Immortal Soul of Steel

Chapter 410 Support? Glory Star Team!

At Lux's order, everyone started taking action.

The SRX team attacks the dimensional beasts that keep falling from the sky in the research institute.

Li Te's Sky Knight Gundam Unit 2 flew to the city center together with Lamia's Archangel.

Zenga's Grungast Zero flew to Sunrise University of Technology, which was not too far away.

Fortunately for the SRX team, they were originally in the Defense Research Institute, so there was no change in their attack mode.

On the other hand, Sky Knight Gundam Unit 2 and Archangel flew very fast.

Since it was to support the urban area, the speed of Sky Knight Gundam Unit 2 was increased to the maximum.

Sky Knight Gundam Unit 2 brought out a faint green light directly over City B.

"Target, Blast Mosquito, quantity 15? Then, T-LINK Boomerang, go!"

Two T-LINK boomerangs flew out from behind the Sky Knight Gundam No. 2 fuselage, roared towards the blasting mosquitoes in the air, chopped two of them into pieces on the spot, and detonated them.

The explosion in the sky caused pedestrians on the ground to scream.

I don't have time to pay attention to these right now.

"You can't let these guys get on the ground."

The beam rifle and two shoulder cannons in his hands were under the control of Li Te, and they fired continuously at the mosquitoes.

However, because the mosquitoes moved too fast and their flight trajectory was not fixed, Li Te's attack was very difficult.

It took several rounds to shoot down 2 of them.

This result made Li Te extremely anxious.

"Damn it, why do I always miss? If this continues..."

Since the friendly channel was on, Lamia heard it and replied: "It's okay, leave it to me."

Archangel flew out from the side of Sky Knight Gundam 2's fuselage, its white wings suddenly vibrated, and Arch Angel burst out at a speed faster than Sky Knight Gundam 2's full sprint, streaking across the sky with a red trail.

"Shadow Arrow~!"

Countless green beams of light flew out from Bow Angel's left arm and flew toward the mosquitoes, instantly detonating several mosquitoes.

While doing this, Archangel's speed did not slow down, he drew out his beam sword, sprinted at full speed, rushed in front of each blast mosquito, and chopped them down.

The continuous explosions, and the white wings that were particularly conspicuous when paired with the pink skirt, made the citizens on the ground call them angels.

Seeing this scene, Li Te felt slightly reassured, but also couldn't help but be speechless.

"Sure enough, Archangel is a super-type machine, right?"

"This speed is really unreasonable."

"And Lamia, you are so powerful, you can actually use the Archangel to such great performance."

Archangel was harvesting mosquitoes in the sky, and Lamia returned calmly.

"It's a very common thing. This level is incomparable to the director's abilities."

Seeing those mosquitoes in the sky being quickly killed by Lamia, only 2 or 3 of them were left, Li Te felt much more relaxed.

"Lamia, don't compare yourself with my uncle if you have nothing to do. My uncle is not a normal person and cannot be compared."

Lamia remained silent about this, only after the remaining Blast Mosquitoes were defeated. Controlling the body to float in the sky, looking at the huge dimensional crack above the sky.

"All enemies in the current airspace have been defeated. Do we need to retreat next?"

Sky Knight Gundam Unit 2 also stayed in the sky. Li Te looked at the huge dimensional crack in the sky and shook his head.

"No, based on experience, dimensional beasts are not so easy to calm down. There should be more in the future, so we will be on guard here for the time being."

As soon as Li Te finished speaking, a message came from Lux.

"Sky Knight Gundam and Bow Angel are waiting in the sky over the city. They will return them after the nearby garrison arrives."

Li Te and Lamia: "I understand."*2

The battle in the city ended quickly. It's similar elsewhere.

It is different from the previous ordinary cities.

As the provincial capital, City B is already heavily guarded.

Almost less than 2 minutes after the dimensional crack appeared, the nearby garrison was already dispatched and began to attack the dimensional beast.

At the Risheng University of Science and Technology on the edge of the city, there was originally a guard team stationed on campus.

As soon as Zenga's Gurunghast Zero arrived, the on-campus escort team had already finished its attack, and more than a dozen Jishu Soldier II Kais had already started fighting.

This makes Zengjia quite relaxed. He only needs to control the body to fight, without the need to defend.

But some people are relaxed, and some are not.

Compared with the other two places, the three members of the SRX team in Lin's Research Institute had a very hard time.

Since there are no defense systems such as automatic artillery in the research institute, all the dimensional beasts need to be destroyed by the three members of the SRX team.

"Damn it, there are too many enemies, right?"

R-1 held a shield and shot at the enemies in the sky.

The dimensional beasts on the ground have been cleaned up, but the ones flying in the sky are very helpless.

"Don't complain and concentrate. Li Te and Lamia have already taken care of it. We can't hold back."

The R-2 enhanced beam cannon fired continuously into the sky. The thick beam cannon fires quickly, and 2 or 3 shots can knock down a wingless bird, a mosquito.

"But... wow~!"

A beam of light hit R-1's shield, causing Ni Xingxing to scream in surprise.

After confirming that the shield was intact, Ni Xingxing continued.

"But, isn't this a bit too much? Why do some fly over in other places and then disappear. Only our side is still popping up?"

While protecting the laboratory with a shield, R-1 fired.

"And Cai, are you okay?"

When asked by Ni Xingxing, Gu Lincai replied breathlessly in the R-3 enhanced cockpit.

"It's... not bad, but the power of telekinesis is a bit consumed."

Looking up at the dimensional beasts that were constantly being used from the dimensional cracks, Gu Lincai was filled with exhaustion.

In order to ensure that the research institute is not destroyed, as the only aircraft that can fly, the R-3 enhanced version has just exploded with astonishing combat effectiveness.

Under the explosion of Gu Lincai's telekinesis, more than a dozen dimensional beasts were destroyed in an instant.

But as the dimensional beasts continued to pour out, Gu Lincai's telekinesis power continued to be consumed, and his fatigue gradually increased. The movements of the R-3 enhanced type are also getting slower and slower.

On the ground, Ni Xingxing and Ladis were hesitating whether to let Gu Lincai retreat temporarily to take a rest. Several blue beams flew out from behind the R-1 and R-2 enhanced types, destroying the mosquitoes that were close to the R-3 enhanced type.


This sudden support made Ni Xingxing turn around in surprise.

Gu Lincai and Ladis also turned around in surprise.

Then, they saw three blue machines that they had never seen before, flying in the shape of a Chinese character from a distance.

At the same time, a calm male voice came to mind in the public channel.

"This is the Glory Star team that will be assigned to Lin's Research Institute. I am the captain, Densel Harman, and I will provide support now."

A vigorous male voice followed closely: "Fellow, Toby Watson, begin to provide assistance."

Finally, a soft female voice sounded: "Fellow, Setsuko Obara, start the rescue."

In the research institute, Lux breathed a sigh of relief when she saw the three machines displayed on the screen.

"Are you finally here? The institute's escort team has finally caught up."

Thanks to "The Fall of the Red Moon", "The World of the Fallen Meteor", "I said you are a dragon, you are a dragon" and "freetime" for the reward of 1,500 starting coins.

Thanks to "Wuhen Yaoji Feng" for the reward of 500 starting coins.

Thanks to "Fenrir's Fang" for the reward of 204 starting coins.

Thanks to "Floating Cloud Book Monster", "Lingchen Yu" and "Book Friends 100509120842785" for the reward of 100 starting coins.

The author will continue to work hard to write words~!

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