Immortal Soul of Steel

Chapter 424 Demon God Geta GGG’s Transformation Plan

After confirming the travel list and discussing the travel time with everyone, the meeting ended.

Everyone left, and Lin Youde also took the time to send a group chat message to Du Jianlong, Liu Longma, Wang Kai and others.

Du Jianlong nodded and responded: "In other words, you won't be integrating in the near future, right?"

Lin Youde responded: "Yes."

Liu Longma gave a thumbs up: "You actually directly provoke the Liu family and the Ma family? You are indeed a virtuous man. You are such a pure man. It's so crazy. I've seen those big families unhappy before. It's a pity that I don't have a chance to mess with them. Yes. De, you are really giving us some relief now."

The God Falcon had a sullen face and said with some worry: "Although it is refreshing to relieve your anger, it will also be very risky afterwards. Do you need us to help you?"

Tomoe Musashi smiled and said: "Don't be embarrassed, we are all brothers, if you just say a word, we will definitely help you."

Lin Youde smiled and said: "Don't worry, I have my own preparations and can handle it."

"And aren't your machines being upgraded?"

"You should upgrade your body first."

Hearing Lin Youde's words, Wang Kai nodded: "Indeed, even if we want to go over and help, the machines have recently been dismantled and re-upgraded and strengthened."

"In terms of time, I'm afraid it's a little too late."

Lin Youde nodded: "So, you don't have to worry about me. I'm not a fool. If I can't beat you, won't I run away?"

"My mission is just to catch those people out, not to fight them."

"If it doesn't work out, I won't hesitate to make a strategic retreat."

Du Jianlong smiled and said: "That's right. There is really no reason to fight to the death with those people."

Liu Longma grinned: "That's right, it's not worth trading one life with those people."

"Youde, please go out by yourself this time and be careful. Leave the safety of the unity to us."

Lin Youde nodded and said: "Well, I feel relieved that you are here. By the way, how is the progress of your body modification now?"

"I remember that I gave you suggestions before. Have you decided on the modification plan now?"

Du Jianlong responded: "Well, my new Demon God Z modification plan has been finalized."

"The inside of Mazinger Z is equipped with a photon force amplifier modified from the Geta Line amplifier."

"And in terms of the frame, some PS armor technology is added to enhance the sturdiness."

"In terms of armor, PS armor will be added to achieve the effect of double-layer armor."

"Although this will further increase the weight of the new Mazinger Z."

"But once it is completed, my new Demon Z will definitely be able to reach a higher level in terms of output and defense."

Lin Youde was a little surprised: "Has the photon force amplifier been completed?"

Du Jianlong returned: "Yes, Dr. Saotome from the Saotome Research Institute is very powerful. She has already completed the photon force amplifier."

"My research institute is debugging the photon force amplifier. After the test is completed, it will be installed."

"I really want to thank Dr. Saotome for all this."

Hearing this, Liu Longma grinned: "Hahaha, you don't have to thank that old man."

"You don't know how excited the old man was when he saw the photon force-related data you brought over."

"After Wang Liumina received new funds, he has already started new research."

"Thanks to this, the renovation plan for our new tower has been finalized, right, Hayato?"

God Hayato rolled his eyes: "I think you just didn't remember the details of the transformation plan."

Tomoe Musashi smiled and said, "Well, it's normal for Ryoma to not remember that kind of thing. It's up to you to talk about it."

Liu Longma grinned unconsciously: "As expected of Musashi, he really understands me."

Amid Tomoe Musashi's laughter, God Hayato explained: "The construction of the new tower has also been decided."

"In terms of the skeleton, we also used the same plan as the new Mazinger Z, using PS armor technology to further enhance it."

"At the same time, after acquiring photon force-related technology, the doctor's Getta line amplifier seems to have been further enhanced."

"Wang Kai even gave us a G crystal."

"After doing doctoral research, I felt that this thing can coexist with the tower line. So I am also considering whether to install it."

"By the way, Geta's armor will use the same dual defense of Super Alloy Z and PS armor as New Mazinger Z."

"After all, with the energy supply of Geta, the energy consumption of the PS armor is not worth mentioning at all."

Lin Youde was shocked: "I'll go, right? Dr. Saotome, are you going to put the G crystal in the new Geta?"

Tomoe Musashi responded: "Yes, the doctor has this plan. Because this seems to further enhance the performance of Geta."

"It's just that G crystal requires courage. Although the three of us are not afraid of anything, it is still unknown whether the so-called courage has anything to do with us."

"So, the doctor is still considering it."

Hearing this, Du Jianlong also interjected: "Actually, I also have G crystals here."

"Originally, I thought about adding G crystals to see if I could further enhance the demon's power."

"Just considering that there are enough things in this update. If we can't control it perfectly, we may suffer a loss in front of the dimensional beasts attracted by our body in the future."

"So I have no plans to add G crystals now."

When Liu Longma heard this, he put his hands on his hips and said nonchalantly: "What's there to be afraid of about that kind of thing? It's just a dimensional beast. I'll cut down as many as they come."

Du Jianlong shook his head and said: "I believe in your strength, Longma. But with so many new technologies added to Geta, I don't know what will happen after the body is formed."

"If we continue to increase the output rashly, it is still unknown whether the body can withstand it. So I think it is better to be cautious."

"This is my advice from an engineer's perspective."

Liu Longma pursed his lips: "Well, since you said so, we really have to consider it."

God Falcon also nodded and responded: "Well, I guess the doctor has also considered these. Let's talk to the doctor later. Don't worry about the G-spar. It's not too late to continue to install it after the tower is stabilized."

Lin Youde looked at Wang Kai curiously: "Wang Kai, how is your GGG?"

Wang Kai returned: "I have also finalized the plan."

"Before, GGG didn't have long-range attack methods, so it suffered a big loss."

"After receiving your support this time, GGG has also made major changes."

"Attach Mazinger Z's eyes and photon force rays to the head."

"The frame and armor also use PS armor technology. Dual armor flow."

"You are all using it, so of course I will use it too."

"Anyway, the energy consumption and weight are the same as nothing to GGG."

"Unfortunately, Dr. Saotome seems to have not completed the analysis of the G-crystal, so there is no way to change the Gaita Line amplifier into a G-crystal amplifier."

"So, the transformation of the new GGG is currently limited to these."

Thanks to "Blooded Green Onion" for the reward of 1,500 starting coins.

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