Immortal Soul of Steel

Chapter 428 Amuro tried to sense me

The white wooden horse set sail and sat on the captain's seat on the bridge.

Lin Youde looked up at the ceiling in surprise.

‘No dimensional beast came? ’

‘Is it because the dimensional beasts are not warships, but only attached to the machine body? ’

‘Or is it because the White Trojan is not a black box body (battleship), but a simple man-made battleship that can be mass-produced? ’

‘Or maybe it’s because I’m not the real Brad, so no dimensional beasts are coming? ’

Although Lin Youde was a little surprised that there was no dimensional beast attacking, he didn't think too much about it.

Anyway, the arrival of the dimensional beast is not a good thing. One more thing is worse than one less thing. It would be better not to come.

‘But for a while, I probably won’t be able to play “Machine War” anymore. ’

‘I wonder if that guy Casbar will complain? ’

‘I hope he doesn’t show the “Adjuster Talent Card” before I come back. Otherwise, where can I go to get the No. 1 unit of Grungast III...'

Under the planning and guidance of the navigation system, the white Trojan horse and the two Ladybug-class transport ships began to fly toward the coastal area outside City B.

On the other side, Casbar, who was far away in a base of the Silla Alliance, had no idea that he was cursed by Lin Youde.

Now he was lying on the lap of a brown-haired woman, enjoying her head massage.

"Lieutenant, is this intensity okay?"

As the woman asked the question, Kasbar responded with a comfortable expression on his face.

"Ah~! This intensity is just right. Thank you so much, Lala."

The woman named Lala smiled slightly: "If so, this is what I should do."

"If it weren't for the lieutenant's help, I would have been forced to stay in the logistics force and have no chance of becoming an MS pilot. There would be no way to become a new human being."

"Lieutenant is a gift for me to reinvent myself. I am happy to do a job of this level."

Not far away, Warrant Officer Barry, a member of Casbar's team who was hiding in a corner, was whispering to his fellow Warrant Officer Soros.

Barry lowered his voice: "Soros, the captain has been like this since this girl came. Do you think the captain is useless?"

Thoros shook his head and said: "It's hard to say, but the current captain does have the air of a useless person."

Barry frowned: "Should I inform Major Ymir about this?"

Soros waved his hand quickly: "Don't. Didn't you see how angry the captain was when an African-American wanted to chat up and was punched away by the captain?"

Barry looked confused: "Is this happening?"

Soros said helplessly: "I forgot, you were not there at the time, and I saw that guy Babar in the cafeteria."

"In short, although the captain seems a bit useless now. But overall, he just fell into the gentle land of love."

"Although the captain's current military rank is only lieutenant, don't forget the captain's family background. He is here to be gilded, and any behavior that will add stain to his resume is not allowed."

"If you don't want to offend the captain, you'd better shut up."

Barry quickly covered his mouth and whispered softly: "Sorry, I almost forgot about it."

Soros shook his head: "The captain is usually very nice to us, so even I have almost forgotten the background of the captain's family."

"It was when he stood up for Lala that I remembered his family background."

"So, at this level of impact, I think we can just pretend we haven't seen it."

"Who knows about the captain and Lala? Does the captain's family already know about it?"

"If the captain's family acquiesces to this, then maybe this lesbian will be the future mistress of the Daken family."

"If we report it, it will only make the captain and Lala hate us, and thereby offend the captain and Lala, and even the Daken family."

"If the captain's family doesn't know about this, we go and report it to the major, and if the captain's family finds out about it, it will offend both the captain and Lala, and even the Daken family."

"No matter which way you look at it, pretending not to know is the best choice."

Barry nodded quickly with a look of surprise on his face: "I see, you are right, pretending not to know now is the best choice."

"As expected of Soros, he thinks too much."

Soros was a little proud: "That's right, you don't even know who I am. Learn more in the future."

That's what Soros said, but secretly, Soros was glad that when he saw Kasbar beating the African-American who approached Lala in the cafeteria, he mentioned it in the chat with Babar and the other maintenance team members. this topic.

He now recalls the reminder from his senior buddies in the maintenance team at that time and feels very lucky.

If someone hadn't reminded him, he would have been as stupid as Barry, right? Where would there be an opportunity to show off in front of Barry.

As the two of them watched and whispered, Casbar, who was lying on Lala's lap, was completely indifferent to the watching and secret discussions of the two team members in the corner.

In fact, Casbar discovered the two of them when they first appeared.

But after discovering that they were two team members directly under his command, he didn't care anymore.

Just like what Barry and Soros said, Casbar still has sufficient trust in his players.

So he didn't care about the two team members watching.

After all, compared to enjoying Lala's service, the onlookers of the team members are actually a trivial matter.

In fact, if he could get through their mouths and reduce the number of people who harass Lala, he would be very happy.

Lying on Lala's lap, enjoying the comfort brought by Lala's catkin massage on his head, Kaspar secretly groaned in comfort.

'This feeling is just like returning to my mother's arms...'

‘If my mother hadn’t died in an accident back then, I’m afraid she would treat me like Lala now, right? ’

‘Now I finally understand why Amuro, no, Lin Youde, has his little girlfriend with him all the time. ’

'Is this the feeling he enjoyed before...'

'It seems like I was still too young before...'

With comfort, Casbar left all his worries behind.

Opening his eyes slightly and looking at Lala's gentle face, Kaspar couldn't help but curl up.

Seeing Casbal's actions, Lara pursed her lips and smiled.

"Lieutenant, please don't move. Really, you are so old, why do you feel like a child?"

Listening to Lala's words, Casbal's thoughts began to wander uncontrollably.

'Sure enough, Lara Xin is the woman who has the potential to become my mother...'

'It's so nice to meet Lala...'

'Amuro (Lin Youde), I am doing something greedy right now...'

'Amuro (Lin Youde) try to sense me...'

'Can you feel it? Amuro (Lin Youde)...'

Thanks to "Ziyan" for the reward of 1,500 starting coins.

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