Immortal Soul of Steel

Chapter 420 Wang Liumei’s request

Listening to Wang Liumei's words, Lin Youde was stunned.

Lin Youde, who was originally frightened because of Wang Liumei's speech full of resentment, like a resentful woman, heard the next two sentences. My whole mind was gone.

‘Is this Britannia the Holy Britannia Empire from the anime “Lelouch of the Rebellion” that I remember? ’

‘In other words, there are Lelouch and C.C in this world? ’

As a mecha player, Lin Youde is not surprised that there is something related to "Lelouch of the Rebellion" in this world.

After all, "Lelouch of the Rebellion" has participated in quite a few battles in the mecha series.

Among them, the protagonist Lelouch and Miss Huang (Lisa Kujo), a tactical forecaster belonging to the Celestial Beings in the Gundam 00 world, can be regarded as the two model workers in our own think tank.

To be called a model worker, it goes without saying that the number of appearances should be understandable, right?

So in this world that is obviously a machine combat type, Lin Youde is not surprised that there will be elements related to "Lelouch of the Rebellion".

But when he learned that Britannia was actually overseas, Lin Youde was still a little surprised.

You must know that in the original world of "Lelouch of the Rebellion", the Holy Britannia Empire was the country with one-third of the world's territory and the strongest combat power.

A country that is so powerful that it can be called a hegemon is actually not within the borders of the three major countries in this world, but is instead located overseas?

In the mecha war series, whenever the Brittanian Empire appears, most of it will merge with other countries in Europe and America.

Being alone overseas like this is really new to Lin Youde.

"Hey, Youde, are you listening?"

Wang Liumei's question made Lin Youde quickly come back to his senses and answer.

"I've been waiting for you to continue, so what exactly is Britannia? I don't know much about what's going on overseas."

"Oh, that's how it is."

Wang Liumei responded before continuing.

"Britannia, the full name is the Holy Britannian Empire, is a powerful country established overseas in addition to the three major countries."

"I don't know the specific situation. I was only found at the celebration banquet of the previous Olympic Games."

"The other party claims to be the third princess of the Holy Britannian Empire and wants to discuss business with me."

"You know, I am a businessman. If the other party wants to do business with me, how can I refuse?"

Lin Youde thought in his heart after listening to Wang Liumei's words.

‘It looks like it really is the Holy Britannia Empire in the world of Lelouch of the Rebellion. ’

‘And since it’s the third princess, it should be Lelouch’s powerful third sister, Cornelia, right? ’

Lin Youde asked after going through these things in his mind.

"So, what kind of business did you discuss with the other party? Is it concluded?"

Wang Liumei replied: "That's right, the other party seems to be very interested in our Gundam and wants to order a mass production machine from me."

"But because the mass-produced aircraft of Space Knight Gundam at that time did not have much advantage in terms of performance compared to the new mass-produced aircraft of the Free Federation and the Silla Alliance."

"So the other party ordered 1 new test machine and 10 M1 Heretics first."

"The new test machine is for her to use as her own special machine. The 10 M1 Heretics are said to be used as her own personal guard."

"Generally speaking, I want to check the performance first before considering whether to purchase in large quantities."

Now Lin Youde understood.

"In other words, you want me to help you transport the special new test machine and 10 M1 Heretics ordered by the third princess to Britannia."

"Let's make a deal first. Let the other party try out the machine's performance, and then we can talk about the subsequent mass-production machine deal, right?"

Wang Liumei responded: "Yes, that's it. By the way, I hope you can help adjust the OS of the three new Gundams. After all, the OS adjusted by others is not as useful as your adjustment."

Lin Youde was helpless: "You are really easy to use... huh? Wait a minute, didn't the new Gundam say 1? Why did it become 3?"

Wang Liumei smiled and said: "Who makes you like to boss me around so much? Are you unhappy if I boss you around a little? What a stingy man."

In Lin Youde's speechless expression, Wang Liumei continued.

"I built a total of 3 new Gundams this time. One of them is the exclusive machine ordered by the third princess."

"The other two, one is prepared for Li Te. Although the performance of Sky Knight Gundam is good, it is only a test machine for experimental technology, and many technologies are not yet perfect."

"And you will definitely be in a lot of trouble when you go overseas this time, right?"

"In this case, with the current performance of Sky Knight Gundam Unit 2, there may be some limitations."

"So I built one specially to replace the original Sky Knight Gundam for him."

"This new Gundam was made entirely according to Li Te's habits, and it can be regarded as his official exclusive machine."

Lin Youde replied in surprise: "You are so considerate? Then let me thank you first for Li Te."

Wang Liumei smiled and said: "That's right. At any rate, when you go out this time, you can be regarded as representing the appearance of the unity."

"And as a Gundam seller, if overseas customers see that the Gundam sold by us is in poor condition and performance, it will affect sales and image."

Lin Youde was a little ashamed: "So this is what you had in mind? I just asked you how could you be so kind."

Wang Liumei was so angry: "I built an extra one just for your sake, okay?"

Listening to the gazes of Lei Mengmeng and Lux ​​beside him, Lin Youde replied perfunctorily.

"Yes, yes, anyway, thank you."


Lin Youde asked amid Wang Liumei's dissatisfied hum.

"So, what are the remaining new Gundams prepared for? One is the third princess's special machine, and the other is Li Te's special machine. Is the last one my special machine?"

Wang Liumei snorted: "You want a special machine now? It's too late, I won't give it to you."

Listening to Wang Liumei's answer, which was almost like a coquettish quarrel between lovers, Lin Youde glanced at Lei Mengmeng and Lux ​​carefully.

After making sure that there was no special reaction from the two of them, he pretended not to hear it and asked.

"The last Gundam was not given to me, so what are you going to use it for?"

Under Lin Youde's questioning, Wang Liumei explained.

"The last one is, of course, also used as a display for sale."

"This time you are going overseas, not just to a country like Britannia."

"If you pass through other countries, see if there are rich people who are willing to buy that Gundam."

"As long as you can sell it at a good price and expand your sales and connections, you can sell it however you want."

Thanks to "Ji Ling⑨" for the reward of 500 starting coins.

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