Immortal Soul of Steel

Chapter 433 Dream of Destruction

The boy with short burgundy hair kept shaking the blond girl on the bed.

"Lita! Wake up, Lita!!!"

The boy with short burgundy hair worked hard to shake the blonde girl on the bed.

But no matter how he called, the blond girl named Rita was still lying on the bed. His brows were furrowed and his expression was painful.

That painful expression completely destroyed Lita's original delicate face.

Looking at Rita like this, the boy with short burgundy hair felt anxious and angry.

"Damn it, can't we just watch Lita suffer and do nothing else?"

Seeing the tears in the eyes of the boy with short burgundy hair, another girl in the room with a purple doll head who looked quite boyish pursed her lips. He stepped forward and held Lita's hand on the bed.

"Lita, Jonah and I are here, so it's okay."

Jonah, a boy with short burgundy hair, looked at the purple doll-headed girl in astonishment.


The purple doll-headed girl, Michelle, held Lita's right hand tightly, and her other hand held a strange iron pendant on her chest.

"We can't do anything now, we can only stay with Rita like this."

Looking at Michelle who pursed her lips, Jonah also held Lita's hand and at the same time held another iron pendant on his chest.

"Lita, Michelle and I are here, so wake up, Lita!!!"

Michelle also shouted: "Lita!"

As the two called, a faint blue light suddenly burst out from the chests of the three.

Jonah and Michelle lowered their heads in shock and looked at the iron pendants on their chests.

Jonah was a little confused: "What's going on? Why does dad's relic glow?"

Michelle was equally shocked, but she reacted faster. After seeing that the iron pendants on the chests of himself, Jonah, and Lita were all glowing. He looked at Lita's face for the first time.

"Jonah, look, Lita doesn't seem to be in so much pain anymore."

At Michelle's reminder, Jonah quickly looked up, surprised and delighted.

"Really, Lita's expression has softened a lot."

"But how is this done?"

Michelle shook her head: "I don't know. However, the people in the research institute must not know about this. Otherwise, this will definitely be taken away."

Hearing this, Jonah nodded heavily: "I understand. Then, let's cover it with a quilt first so that no one outside can find it."

Under Jonah's command, Michelle climbed onto Lita's bed and covered the three of them with a quilt.

Then, Jonah and Michelle continued to call Lita under the quilt.


"Who? Who is calling me?"

In the haze, Rita looked at the sea of ​​fire around her in a trance. Looking around helplessly and fearfully.

"Jonah...Michelle...where are you..."

"Why is everyone gone, Jonah...Michelle..."

Rita walked in panic among the fire.

In a daze, the further Rita walked, the more familiar the sea of ​​​​fire became.

"I always feel like I've been to this place before..."

In panic, Rita seemed to have seen something, her pupils shrank and her tone was trembling.

"This, this is...the research institute?"

With full horror, Rita shouted.

"Jonah! Michele! Where are you? Please, please call me back. Please, you guys..."


There was a loud noise that made Rita cover her ears.

The violent wind and waves caused Lita to lie directly on the ground.


Rita turned around mechanically. A red monster that looked like a legendary demon was standing behind her, looking down at her.

In the hands of the monster, there was a white Gundam that was glowing red.

It's just that this white Gundam is completely broken, and the red demon is grabbing its neck with one hand, holding it in mid-air and struggling continuously.


Not sure if she was too frightened, Rita looked at all this and was completely speechless.

But in a daze, she heard a familiar voice.

" away..."

This voice shocked Lita, and she actually regained her strength and climbed up.

"Jonah? Is that you, Jonah?"

The white Gundam, which exuded red light, kept beating the red devil, but it couldn't make the red devil let go.

As the red demon moved his gaze slightly, the white Gundam's neck made a squeaky sound of metal being crushed.

"L-Lita, run away quickly..."


The red demon raised his other hand, and under Lita's horrified gaze, stabbed it into the white Gundam's chest.

Red palms penetrated from the back of the Gundam, and the Gundam, which was still emitting red light, lost its red glow. His arms also hung down physically.

Seeing this scene, Rita felt as if her head was exploding, and she screamed with grief and anger.



The white Gundam was thrown into the sea of ​​fire by the red demon like trash. His eyes focused on Lita again.

Under the gaze of this demon, Rita lost strength in her legs again. He sat helplessly on the ground, looking at the huge red demon, letting tears slide down his cheeks.


Keeping murmuring Jonah's name, Lita stared blankly at the red demon who slowly raised his palm.

In a daze, she realized that she seemed to be dying.

‘Am I going to die too? ’

'Jonah is dead, Michelle is gone, everyone is dead...'

'It has ended……'

As Rita watched, the huge palm smacked towards her.

However, just when the huge palm was about to fall, a faint blue light burst out from her chest.

The faint blue light blocked the palm of the huge red demon that was about to fall.

Lita, who still hadn't figured out what was going on, heard two familiar voices in a daze.

"Lita! Lita!! Wake up, Lita!!!"

At the call of that voice, blue light erupted from Lita's chest.

The blue light bounced off the huge red demon on the spot.

As Rita lowered her head, she saw the strange blade pendant on her chest emitting a blue light that made her feel extremely warm.

Looking at the blue light, Rita's eyes suddenly became clear and she whispered.

"Is this...a dream?"

"Yes...and no..."

Suddenly, a voice came into Lita's ears.

"Who? Who is it?"

Lita looked around, and finally her eyes came to rest on the strange blade pendant on her chest.

In Lita's shocked eyes, the blade pendant emitting blue light suddenly shot out a blue light on the open space in front of Lita.

The blue light gathered together and gradually amplified.

As Lita's pupils gradually dilated, a huge machine painted in pure gold armor, with two strange large shields behind its shoulders and a strange horn on its forehead, slowly emerged from the blue light.

Looking at this golden machine, Rita muttered uncontrollably.


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