Immortal Soul of Steel

Chapter 411 Surprised Lin Youde

Seeing the three blue machines speeding towards each other on the screen, Lux, who was a little worried at first, was obviously relieved.

"Finally caught up."

After adjusting her mood, Lux pressed another communication button.

"Ratoni, Veretta, please provide support shooting after you attack."

In the hangar, in the cockpits of two mass-produced Raptors, Latoni, who had put on his driving uniform, responded obediently.

"Okay, Sister Lux. Latoni, Raptor 1, attack!"

Veretta reacted calmly: "I understand, but let me say it first. I am not a professional fighter, so I can't guarantee what I can achieve. So, it's best not to have any expectations for me."

Lux smiled slightly: "Yes, I understand. Anyway, I'm sorry to bother you."

Veretta nodded: "Well, Veretta, Raptor 2, attack!"

The two Raptors walked out of the hangar, holding large beam rifles, and started shooting at the sky.

Looking at the two Raptors coming out of the hangar, the three members of the SRX team were stunned.

"Raptor?" Ni Xingxing was the first to speak.

"Are there any other pilots in the institute?" Ladis followed closely.

"Miss Lux, who is the pilot of the Raptor?" Gu Lincai, as the captain, directly opened the communication and asked Lux ​​the questioner.

Lux returned with a smile: "The pilots of the Raptor are the non-combatants Latoni and Veretta."

"Since they are non-combatants, please take care of them."

"The institute's defense capabilities are limited, so one more is worth sending out."

Ni Xingxing screamed: "Huh? Latoni? That little girl next to Youde?"

Wow, the visual communication was turned on, Lux put her hands on her hips with some dissatisfaction, looking at Ni Xingxing.

"What, do you have any objections to Latoni?"

Ni Xingxing frowned and returned: "Lux, no matter what, letting Latoni go on the battlefield is too messy. Please tell Latoni which machine it is."

Lux was a little surprised: "Huh? What do you want to do?"

Ni Xingxing replied instantly: "Of course I am protecting her. If something happens to her, how will I explain to Youde?"

These words made Lux smile a little. Glancing at Latoni who was silent in the other window, Lux replied with a subtle smile.

"I would like to thank you for your thoughtfulness. But..."

Ni Xingxing didn't look at Lux's expression. She stared at the screen and kept pulling the trigger.

"But what?"

Lux didn't answer, it was Latoni who answered him.

"Don't underestimate me, I'm also a qualified driver!"

Raptor 1's thrusters exploded, causing the machine to fly into the air. The raptor deformed on the spot, turned into an airplane form, and flew into the sky.

At the same time, in the cockpit of Raptor 1, Latoni also looked a little unhappy.

"I will protect the safety of Sister Lux and Liuli."

Seeing the raptor soaring into the sky, Ni Xingxing knew that one was Latoni's machine without even looking.

The R-1 thrusters exploded, the aircraft took off, transformed into an R-WING (R-1 flying wing form) on the spot, and chased away.

"Hey, Latoni, don't mess around."

Two planes shot up into the sky, and Ladis had a headache expression on his face.

"It's really more chaotic than the other, Miss Lux, is this really okay?"

Lux looked at each screen and replied: "No problem. Although Latoni is young, his driving skills are still very good."

"In an emergency, I have already received permission from Youde for Latoni to fly the Raptor."

Ladis was shocked: "Is it allowed by Youde?"

Lux looked at various screens and responded: "Yes, the permission to arrange for Latoni and Veretta to fly the Raptor was prepared by Youde beforehand..."

After hearing this answer, Ladis was relieved and returned.

"Since it is a moral arrangement, then I understand."

Turning to look at the other Raptor that was not taking off on the ground, Ladis said.

"Miss Veretta, please don't force yourself."

Veretta replied calmly: "Understood."

With that said, Veretta closed the communication and frowned.

"I thought that the woman Lux arranged for me to fly the Raptor. Unexpectedly, it turned out to be Lin Youde's intention?"

"Did that man notice something?"

Veretta was thinking while controlling the raptor to fire.

"Did Shi Dongguangzi's woman become suspicious after she talked too much before?"

Veretta was thinking about this, and Gu Lincai also received Lux's command and controlled R-3 to temporarily land on the ground and take a rest.

Looking at the three machines that had entered the research institute, Gu Lincai asked Lux ​​in confusion.

"Lux, what are these machines?"

Before Lux could reply, a communication window popped up in Gu Lincai's cockpit. What appeared inside was a young man with blond hair.

"Let me explain this kind of thing... Wow, I didn't expect that besides Miss Commander, there are such beautiful ladies in the institute..."

Before the blond young man could finish his words, he was scolded by a calm male voice.

"Toby, this is a battle, please be serious."

After scolding the blond young man Toby, the bald man replied.

"I am the captain of the Star of Glory, Densel Harman, the captain of the Star of Glory team."

"Please forgive the rude behavior of my team members."

Gu Lincai quickly replied: "It's okay, it's okay. I am Gu Lincai, the captain of the SRX team. Mr. Denser, what are the machines you are flying? It seems that these machines were not installed before the integration, right?"

Denser replied: "Yes, what our Glory Star team is driving is not a mass-produced machine that conforms to the conventional standard. It is another mass-produced test machine produced by Kunlun Research Institute."

"Codename: Virgola, which means Virgo."

Just when Denser and Gu Lincai were communicating.

On the other side, on the transport plane that integrates a certain area.

Lin Youde touched his chin and looked at the screen.

Lei Mengmeng sat next to Lin Youde and asked Lin Youde with a worried face: "Youde, how about I just drive the White Knight back?"

Lin Youde shook his head and said: "Even if you use the BGM field to speed up and rush back, when the special dimensional beast comes, are you sure you still have the strength to fight?"

He patted Lei Mengmeng's little hand and said comfortingly: "Don't worry, there are so many people in the institute, nothing will happen. And didn't Lux say that support has already arrived."

"With so many people together, nothing will happen."

"Besides, if it doesn't work out, I have a trump card..."

As he said that, Lin Youde looked at the information sent by Lux with some surprise and kept muttering in his heart.

‘The team stationed at the research institute that my father-in-law arranged for me is actually the real protagonist team of “Super Robot Wars Z”, the “Glory Stars”? ’

‘This is really... you can’t find anything even after wearing iron shoes, and it takes no effort to get there~! ’

Kavin is serious and his brain can't move. So sad……

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