Immortal Soul of Steel

Chapter 432 Lamia has a soul?

Lin Youde turned on his phone, called up the projected map, and pointed at the bright spots on the map.

"Well, here we are now."

"It's very close to the unified sea area."

"And there are two integrated sea bases here."

"Ambushing in a place like this is not a wise choice no matter how you look at it."

"If the Liu family and the Ma family really want to take action, it will definitely be when we arrive in this area."

Watching Lin Youde draw on the map, Li Te looked astonished.

"I see. At this distance, if the unified maritime base wants to support us, we won't be able to catch up within a short while."

"And there aren't any islands nearby, just the endless sea."

"Ambushing here can really cut off any possibility of support."

Lin Youde smiled and nodded: "Yes, that's it."

"So, if I were from the Liu family and the Ma family, I would definitely send people to ambush them in a place like this."

"Too close to the integration will cause the target to receive support from the integration base."

"After all, the four major families and the border army are very difficult to deal with, and this is already a border area."

"So as long as they can't bribe the military in border bases, they will definitely be blocked."

"So it's too close to be appropriate."

"Relatively speaking, the distance is too far, so it's actually not appropriate."

"Because the sea is so big, if we run too far, they will easily lose their target and cannot find us."

"Even if we deliberately want to catch them, if we miss them due to time difference, it will be quite uneconomical."

"Based on these considerations, this is the most suitable place for an ambush."

After being explained by Lin Youde, Li Te kept praising Lin Youde with admiring eyes.

"As expected of my uncle, he has calculated the other party's movements so clearly."

"Then, we just need to prepare for a counterattack, right?"

Lin Youde smiled: "That's the truth, but we are the one being attacked."

"Our combat power is limited, and the enemy's combat power is still unknown."

"So this battle will probably be quite difficult."

"You and the others should be as prepared as possible."

Li Te nodded heavily and said, "Okay, uncle, I will be fully prepared."

Looking at Li Te's solemn expression, Lin Youde smiled and returned.

"Don't be too nervous. The other party is prepared, and so am I."

"I'll take care of everything, don't worry!"

Lin Youde said this not only to Li Te, but also to others.

As the white wooden horse sailed out of the unified territorial waters, everyone on the white wooden horse became more or less nervous.

In order to stabilize their emotions, Lin Youde would deliberately stir up topics to appease everyone's emotions.

Now that Lin Youde and Li Te had explained it in harmony, everyone's emotions had calmed down.

Feeling the people's gradually stabilized emotions in the new human's spiritual induction, Lin Youde smiled with satisfaction.

‘It looks like the results are good. ’

Lin Youde was satisfied, while others were admired.

Because there are many smart people here, who more or less understand why Lin Youde and Li Te had to explain like this.

While lamenting that Lin Youde was worthy of being the captain, and so quickly calming everyone's emotions, some people also had their own thoughts.

While Lamia was eating, she secretly looked at Lin Youde and thought to herself.

‘As expected of Lin Youde, his strategic vision is indeed outstanding. ’

‘If nothing else, Lord Raymond and the others should ambush you at the place Lin Youde mentioned. ’

‘If you miss this ambush point, if you are looking for an opportunity in the future, you will probably have to go within the borders of Britannia. ’

‘Furthermore, Lin Youde is still the strongest new human being, when he clearly knows that enemies will attack. Ordinary electromagnetic interference devices may have no effect at all. ’

‘Lord Raymond, what will you do? ’

While Lamia was thinking, he didn't notice that the corners of Lin Youde's mouth twitched uncontrollably as his back was turned to him.

Lin Youde had a strange expression as he picked at the rice in the bowl.

‘It wasn’t because I wanted to take care of the emotions of everyone on the ship today. I really didn’t notice it. My new human telepathy can actually sense Lamia's emotions. ’

'According to the settings of "Super Robot Wars OG" and "Super Robot Wars A", Lamia should be an artificial talent. ’

‘Existences made entirely of machines may look very human and have human emotions and thoughts, but in essence they are still machines. ’

‘Such a mechanical existence actually has emotions that can be perceived just like humans. ’

‘Does this mean that Lamia actually has a soul? ’

‘The spiritual induction of new humans should be more about perceiving the other party through fluctuations in the soul and spirit. ’

‘Existences that can be sensed by new human beings’ mental induction should be living creatures. ’

‘Follow this equation. Or, this Lamia is different from the Lamia in "Super Robot Wars OG" and "Super Robot Wars A" that I have played before. It is not a completely pure mechanical creation. ’

‘Either it is that Lamia has evolved something similar to the human soul. ’

‘Otherwise, the current situation may be a little difficult to explain. ’

‘After all, in the mecha war series, there are also mechanical creations with hearts, but there is such a thing as super AI. ’

‘But what is currently known is that super AI cannot sense emotions by new humans. ’

‘So, Lamia, it’s either self-evolved. Or, she is not just a machine. ’

Compared to the former, Lin Youde hoped that Lamia would be the latter. Because if it is the latter, Lamia will have some functions and abilities that humans originally have.

In this case……

"Youde, control your expression. You smile so slutty."

The whisper from Lei Mengmeng next to him made Lin Youde quickly adjust his expression and said seriously.

"Nothing, I'm just thinking about some serious things."

Lei Mengmeng rolled her eyes: "I believe you are a ghost."

Lin Youde was helpless: "I'm very serious, okay."

No matter how Lin Youde explained it, Lei Mengmeng just didn't believe it.

In response, Lin Youde had no choice but to give up the explanation.

"Forget it, whatever you want."

While Lei Mengmeng hummed proudly, Lin Youde gradually expanded the new human's psychic range.

‘In these two days, try to expand the range of your mental induction. ’

‘Let’s not talk about the lackeys of the Liu family and the Ma family for now. The parallel world in Lamia is likely to have the same strange electromagnetic interference technology as in "Super Robot Wars OG". ’

‘If this kind of technology is developed in the parallel world, then with the electromagnetic detection methods here, even if it is visible to the naked eye, the radar may not have any reaction. ’

'If I want to detect those existences, I can only rely on my new human telepathy...'

On the other side of the sea, in a small room on an island on the border of the Free Federation.

A little boy with burgundy hair was lying on a bed, shaking a girl with long blond hair.

"Lita! Lita!! Wake up quickly!!!"

Thanks to "We Are Not Gods" for the reward of 10,000 starting coins.

Thanks to "Xiu En Apokalis" for the reward of 800 starting coins.

Thanks to "gghhy" for the reward of 100 starting coins.

For rewards, the author will arrange additional updates as soon as possible~!

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