Immortal Soul of Steel

Chapter 439 (Additional update) White Knight-chan makes a grand appearance

As Raymond and Catalina watched, Lin Youde drove the ancient iron and looked up at the white-winged savior and the siren in mid-air.

Opening the friendly forces channel, Lin Youde asked with concern.

"Cai, are you okay?"

Gu Lincai was shocked and quickly responded: "Yes, I'm fine."

Lin Youde nodded and pointed his gaze at the nearby R-BLADE group.

Without hesitation, the thrusters turned on again. He rushed towards the R-BLADE group beside him at the same speed.

The R-BLADE group seemed to have reacted and pointed all their guns at Gu Tie.

For Lin Youde's attitude of attacking without saying a word, the R-BLADE group responded with countless beams and bullets.

Countless beams of light and bullets poured towards Gu Tie, hitting Gu Tie's body and splashing countless sparks.

These attacks brought huge impact.

The huge impact caused Gu Tie's entire cockpit to begin to vibrate violently.

Against this dizzying shock, Lin Youde controlled Gu Tie and rushed towards the corner of R-BLADE.

The two multi-warhead missiles mounted on the shoulders popped out, exploded in the air, and turned into countless missiles to hit the R-BLADE group.

Faced with this kind of attack, R-BLADE began to engage in interception.

With a huge numerical advantage, the two multi-warhead missiles were all intercepted before they could fly very far.

But this result was already within Lin Youde's expectation.

When Gutie was attacked just now, the whole body shook violently. Lin Youde took the time to take a look at Gutie's various dashboards.

After discovering that these R-BLADE attacks can cause slight damage to Gu Tie. Lin Youde knew that these guys were definitely coming for him.

Otherwise, how could the weapons of ordinary mass-produced machines be effective against ancient iron?

In order to cause damage to Gu Tie's armor, armor-piercing bullets must be specially made.

Therefore, Lin Youde understood that these guys must have come prepared.

Relying on the current ancient iron, it can withstand the enemy's attack for a short time. But it definitely won't last.

Otherwise, as the attack intensifies, the armor on the ancient iron surface will continue to be damaged. When the armor is damaged, the anti-beam coating on the armor's surface will become ineffective. At that point, the damage of the beam attack will increase.

Therefore, this battle must be fought quickly.

Gutie rushed forward at high speed and rushed towards the R-BLADE group.

However, at this moment, the R-BLADE group, which was about to continue the attack, quickly retreated, separated and took off, increasing its altitude.

With this move, Gu Tie could only raise the height. After a revolver pile driver blew up an R-BLADE, he fell down.

After Gu Tie landed on the sea, he immediately looked at the White Winged Savior.

"Are you giving orders? Raymond..."

When Gu Tie looked at the White Winged Savior, the White Winged Savior also looked at Gu Tie.

"Everyone takes off, keep the distance between you and Gu Tie, and don't get close. You are no match for it."

"I believe you all know the strength of Red Wolf."

"There is no pilot who can defeat him one on one."

"So, don't think about defeating him easily here, everyone, avoid fighting!"

Under Raymond's command, all R-BLADEs began to avoid the battle, raised their altitude, and distanced themselves from Gu Tie.

After commanding his men, Lei Meng looked at Gu Tie on the screen, shook his head slightly, and said to himself.

"Not to mention the pros and cons of this form of ancient iron, we have already thoroughly studied even the second and third forms after ancient iron."

"If you want to eliminate all R-BLADEs in one go, you must transform Gutie into his second or even third form."

"But you haven't gained that power yet, right?"

"Now all you can rely on is that strange "BGM field." "

"But for your ancient iron, even if you activate that strange "BGM field", I have a countermeasure. "

"So, what is useless is virtuous."

"No matter how skilled you are, it's impossible to rely on ancient iron to fight against such a large number of airborne aircraft."

"That's why I brought so many airframes."

After muttering to himself, Raymond opened the friendly channel and commanded.

"The first team stayed to contain Gu Tie. The others attacked the white wooden horse and sank it."

"Katrina and I will go together to defeat the SRX team. Those guys are also a problem."

The siren suddenly looked at the white-winged savior, Katarina: "But..."

Raymond's voice was a little cold: "No but, this is an order. Destroying the white Trojan horse is the best thing at the moment."

"As long as the enemy's mothership is destroyed, where can these mobile weapons go on this sea?"

"Even if the black box body's energy can sustain it, the pilot's physical strength and spirit cannot."

"So, Katarina, obey me."

Catalina wanted to argue, but she opened her mouth several times but could not come up with a rebuttal.

Finally, the Kraken turned around and rushed towards the R-3 enhanced version.


Raymond looked back at Gu Tie and sighed with a complicated expression.

"Don't blame me, you are virtuous. Maybe this is your fate..."

The white-winged savior turned around and flew after the siren in the direction of the white wooden horse.

Seeing this scene, Lin Youde wanted to chase him immediately.

But five R-BLADEs surrounded Gu Tie, took out their jet rocket launchers, and aimed at Gu Tie.

Of course, it's impossible for a mere rocket launcher to hurt Gu Tie.

But Lin Youde's new human telepathy told Lin Youde that these rocket launchers were not simple.

Quickly turning around and flying, Gu Tie rushed out from the encirclement of these rockets. Those rockets exploded on the spot and turned into a large net.

At the same time, the five R-BLADEs took out five short guns from their waists and pointed them at Gu Tie.

What was shot out of those short guns were not bullets, but something like cables.

Seeing this scene, Lin Youde didn't understand why these guys were paying attention?

‘You can’t easily break Gu Tie’s defense, so you’re going to use an electric shock weapon to electrocute me? ’

It has to be said that electroshock weapons are useful for most robots. Moreover, this kind of weapon needs to be connected to the body before it will release electric current.

This attack is almost impossible to avoid unless a special cockpit is specially installed.

Therefore, Lin Youde did not dare to be careless and dodge quickly.

However, with the cooperation of this 5-man team, Lin Youde was forced to dodge by various large nets and ejection cables, thus missing the opportunity to chase the White Wing Savior and the Siren.

While dodging, Lin Youde was a little anxious.

‘Damn it, these guys are not ordinary people, they are all elites among the elites, and their strength is very close to the quasi-ace that Casbar said. ’

‘Take five pilots who are close to the quasi-ace, just to entangle me? As expected, Raymond is very familiar with me and Gu Tie...'

Feeling Raymond's helplessness and Catalina's anger within the range of the new human's mental induction, Lin Youde was quite puzzled.

‘What did I do in the parallel world? Let them target me like this one by one? ’

Shaking his head, Lin Youde threw away all distracting thoughts.

'Now is not the time to think about this, now we have to find a way to break through the siege of these guys...'

Near the White Trojan, the White Trojan and the SRX team were locked in a bitter battle.

Faced with the siege of 20 R-BLADEs, even if White Trojan deployed all the weapon barrages, the surface of the battleship was still hit by bullets and exploded continuously.

Lin Liuli: "The A3, B2, and C2 areas were shot..."

Refina kept sweating on her forehead: "Intensify the barrage on the port side to induce missile launch. Where is the SRX team?"

Lin Liuli's eyes were also anxious: "Raptor 1 and 2 are fighting the R-BLADE group. R-2 and R-3 are entangled by two enemy special planes."


The white wooden horse shook violently.

In the medical room, Ni Xingxing felt the vibration, gritted her teeth, pulled the infusion needle off her hand, lifted the quilt and got out of bed.

Outside the white wooden horse.

The enhanced R-3 dodges left and right, trying hard to avoid the Kraken's attack.

Gu Lincai: "Damn it, telekinetic assault shield, go!"

The telekinetic assault shield flew out from the back of R-3 and flew towards the Kraken.

However, this time the Siren did not dodge, because...

"A melee floating weapon? Then... Solid Swordbreaker, go!"

Eight floating cannon-like weapons popped out behind the White Winged Savior and rushed toward the telekinetic assault shield.

Four solid swordbreakers opened in mid-air, revealing the middle muzzle, and four beams of light hit the telekinetic assault shield. At the same time, the other four solid swordbreakers slammed into it, knocking away all the telekinetic assault shields that were attacked by the beam.

In an instant, all the telekinetic assault shields of the R-3 enhanced type were bounced away, causing Gu Lincai to frown and consume a huge amount of mental power.

Reluctantly retracting all the telekinetic assault shields, the R-3 enhanced version once again deployed its telekinetic stance to block the Kraken's double-gun fire.

Ladis: "Color!"

On the sea, the enhanced R-2 found a gap to be attacked, raised its muzzle and fired a beam at the Kraken, but was dodged by the Kraken. The Siren and the White-Winged Savior changed places, and the White-Winged Savior pointed the rifle at the R-3 enhanced version and kept shooting.

The Kraken, on the other hand, moved to the position where the White Winged Savior had just been. He pointed his two guns at the R-2 Enhanced Type on the sea and kept shooting, forcing the R-2 Enhanced Type to dodge with all its strength.

Ladis: "Damn it, this cooperation is too tacit. If this continues, there will be no way to break the situation, Veretta, Latoni?"

In the distance, two Raptors turned into airplanes and were fighting with a group of R-BLADEs.

Veretta's forehead was also sweating: "No, there are too many, and I can't spare the time."


As the white wooden horse was shot again, billowing smoke rose.

Latoni's voice was a little urgent: "If this continues, the white wooden horse will be sunk."

Ladis raised his head and looked at the enhanced R-3, which could only rely on telekinesis for defense, and the white Trojan that was constantly being shot. His eyes widened in anger.

"Damn it, is there no other way?"

As soon as Ladis finished speaking, a beam of light came from a distance and hit the Siren and the White Winged Savior, forcing the two machines to stagger their positions. After dodging, they destroyed the two R-BLADEs in the distance.

At the same time, Lei Mengmeng's voice came over the friendly channel.

"Of course there is a way, White Knight-chan, making a grand appearance~!"

I just realized that this book already has 1 million words, so let’s celebrate by adding an extra chapter.

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