Immortal Soul of Steel

Chapter 409 (10th update) Divergence points in history

The dimensional cracks continued to grow, and Gu Lincai's scalp went numb in shock.

She had no idea what was going on, and was completely shocked.

However, just because she doesn't know it doesn't mean that others don't know it.

Li Te, who was piloting the Sky Knight Gundam No. 2 and took off in an emergency, took a beam rifle and continuously fired at the "Blast Mosquitoes". At the same time, he opened the friendly channel and asked Furin Aya.

"Cai, are you okay?"

During Li Te's questioning, Gu Lincai finally came back to his senses.

"Mr. Li Te? Yes, I'm fine. But the dimensional crack..."

Li Te raised his head and glanced at the sky. There was a dimensional crack with a diameter of at least 1,000 meters, and his expression was extremely solemn.

"The research institute already knows about the dimensional rift."

"We are very experienced in this kind of thing, so don't worry."

"Now you and R-1 and R-2 will protect the research institute first. Others will let the research institute be destroyed by dimensional beasts. Miss Lux and I will make arrangements for the rest."

With Li Te's words, Gu Lincai felt relieved a lot.

"I understand, then I'll spare your trouble."

The R-3 enhanced type began to lower its altitude and merged with the R-1 and R-2 enhanced types.

At this time, in the hangar, Grungast Zero and Bow Angel slowly walked out and looked at the sky.

Zeng Jia's face was full of solemnity: "A dimensional crack of this size is actually so big and appears here. It seems that things are a bit tricky."

Lamia looked at the sky and remained silent, just sorting out the information in her mind.

‘The incident of “The abnormal arrival of dimensional beasts” actually happened here? ’

'According to the data records, the "abnormal arrival of dimensional beasts" seems to be a special situation that only occurs after a specific machine is activated. ’

‘In this special situation, the frequency of “abnormal arrivals of dimensional beasts” occurring within the unified territory is much higher than that of the Silla Alliance and the Free Federation. ’

'But at this point in time, it shouldn't have happened. ’

‘According to historical records, between 2233 and 2234, there were a total of three incidents of “abnormal arrival of dimensional beasts” in the unified territory. "

‘It was first induced when the Saotome Research Institute’s original Geta test was launched. ’

‘In this incident, due to the incomplete equipment used in the Yuanzu Geta Tower, there were many enemies. Outnumbered, he was eventually defeated by a special dimensional beast individual. All the pilots were killed, the Saotome Research Institute was destroyed, and the unified "Geta Reconstruction" plan was aborted. ’

'When Lin Youde's "Specialized Gundam" was activated for the second time, an "abnormal arrival of a dimensional beast" was induced. ’

'However, in this incident, because Lin Youde showed extraordinary combat effectiveness while driving the Gundam, he successfully defeated all the dimensional beasts and special individuals with the cooperation of the garrison. ’

‘It was also because of this incident that Lin Youde was exceptionally selected as a participant in the Olympic exhibition competition. ’

'The third time was the "abnormal arrival of the dimensional beast" induced by me, Wang Kaiya, from GGG Research Institute, when he started the test. ’

‘In this incident, I, Wang Kaiya, was outnumbered and was finally defeated by a special individual. The driver died fighting to protect children from a nearby elementary school who had not been evacuated. GGG Research Institute was destroyed. The plan to integrate the "self-developed super robot" was completely aborted. ’

Lamia looked at the sky, filled with doubts.

'According to historical records, from 2233 to 2234, there were only three "abnormal arrivals of dimensional beasts" in the unified territory. ’

‘Why is this special dimensional rift appearing now? ’

‘Is it because this world has only appeared twice since 2233, not three times, so do we have to make up for it three times? ’

In doubt, Lamia thought.

'According to the records here, the first "abnormal arrival of dimensional beasts" incident in 2233 was not caused by the original ancestor Geta alone. ’

'Rather, Gundam, Prime Getta, and even the future world should be induced together with Mazinger Z, which will not be activated until the end of 2234. ’

‘In this incident, the Gundam, Mazinger Z, and Getta fought together to defeat all the dimensional beasts and special individuals, and all pilots survived. This has caused a shift in the direction of history. ’

‘However, according to the records of the future world. When Demon God Z was activated, it did not induce "the abnormal arrival of dimensional beasts". ’

‘There is no such thing in the future world, but there is one here in the past world. why is that? ’

‘They are both Mazinger Zs, what’s the difference between the two Mazinger Zs? ’

After thinking for a moment, Lamia continued to organize.

‘The second “abnormal arrival of dimensional beasts” in this world is the third in the future world. ’

‘But unlike the future world, it was not caused by me, Wang Kaiya, activating it alone. It's the chain reaction of the new Gundam, the new Mazinger Z, the new Getta G, and our King Zhanya, all of which are launched one after another. ’

‘In this incident, thanks to the help of Gundam, Mazinger Z, and Geta G, our King Zhanya was not destroyed and the pilot survived. ’

‘Because the original 3 incidents became 2, so now it will become 3? Is it the influence of historical correction forces that scientists in the future world have speculated may exist? ’

‘Or is it simply caused by these machines that should not exist in the first place? ’

Lamia looked at R-1, R-2 enhanced type, and R-3 enhanced type, his eyes gradually deepened.

'Anyway, according to research, those who can trigger the "abnormal arrival of dimensional beasts" are organisms with some kind of "special potential" that cannot be understood. ’

‘Just like my Bow Angel was activated for the first time, now the “dimension beast abnormally arrived” here. It was definitely caused by R-3, a machine that should not exist. ’

‘Because the body that can induce the “abnormal arrival of dimensional beasts” can only be activated when it is first activated. On subsequent starts, there will be no response. ’

‘R-1 has been activated countless times in the Free Federation, and R-2 has also been activated countless times in the Silla Alliance. Grungast Zero and my Archangel were activated before. There is no possibility of triggering "an abnormal arrival of dimensional beasts". ’


Lamia's eyes were fixed on the R-3 enhanced version.

‘Sure enough, does the problem lie with this machine that does not exist in history? ’

‘Whether it’s a historical corrective force or a simple coincidence. You need to pay special attention to this machine. ’

With these thoughts in mind, Archangel began to take off.

At the same time, Lux's communication was transmitted to the cockpit of everyone present.

Lacus: "This is Lacus. The director and deputy director are not here at the moment. I am fully responsible for the situation of the institute."

"The SRX team will stick to the research institute and ensure the safety of the facility."

"Archer Angel and Sky Knight Gundam Unit 2, head to the city at full speed to prevent the dimensional beast from coming to the city and causing damage to the city."

"Grungast Zero went to "Sunrise University of Technology" and worked with the "Sunrise University of Technology"'s on-campus security team to protect the school. "

Under Lux's order, everyone responded: "Understood!"

My brain is trembling, this recommendation is so ineffective, I cry to death...

For the sake of today's 10th update, readers, please vote for me. I am begging for help...

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