Immortal Soul of Steel

Chapter 421 Blue Sky Knight Gundam

Hearing Wang Liumei's words, Lin Youde was not too surprised or disappointed.

Now I have Gutie to drive, before I can get the "title BGM field" in the game and bring it to reality. Lin Youde does not intend to change to other machines easily.

There's no way around it. There's a huge gap between machines with BGM and machines without BGM.

When you go out, you still know you will be attacked. It is safer to drive a solid old iron.

Moreover, even if he wants to pilot a new Gundam, Lin Youde plans to design one according to his own ideas. Instead of using those mass-produced test machines as your own special machine.

Although in reality, there is no title effect blessing. There will be some differences in combat effectiveness compared to the game.

But even a Gundam that wants to meet Lin Youde's driving needs in reality is not that simple to build.

This is also the reason why Lin Youde didn't rush to do the task of bringing out the "Title BGM". If you don’t have a good body, there’s really no rush.

So Lin Youde didn't really care that Wang Liumei didn't prepare a new Gundam for himself.

Rather, if Wang Liumei had not used the last new Gundam as a commodity, Lin Youde would have felt a little strange.

After all, this woman is really good at business...

"Okay, then you have people transport all the machines over. I will try my best to adjust the OS of the machines before departure."

"In addition, you'd better prepare the M1 Heretic's transport ship yourself."

"The capacity of the battleship Gnaku here is limited, so I guess it won't be able to accommodate your cargo."

Wang Liumei returned: "Don't worry, I will prepare a transport ship here to ensure that it will not affect your normal actions."

"After all, if the goods are damaged, all my money will be lost!"

"Youde, remember, my money is your money. As long as I earn more, the dividends I will give you will naturally be more."

"So, you must give me snacks and don't damage the goods."

Lin Youde nodded and responded: "Well, don't worry. I will take care of it and I promise not to let your business go bad."

"By the way, when you're transporting goods, why don't you come with yourself?"

Wang Liumei's voice suddenly became a little panicked: "What are you doing? Can't you just send someone to transport the goods? Why do you want me to go there too?"

Lin Youde was a little confused, but he still returned: "I was attacked by a dimensional beast today. The research institute was seriously damaged and needs to be reconstructed."

"I will go overseas later to prevent certain people from attacking the research institute. I will take Mengmeng and Lux ​​away with them."

"No one is taking care of me in the institute, I'm worried."

"So, can you come over and help me take care of the institute recently?"

Wang Liumei was obviously relieved: "Huh~! That's it. That's no problem. After I have people load the goods, I'll take the goods with me."

Hearing Wang Liumei's promise, Lin Youde smiled happily: "Well, I'm sorry to bother you, see you later."

Wang Liumei: "See you later."

Communication ends. Lin Youde pretended to be puzzled and turned to look at Lei Mengmeng and Lux.

"Why are you staring at me like that? Is there something on my face?"

Lei Mengmeng and Lux ​​shook their heads together.

"No, it's nothing."*2


After breathing a slightly relieved sigh, Lin Youde stood up.

"It's getting late, let's go rest."

In the next few days, the institute was very calm.

In addition to working with Robert, Lin Youde helped the Glory Star team customize a plan to transform the aircraft. Just preparing for the next trip, very busy.

In this way, the peaceful days were not broken until Wang Liumei's arrival.

Under the curious eyes of everyone in the institute, two huge "Ladybug"-class transport ships landed near the institute.

Wang Liumei led the team down and transported three Gundams of different colors to the research institute. He explained to Lin Youde who came to greet him.

"Youde, these three Gundams are upgraded versions of Sky Knight Gundam, codenamed Blue Sky Gundam."

"Unlike pseudo-3.5th-generation aircraft like the Sky Knight Gundam, this series is a true 3.5th-generation aircraft."

"The overall materials are manufactured according to the technical data of Freedom Gundam."

"However, in terms of performance, there is still some gap between it and the Freedom Gundam."

"Because not everyone can control the performance of the Freedom Gundam, the performance of these aircraft is considered a weakened version of the Freedom Gundam."

"At the same time, these airframes can also be regarded as test machines for our future mass-produced airframes. You have to protect them for me."

Lin Youde waved his hands: "Okay, okay, you don't need to explain this kind of thing again and again, I understand."

"Rather than talking about these, I'm more curious. Are the colors of these three Gundams different?"

"When the PS armor is not activated, isn't it all gray?"

Wang Liumei rolled her eyes and said, "Of course it's just to show off."

"It's a product after all, so it must look good."

"When the PS armor is not activated, how ugly does it look all gray? If customers see it, how can we do business in the future?"

"So, I asked the engineering team to give all three Gundams a coat of paint."

"Don't worry, this kind of paint will not affect the startup and operation of the PS armor. It is to take care of the appearance of the PS armor when it is not activated."

With that said, Wang Liumei walked under the three Gundams and introduced them.

"It just so happens that Li Te is here. Let me tell you the differences between these three Blue Sky Knight Gundams."

"This gray-blue Blue Sky Knight Gundam is Unit 1 and the prototype used for initial testing."

"Because I have a test pilot there who is a new human, so this machine is equipped with a telekinesis framework."

"But unlike high-level new humans like Youde, the new humans who are test pilots here are not of a high level."

"So that doesn't exactly inspire the telepathy framework."

"In order to distinguish it, after the mental induction frame of this machine is activated, the color is purple to distinguish it from the fully activated green."

With that said, Wang Liumei walked up to the second Blue Sky Knight Gundam.

"This Blue Sky Knight Gundam in classic blue, white and red colors is Unit 2, and it is also a special unit prepared for Li Te."

"Because it is going to be promoted overseas, the color of this Gundam is the classic Gundam color."

"The performance is similar to the original Sky Knight Gundam Unit 2, but the overall performance is slightly enhanced."

"At the same time, the shield of this aircraft is equipped with materials related to the T-LINK system. After the T-LINK system is activated, it can be used as a floating shield."

Finally, Wang Liumei pointed at the last Blue Sky Knight Gundam.

"This red Blue Sky Knight Gundam is Unit 3, and it is also prepared for the third princess of Britannia."

"Unlike Unit 1 and Unit 2, in order to enhance its maneuverability, Unit 3 is specially equipped with a flight pack behind it to increase its propulsion speed."

"At the same time, this machine, like Machine No. 1, is equipped with a small amount of mental induction framework to improve the body's response capabilities."

"Although the third princess does not seem to be a new human being, the mental induction frame does not seem to only respond to new humans. Therefore, in order to satisfy customers and increase some appearance, some mental induction frames are still installed."

"The above are the differences between the three Blue Sky Knight Gundams. Do you remember them, Youde?"

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