Immortal Soul of Steel

Chapter 429 The possibility of sea water turning red

However, considering the current situation of Kasbar and Lin Youde.

Even Yi Lin Youde, the strongest new human being in history, had no way to sense Casbar.

That's not to say that Lin Youde's current new human level couldn't reach the distance to sense Casbar's side.

In fact, when the new human level reached L10, Lin Youde had no real intention to expand the range of the new human's induction to the maximum.

When using the new human induction before, Lin Youde always controlled it in a measured manner.

Once the range exceeds more than ten kilometers, he will not dare to easily expand the range of mental induction.

The reason is naturally that Lin Youde secretly tested the maximum value of his mental induction range before.

Then... there is no more.

In a city with a large number of people, maximizing the spiritual induction of new humans is no less than sensing the emotions of everyone in the entire city.

The feeling of a splitting headache after countless emotions poured into his mind, made Lin Youde no longer dare to release the new human sense easily.

Therefore, for Lin Youde now. Unless necessary, covering a battlefield is the maximum limit of his perception.

As for how big this battlefield is, it makes no difference to him.

Because Lin Youde didn't feel at all what the limit of his mental induction was...

This is even more true after the new human level is further enhanced and reaches the level of L10+3.

Therefore, if Lin Youde really let go of his hands and feet to sense, he would probably be able to sense Casbar from one end of the earth to the other.

But Lin Youde wouldn't do this, it would be too suicidal.

This also led to Lin Youde having no idea about what happened in Casbar.

I don't even know that this guy Kasbar is trying to let himself feel him.

Now Lin Youde is on the deck of the white wooden horse with Lei Mengmeng, Lux, Lin Liuli, Gu Lincai, Lamia, Refina, Weiletta, Ni Xingxing, Latoni, Li Te, Nanye, and Laidi Si, Zeng Jia and other people looked at the sea excitedly.

"Is this the sea? It's so beautiful~!"

Lei Mengmeng excitedly held Lin Youde's arm and looked at the sea.

"Yes, this is the sea."

Lux tucked the ends of her hair that were blown away by the sea breeze behind her ears and looked at the vast sea, feeling quite relaxed.

Although they had seen the sea once in the world of Gundam SEED, both Lin Youde and Lux ​​were still quite surprised by the sea of ​​Aqua Blue Star.

Lin Liuli lay on the deck, looked at the sea, and whispered: "It's so blue."

Lin Youde touched Lin Liuli's little head and said with a smile: "The sea water is originally blue. If it is red, it will be really fatal."

Hearing this, Gu Lincai looked at Lin Youde doubtfully: "Captain, is there red water in the sea?"

Gu Lincai's question made others look over.

Under the gaze of everyone, Lin Youde looked at the sea meaningfully and spoke slowly.

"Who knows, maybe, under certain circumstances, the sea will be dyed red..."

Refina smiled and said: "The captain really loves to joke, how could the sea water turn red?"

Nan Ye, who was standing next to Li Te, also smiled and said, "That's right. How could the sea water turn red?"

Li Te frowned slightly and whispered: "It's hard to say. If my uncle said that the sea water might turn red, then maybe this might actually happen."

Nanye looked shocked: "Eh? That's not the case, is it?"

Amid Nan Ye's questioning, Latoni supported Ni Xingxing, who was still bandaged, and asked in a low voice: "Ah Xing, do you think the sea water will turn red?"

Ni Xingxing shook her head: "I don't know either, but Youde is not the kind of person who talks nonsense casually. Maybe it's really possible."

Latoni was also shocked: "Really?"

Ladis reminded: "It's just that there is a possibility. If an accident occurs, such as a huge meteorite hitting the earth, or an old nuclear waste warehouse leaking somewhere, then maybe the seawater will become There are other colors.”

Lei Mengmeng waved her hands in disgust next to Lin Youde: "Ladis, please don't say such horrible things."

Ladis was helpless: "I just mentioned the possibility."

Zeng Jia crossed his arms, looked at the sea, and said lightly: "The blue water is the most beautiful."

Veretta nodded slowly: "Same feeling."

After Lamia glanced at everyone with an expressionless expression, she focused her gaze on Lin Youde again, muttering to herself.

'No, sea water can indeed turn red. ’

‘In fact, in the future world, the sea water is dyed red for unknown reasons. ’

‘According to the calculations of the think tanks of the Free Federation and the Silla Alliance, the source of the red color of the sea water may be Red Wolf, which was created by Lin Youde. ’

‘In fact, the sea water turned red, and it was indeed a change that occurred after Lin Youde defected. ’

Narrowing his eyes slightly, Lamia's eyes were full of vigilance: 'Could it be said that turning the water of Aqua Blue Star red is Lin Youde's current plan? ’

'If so, does that mean that Lin Youde had a plan to defect from the integration from the beginning? ’

'If so, it would be really terrible...'

Lin Youde, who had no idea what the hell Lamia was thinking at the blind mailing bar, looked at the sea and sighed secretly.

‘The sea water is still beautiful in blue, red sea water and so on. If possible, say goodbye. I hope there is no EVA in this world. ’

Just when Lin Youde was sighing with the sea, on the other side of the sea, in an underground city.

In a dimly lit office, a middle-aged man wearing glasses crossed his hands in front of his face to block his face. He whispered with dark eyes.

"How's the situation up there?"

An old man who looked a little old and had some white hair shook his head slightly.

"No, the Dimensional Beast has no intention of evacuating at all."

After the middle-aged man was silent for a while, he asked again: "What about...the unified rescue?"

The old man shook his head again: "There is no trace."

"Based on the images captured by the drones that were secretly released earlier, the integrated rescue force is probably blocked by the Free Federation fleet."

"The Free Federation wants to shut us down..."

Sighing, the old man suggested again: "Ikari, at this point, it is no longer possible to rely on unified rescue."

"For today's plan, we have only two choices."

"One, surrender to the Free Federation, hand over everything, and bow your head."

"Two, let's find a way and fight on our own. If we fight to the death, there may be a glimmer of hope."

The man known as Ikari asked, "Is there any other way?"

The old man nodded: "There is no other way."


Those who ask for votes every day~!

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