Immortal Soul of Steel

Chapter 404 (5th update) Alert the enemy

Liu Chongmei and Ma Fubao said with a solemn face, slapping the table.

Liu Chongmei: "If it doesn't work, it won't work. The Dragon King cannot be handed over to such an ignorant young man. What should I do if I anger the Dragon King?"

Ma Fu reported: "Yes, each of our families is responsible for the Four Sacred Beasts, and the rules have been set long ago. Is it possible that you want to break the rules?"

The two people beside Liu Chongmei and Ma Fubao nodded in agreement.

But Lei Senchuan refused to give up.

"Don't give us any rules. Do you know how many soldiers of our border army died because the Dragon King and Tiger King were severely damaged and the Four Elephant Formation failed to operate?"

"Because of your two families' chaos, how many people have sacrificed their lives to make up for the failure of the Four Elephants Formation to operate perfectly."

"When you sent out the Dragon King and Tiger King at will, did you follow the rules?"

Lei Senchuan blushed and squinted angrily.

Other uniformed soldiers also echoed.

"That's right. How many of my soldiers have died? Have you given us an explanation?"

"Aren't you the ones who want to break the rules?"

"When will you give us an explanation?"

In an instant, the entire hall became noisy.

Faced with the angry outbursts of a group of soldiers, Liu Chongmei and Ma Fubao ignored them at all.

Liu Chongmei looked at Zhao Zheng: "Your Majesty the Head of State, the Dragon King will be taken care of by our Liu family. This is the original agreement made with the Four Sacred Beasts."

Ma Fubao also looked at Zhao Zheng: "Yes, we don't need others to intervene, we can solve it ourselves."

Zhao Zheng looked at Liu Chongmei, Ma Fubao, and the other two family heads.

"Is this what you mean?"

The four people nodded: "Not bad."

Lei Senchuan and others were full of anger: "You guys..."

Zhao Zheng waved his hand and said after stopping Lei Senchuan and other soldiers.

"The Four Sacred Beasts are to be taken care of by the four of you. This is the rule set at the beginning. This is a fact recognized by everyone."

"It's okay for you to refuse help from others."

Liu Chongmei and Ma Fubao had just smiled a little when they heard Zhao Zheng following closely.

"But rules are dead and people are alive."

"The Four Elephants Formation is related to the fundamentals of integration. It cannot continue to be paralyzed like this just because of the original rules."

With a sharp gaze, Zhao Zheng said calmly and confidently.

"Now that the Four Elephants Formation is unable to operate, it is the fault of both of you. Do you have anything to say about this?"

Liu Chongmei and Ma Fubao looked a little ugly, but under the gaze of everyone, they did not dare to argue.

Such a reaction made Lei Senchuan and others sneer.

Seeing that Liu Chongmei and Ma Fubao had nothing to say, Zhao Zheng said calmly.

"Since you have nothing to say, let's continue to follow the rules."

"The Dragon King and Tiger King were injured because of your improper care."

"You have to solve the problems you caused yourself."

"Within a year, if you find a way to deal with the Dragon King and Tiger King, then everything will continue as usual."

"If it can't be done within a year, then there is no need to continue to abide by the original rules."

"Unification requires the Four Sacred Beasts to maintain the Four Elephant Formation. If you can't do it, then someone else will do it."

"The Four Elephants Formation is about the fundamentals of integration, and the Four Elephants Formation is the top priority in everything."

"What does this mean to you?"

Liu Chongmei and Ma Fubao looked very ugly, but under the gaze of everyone, they did not dare to refute.

Because this involves the integration of righteousness and fundamentals, even the other two families responsible for King Queji and King Wu did not dare to intercede for the Liu family and the Ma family.

Seeing the silence of the Liu family and the Ma family, Lei Senchuan suddenly said with a serious face.

"Your Majesty the Head of State, it is urgent to repair the Four Elephants Formation. It has been almost half a year since the Dragon King and Tiger King were injured. At this time, isn't it..."

Liu Chongmei was angry: "Lei, don't go too far."

Lei Senchuan pushed back on the spot: "Fuck, who is going too far? Who do you think is wiping your butts for the trouble you brought up?"

"Liu, are you still shameless?"

Liu Chongmei blushed and was speechless. Ma Fubao, on the other hand, was very thick-skinned and replied calmly.

"If you include the previous time, half a year is too short anyway."

A middle-aged man in military uniform next to Lei Senchuan mocked: "That's your problem. You have all served the Four Holy Beasts for so many years. Isn't there a way to quickly restore the Four Holy Beasts?"

"If you say this, you will believe me or not."

Another person echoed: "Yes, it would be good for everyone to repair the Four Elephants Formation as soon as possible."

"The Four Elephant Formation is now unstable. If the Silla Alliance and the Free Federation attack us, no one can escape."

"We don't ask for anything else, as long as you find a way to repair the Four Elephants Formation. It's that simple."

When it comes to everyone's safety issues, Liu Chongmei and Ma Fu reported that the people there were silent.

The people on Lei Senchuan's side kept pushing further.

"The people are still unaware of the current obstruction to the operation of the Four Elephants Array."

"The Silla Alliance and the Free Federation also did not dare to act rashly because they did not know the specific situation."

"But this kind of thing cannot be delayed for too long. Once this matter is exposed, the Silla Alliance and the Free Federation will not give up this excellent opportunity."

"Just because the people within the integration will be confused and lead to various problems, we cannot ignore it."


Faced with the responsibilities of Lei Senchuan's group, Liu Chongmei and Ma Fubao's faces were as dark as ink, and their expressions were very ugly.

They argued like this for a while before Zhao Zheng stopped them.

"Okay, okay, it's useless for you to press now. Only the Liu family and the Ma family know the specific situation."

"Let's do this. You two can give me an accurate message as to when the Dragon King and Tiger King can be revived?"

"If you give me a confirmation, other preparations can be easily arranged."

Liu Chongmei gritted his teeth: "One year. Within one year, the Dragon King and Tiger King will definitely recover."

Zhao Zheng looked at Ma Fubao, who also nodded solemnly and said, "Same."

Zhao Zhengzheng smiled: "Okay, let's do it. Today next year, if you Liu family and Ma family cannot revive the Dragon King and Tiger King, then leave it to others to take responsibility."

After everyone present nodded, Zhao Zheng waved to Lin Youde and Lei Mengmeng.

The two then left, and other matters began to be discussed in the hall again.

Lin Youde and Lei Mengmeng came out, pulled their clothes and complained.

"So, in fact, we don't need to come at all."

Lei Mengmeng smiled and said: "I can't help it. This is a matter of rules. It's necessary to go through the motions."

"The same is true for everyone else. Through this opportunity, we can become familiar with the top bosses of the integration, so that we can communicate and work easily in the future."

"This is a new type of rule. Since we are integrating, we must accept it."

Lin Youde asked curiously: "Do the Silla Alliance and the Free Federation have similar rules?"

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