Immortal Soul of Steel

Chapter 425 Outlook

Lin Youde listened to his friends' plans to transform their bodies with a smile on his face.

"That's it. It seems like you guys have been quite busy lately."

Du Jianlong also smiled and responded: "That's right. Integrating our technologies together and improving each other can make our body stronger."

Liu Longma geared up: "I can't wait to drive the new Geta to fight the dimensional beast."

God Falcon smiled and squinted at Liu Longma and said, "Don't worry, as long as our machine is completed, those guys will definitely appear again."

Tomoe Musashi also grinned: "Yes, those guys are just like dogs that smell meat. They are very annoying. Even if we don't want to, they will chase us."

Wang Kai clenched his fist and said, "However, with our new power, we won't be afraid."

Seeing the high fighting spirit of his friends, Lin Youde nodded: "Then, the unification will be left to you."

"But remember, after the body is completed, don't blindly conduct testing. You must wait until everyone's body is completed before gathering together."

"It can be foreseen that as our bodies strengthen, the dimensional beasts that come to snipe us will also become stronger and stronger."

"Once dispersed, it is easy to be defeated individually."

Du Jianlong responded: "Don't worry, we know this well."

Liu Longma waved his hands: "Those who want to travel, don't worry so much. With us in the integration, you can just go out for an outing with peace of mind. Remember to bring us some overseas local products."

"Speaking of which, growing up, I have never been overseas."

God Falcon shook his head helplessly and said: "You are talking as if someone here has been out. Everyone was born after the dimensional beast came, how could there be such an opportunity."

Tomoe Musashi responded: "That's right. None of us have ever gone out."

Wang Kaichang thought: "But when our machine can easily crush the dimensional beasts, maybe we can go overseas together? After all, there are also dimensional beasts overseas that need to be eliminated."

Lin Youde nodded and said, "There will be a chance."

After staying with everyone for a while, Lin Youde closed the communication.

Lei Mengmeng bent down next to Lin Youde: "Is it ready?"

Lin Youde stretched and said, "That's okay. Just notify them."

"They are not children and know what to do."

"Mengmeng, how are your preparations for the trip?"

Lei Mengmeng hugged Lin Youde's neck from behind, sat on Lin Youde, and said with a smile: "It's almost done. If you don't worry, let's go take a look again."

Lin Youde smiled and asked, "How to get there?"

Lei Mengmeng waved her hand: "Of course you carried me on your back~!"

Integration·W City·Photon Force Research Institute.

Du Jianlong turned to look at Kang Dingbang who was standing at the door.

"Dingbang, are you sure you won't tell Youde about your body?"

Kang Dingbang waved his hands: "Don't worry, I'm not very familiar with him yet, so I can put this matter aside for now."

"When my machine is finished, it won't be too late for everyone to get to know each other after we fight together once."

Seeing Kang Dingbang's insistence, Du Jianlong could only shrug and asked, "How is the production of your body going?"

The corners of Kang Dingbang's mouth raised slightly: "Come on, I have your Demon Z as the foundation. With the help of Dr. Gong, my exclusive machine has been built quite smoothly."

"It won't be long before the integrated second demon god will be completed."

"At that time, I won't let you stand out alone."

Du Jianlong punched him, but Kang Dingbang easily caught it and said with a smile: "You really dare to say that."

After a moment of silence, Du Jianlong asked: "Dingbang, do you think that with the power of two demon gods, can you help us regain our grandfather's inheritance?"

Kang Dingbang shook his head: "I'm afraid it won't work. Not to mention just the two of us. Even if we include the machines that Sayaka and Jun are planning to build, we will not be the opponents of the Free Federation."

"Don't forget, there are also demon gods and Geta people over there in the Free Federation, and they are even more numerous than us."

"So, Stegosaurus, please don't act rashly."

"Now is not the time for revenge."

Du Jianlong nodded: "Don't worry, I understand. The Free Federation is not that easy to deal with, of course I know that."

"So we have to become stronger."

Du Jianlong raised his head and looked out the window at the Demon God Z that had been dismantled into parts in the underground hangar. Clench your fists.

"It would be great if my Mazinger Z could also inspire the field of BGM."

Kang Dingbang frowned: "Theoretically speaking, the Demon Z we created should be able to activate the BGM field."

"After all, the Mazinger Z we built uses a pure black box as an energy furnace, which is exactly the same as other black box machines."

"The only difference is that the fuselage of other black box airframes is released from inside the black box. But our airframe is made by ourselves."

"So, the difference shouldn't be big."

"The reason why you can't activate the BGM field yet is probably because you haven't been recognized by the consciousness in the black box yet, right?"

Du Jianlong looked at his fist: "Do you agree..."

Integration·W City·Saotome Research Institute

Liu Longma stood in the lounge, looking at the Geta G that had been dismantled in the hangar, touching his chin, and asked the God Falcon next to him.

"Hayato, do you think our Geta can stimulate the field of BGM like those machines with virtue?"

God Falcon thought for a moment and said, "Theoretically speaking, it's possible, right?"

"Our Geta core is also a black box. It's just different from the black box that conventionally releases the body."

"Our black box will just keep releasing tower lines outside."

"According to the doctor, there seems to be some difference between the tower line released by this black box and the tower line converted from the fantasy power furnace."

"The tower is made with this black box as the core. In theory, it is not fundamentally different from other black box bodies."

"So, the BGM field that other black box bodies have, our Gaita should also have."

Liu Longma pouted and hummed: "Then let's go to the old man and ask for some new mecha bracelets."

"When we get the chance, we'll try to see if we can get Geta to play songs on the same frequency."

God Falcon thought for a moment, nodded and replied: "Okay, anyway, it's not very difficult to get the mecha bracelet. I just don't know what type of song it will be in Geta's BGM field."

Tomoe Musashi smiled and said: "It must be a completely different song from other mechas. But our Geta is a three-person team. Therefore, it is hard to say who can really inspire the BGM field."

Liu Longma held his head high and said: "Humph, do you still have to think about it? It must be me~!"

God Hayato squinted at Liu Longma: "Hey, hey, don't talk as if you can definitely win. Maybe it's me who inspired the BGM field first."

Tomoe Musashi shook his head: "No, no, maybe neither of you can do it, and you have to rely on me. After all, Geta's original model, but I have the same sense of weight."

Liu Longma and Shen Hayato denied in unison: "That's impossible!"*2

Tomoe Musashi was furious: "You two!!!"

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