped with a "Tronim engine" but the same ordinary energy source as the R-1. ’

‘Why are the three machines of the same series completely different? ’

'And the combination those people mentioned just now is...'

‘It seems that these machines have deep secrets that need to be explored. ’

Thinking of this, Veretta and Lamia almost simultaneously turned to look at Lin Youde who walked in at the hangar door.

Lamia: 'Red Wolf, what on earth are you planning? ’

Veretta: ‘Lin Youde, what secret is hidden in the SRX plan? ’

As Lamia and Weiletta watched, Lin Youde walked in with Lei Mengmeng. Looking at the people talking and busy, he nodded slightly with satisfaction.

"It looks like everyone is almost here."

“After that, we pack it up and we’re almost ready to set sail.”

Lei Mengmeng also nodded and responded: "Yes, the staffing of the White Trojan is almost complete. The material transportation has also been completed. It will be ready to go in a few days."

Lin Youde turned to look at Lei Mengmeng and asked, "When will my father-in-law take action?"

Lei Mengmeng replied: "It should be just these few days, right? We will take a flight to the Imperial Capital in the afternoon. When we come back, it will be time to go shopping overseas."

"These dads have already made arrangements, we just need to go through the motions."

"What's really important to us is the issue of going out to sea later."

Lin Youde said while nodding.

"More than that, although this time I plan to take Lux, Liuli, and Latoni away together. To prevent the Liu family and the Ma family from plotting."

"But we can't guarantee that the institute won't be attacked after we leave, so the guards also need to be dealt with."

"Mengmeng, do you have any candidates for this?"

Lei Mengmeng smiled and said: "You don't need to worry about this, I have already made arrangements."

"Dad has dispatched a team with good combat effectiveness from the border area and will protect the institute after we leave."

Lin Youde was curious: "Who are they?"

Lei Mengmeng replied: "A group of very ordinary but very capable soldiers..."

During the chat, Lin Youde and Lei Mengmeng turned and left. The two of them just came over to take a look and did not affect the busy crowd in the hangar.

Just like that, in the busyness of everyone.

Just in case, Lin Youde and Lei Mengmeng took Gu Tie and White Knight with them and took a special transport plane to the imperial capital.

After a tedious, helpless and long wait, Lin Youde and Lei Mengmeng finally met Lei Senchuan on the third day and headed to the inner city of the imperial capital.

After many checks, under the leadership of Lei Senchuan and a group of soldiers, Lin Youde and Lei Mengmeng were arranged to wait in a living room.

After waiting for several hours, under the guidance of professionals, the two finally met the unified head of state, Zhao Zheng, in a hall.

It's just that this time Lin Youde didn't have much time to pay attention to Zhao Zheng. His attention was attracted by other people in the hall.

Although everyone in the audience was looking at Lin Youde with curiosity, exploration, appreciation, or hostility.

But there were several looks, hostility, malice, and even anger that Lin Youde could feel without using the new human's mental telepathy.

At Zhao Zheng's signal, Lin Youde and Lei Mengmeng walked to stand behind Lei Senchuan. Lei Senchuan said in a shocked voice.

"Therefore, it is urgent to restore the Four Elephants Formation."

"Since you Liu family and Ma family can't revive the Dragon King and Tiger King immediately, why not let Lin Youde try?"

"As the strongest new human being, he can communicate with those beings in the black box."

"Relying on this characteristic, maybe he can directly awaken the Dragon King and Tiger King?"

Opposite Lei Senchuan, the head of the Liu family, Liu Chongmei, was furious.

"As I said, our Liu family will handle the Dragon King's matters ourselves, so you won't have to worry about it."

The head of the Ma family, Ma Fubao, was also full of anger. After squinting at Lin Youde, he returned.

"Yes, the Tiger King is recovering from his injuries now. A quiet rest is what is needed most. Waking it up casually will make the Tiger King dissatisfied."

"We, the Ma family, will handle Tiger King's matters ourselves. Lei Senchuan, please mind your own business and don't meddle in it."

A man in military uniform next to Lei Senchuan said nonchalantly.

"But the Dragon King and Tiger King have been recovering from their injuries for almost half a year now, right?"

"They haven't woken up yet. Are the Dragon King and Tiger King really okay?"

"Liu Chongmei, Ma Fu Bao, you two must have concealed the severity of the Dragon King and Tiger King's injuries, right?"

"I think it would be better to let Lin Youde, the strongest new human being, diagnose the Dragon King and Tiger King for you."

"And even if a person is injured, they can consult multiple doctors."

"Letting the strongest new humans take a look won't have any impact on you, right?"

Lei Senchuan and a group of people in military uniforms echoed and agreed.

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