Immortal Soul of Steel

Chapter 423 The first wife is not the original wife?

After everyone expressed their opinions, Robert suddenly asked Lin Youde.

"By the way, Youde, pilot of R-1, Ni Xingxing, what are you going to do?"

"He is still lying in the ward now, he..."

Lin Youde waved his hand: "Don't worry, he doesn't have to choose, he will definitely go with me."

"Ah Xing and I have a close relationship. What I mean is what he means, and he won't have any objection!"

In the laboratory ward.

Sitting on the hospital bed, Ni Xingxing suddenly sneezed.

"Ah Qiu~! Hiss..."

"Ah Xing, is the window too wide? I'm going to close the window right now."

Seeing Latoni put down the apple in his hand and ran to the window, Ni Xingxing waved her hand quickly.

"It's okay, Latoni, the window is opened just right. I just suddenly felt my nose was a little itchy. It's not a cold."

Latoni looked confused: "Is that so?"

Seeing Lin Youde's very confident expression, Robert nodded in response.

"Since you said so, then okay."

"Afterwards, I will transport the repaired R-1 to the White Trojan. However, Youde went overseas without the support of "Machine War"."

"Once the machine body is damaged, we have to rely on ourselves to repair it. Do we need to prepare more spare parts?"

Wang Liumei waved her hand and said: "I have already prepared these. In addition to the cargo I prepared, there are two "Ladybug" class transport ships. These are all spare parts prepared for you this time. "

Robert gave a thumbs up: "As expected of younger brother and sister No. 3, the arrangements are very thoughtful."

Robert's words made Lin Youde frightened.

After secretly glancing at Lei Mengmeng and Lux, and making sure that they didn't have any angry expressions, Lin Youde felt a little relieved.

But Wang Liumei just rolled her eyes at Robert without any explanation. Lin Youde was a little confused again.

'Why doesn't she explain? I don't have that kind of relationship with her, right? ’

Lin Youde was focused on running the train, but everyone else in the conference room had their own reactions and thoughts.

Refina looked at Lin Youde with admiration.

Yi Xiaozhen looked at Refina, held her forehead and shook her head.

Ladis walked to Robert and whispered something to Robert. Robert nodded repeatedly.

Gu Lincai sat on a chair, holding his face with one hand, and kept scanning Lei Mengmeng, Lux, and Wang Liumei.

Li Te and Nan Ye's eyes suddenly met, and then both of them looked away from each other. The nurses in the medical class gathered around Nan Ye and laughed.

Densel took the tablet and started tactical planning with Toby and Setsuko Obara.

Zeng Jia was leaning against the wall alone, closing his eyes and meditating.

Lamia stared directly at Lin Youde and Wang Liumei, her eyes constantly switching between the two, and finally her eyes stopped on Wang Liumei.

‘Is this Wang Liumei? It turns out that it is very similar to the data, but a little younger. ’

‘But isn’t she Lin Youde’s first wife? Why did you become the third child? ’

With doubts, Lamia sorted out the information about Wang Liumei in her mind.

‘Wang Liumei, the daughter of the Wang family, the person in charge of the Wang family consortium, and the sole manager of the Wang family heavy industry. ’

'As the only company in the Consolidated Group that produces mass-produced Gundams, Wang Yumei, the leader of the Wang Consortium, is said to have outstanding business talent. ’

'Every businessman who has done business with him speaks highly of him. His outstanding appearance was not mentioned by anyone. ’

'As a qualified businessman, Wang Liumei has always been considered to have a relationship with her husband Lin Youde only because of the exchange of interests. ’

'In fact, the Wang Consortium did rely on a series of Gundam copyrights and technologies obtained by Lin Youde to begin its rapid rise and reach the top of the unified industry. ’


With confusion and confusion, Lamia looked at Wang Liumei.

'It is hard to imagine that such a powerful person who knew how to judge the situation would spend all her family property and use all her connections to rescue her husband after Lin Youde was convicted of treason and imprisoned. ’

'In fact, if she hadn't used all her connections to send Ni Xingxing and his exclusive Strike Eclipse Gundam to the base where Lin Youde was imprisoned. Lin Youde might have been executed at that time, and there would be no follow-up. ’

‘After Lin Youde fled, the Wang family disappeared in Tonghe. Wang Liumei also disappeared completely and was never seen again. ’

‘Such an important woman is actually just Lin Youde’s third wife here, not his first wife? ’

Lamia's eyes were full of confusion and confusion as she moved her gaze to Lei Mengmeng and Lux.

‘Originally I thought they were just when Wang Liumei was not with Lin Youde. The female companion arranged by Wang Liumei to be beside him. ’

'But now it seems that this possibility can be rejected. ’

‘Their status seems to be still above Wang Liumei’s. ’

‘There is definitely something wrong with this world. The extent of historical deviation is too great...'

‘According to the records, the white wooden horse did not set sail now. But 1 month later. ’

‘In fact, after Lin Youde obtained the white Trojan horse. The reason for going sailing for the first time. Not going to Brittany for business at all. ’

‘The White Trojan’s attack should have been ordered shortly after, and it was an urgent departure in order to explore the newly discovered secret land on the United Islands. ’

‘Is this information wrong? Or is it the butterfly effect again? ’

‘Damn it, it would have been better if the integration had been more cooperative and shared all the information. ’

Recording different points one after another, Lamia was very anxious.

‘In short, first record all the points that have origins in the original history. ’

‘Before traveling, you must report these matters to Lord Raymond. ’

'I hope Lord Raymond can make an accurate judgment...'

Lamia's thoughts were racing, while Veretta stared at her and shook her head secretly.

‘I don’t have any quality or self-cultivation of a spy agent at all. ’

‘There are too many redundant movements and the expression control is completely inadequate. ’

‘I really don’t know what the organization she belongs to is thinking about sending such a person here. ’

While secretly shaking her head, Veretta turned her gaze in Lin Youde's direction.

'However, it is a good thing to have such an unqualified colleague here and let her attract other people's attention. ’

‘I just don’t know what’s going on with Ingram. ’

‘Lin Youde temporarily decided to set sail overseas, which should be a good opportunity for them. Ingram should not let it go. ’

When she thought of Ingram, Veretta sighed secretly: 'Damn Uzes... I don't know if Ingram is still himself. ’

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