Immortal Soul of Steel

Chapter 440 Awakening! Blue's Revenge Ghost, a battle in the BGM field!

The White Knight's sniper support from a distance restored the confidence of Furinsai, Ladis, Latoni, and Veretta a little.

The White Knight destroyed two R-BLADEs before she came back. Once she joins the battle, it will definitely greatly improve the current dilemma faced by the White Trojan.

"Mengmeng, are you back? How is the feint attack unit doing?"

Due to the White Knight's sniper attack, the R-3 Enhanced Type found an opportunity to distance itself from the White Winged Savior and the Siren again.

Gu Lincai got a chance to breathe and asked with a hint of gratitude.

The White Knight once again launched a sniper attack on the White Winged Savior and the Siren from a distance. After forcing the White Winged Savior and the Siren to evade again, the White Knight flew over quickly. Lei Mengmeng also returned on the friendly channel.

"It's not a big problem. Although there are a lot of them over there, there are Zengjia and Type Zero there."

"As long as they have done something serious, it is only a matter of time before those guys are eliminated."

"After all, there is no machine over there that can compete with the Zero. Once the "BGM field" is activated, the mass-produced Akatsuki II over there will definitely be cut into pieces. "

"I'm more worried about the situation here, so I came back first. Zeng Jia, Xiao Tezi, and Lamia-chan are handling the feint attack force."

Hearing this, Ladis also breathed a sigh of relief: "It's been a big help."

Lei Mengmeng smiled and asked, "What do you mean, are these two special planes very difficult?"

Veretta returned: "The pilots of these two special aircraft are all ace-level pilots, and those new R-BLADEs are also the most elite aircraft and elite pilots."

"It's not easy to deal with such a large number."

Lei Mengmeng nodded slightly: "I see, then, we have to deal with these two special planes first."

Just like Gu Lincai and others contacted them immediately after the White Knight returned and readjusted their formation.

Raymond and Catalina also immediately controlled the machine to avoid the White Knight's sniper attack while communicating.

While controlling the machine to dodge, Catalina asked impatiently: "Who is this Lei Mengmeng? Why is the shooting accuracy so high?"

"Isn't it true that no one can use the White Knight except you, Raymond?"

"Where did this guy come from?"

Faced with Catalina's complaint, Raymond glanced at the white knight and replied calmly.

"Sa, who knows. The world here and our original world have changed a lot because of the butterfly effect."

"Some changes are completely expected. This is also the result we are pursuing."

As the Siren continued to dodge, the White Knight finally rushed to the side of the white Trojan and entered the attack range of the Siren.

Finally finding the opportunity, the Kraken immediately picked up the Legrand rifle and fought back.

The huge green beam whizzed past the white knight. This attack failed to hit and was easily dodged by the white knight.

After the attack was dodged, Catalina just clicked her tongue. Before she could continue speaking, she heard Lei Mengmeng's voice suddenly sounded on the public channel.

"Ah la la, how could such an attack hit my little white-chan? That one over there, are you too fanciful?"

Lei Mengmeng suddenly shouted something on the public channel, which made both Catalina and Raymond stunned.

Catalina looked at Raymond in confusion, and asked in astonishment: "During the battle, using the public frequency to shout to the enemy? What on earth is she thinking?"

Raymond had a sullen face, turned away his eyes and returned: "I don't know."

Not getting an answer from Raymond, the Siren was attacked by the White Knight again. Caterina felt she couldn't bear it anymore.

Opening the public channel, Catalina shouted to Lei Mengmeng.

"Whether it's a whim or not, you'll find out soon. It's just a white knight, let me shoot it down for you."

The Kraken's thrusters exploded and rushed straight towards the White Knight.

Seeing the Siren charging alone, the White Winged Savior made no move. Lemon just pulled the trigger casually, not knowing what he was thinking.

On the White Knight's side, the propellers exploded, deliberately leaving the surroundings of the white Trojan and flying towards the edge of the battlefield.

While the white knight was galloping, Lei Mengmeng looked back at the siren who was following him, and the corners of her mouth raised slightly.

"I took the bait, I took the bait. Sure enough, Youde is right. Trash talk and other things are very useful for some hot-tempered enemies. So..."

With that said, Lei Mengmeng opened the public channel: "Oh? Really? Then I'll wait and see. She looks like a little kitten with fried fur."

Catalina growled: "Whose cat do you think you are?"

Ignoring Catalina's roar, Lei Mengmeng closed the public channel with a smile and opened the friendly channel: "Cai, I will take this special plane to put a little distance away and find an opportunity to kill her. You guys hold on for now."

The enhanced version of R-3 launched an attack on the White Winged Savior, trying to attract the White Winged Savior's attention.

Gu Lincai responded: "I understand, but please hurry up. There are too many here."

Lei Mengmeng smiled and said: "I understand, don't worry, it won't take long."

The white knight stopped continuing to keep distance, and responded with a beam cannon attack, causing the Kraken to dodge urgently and interrupt the momentum. Continue to joke on the public channel.

"Not bad, not bad. This dodge ability is indeed quite good. It's not like a soldier. I have a chance to fight against you, big sister."

Hearing this, veins popped up on Catalina's forehead: "Who do you think is a soldier? Don't be too arrogant, I'm older than you now!"

The Kraken hung upside down in the air, charged the Legrand rifle in his hand, and shot out a thick beam of light towards the White Knight. The white knight twisted his waist slightly and dodged.

Lei Mengmeng was a little surprised: "Eh? Is that so? How old are you, little kitty sister... Oh! You actually have this trick? You almost fooled me."

Just when Lei Mengmeng responded to the complaint, the beam fired by Siren's Legrand rifle did not directly interrupt. Still shooting continuously, the beam bombardment turned into a large beam sword, moving sideways on the spot, trying to cut the white knight in half.

But this unexpected attack was still dodged by the white knight's quick acceleration from above.

The thick beam of light almost grazed the air shield close to the white knight's chest. It can be described as extremely thrilling.

After the Siren's attack was once again dodged by the White Knight, Catalina's eyes were full of anger: "Damn it, it's just a White Knight, why is it so difficult..."

Hearing this, Lei Mengmeng raised the corners of her mouth slightly, filled with a proud smile.

In the distance, in the cockpit of the White Winged Savior, Raymond listened to Catalina's words and muttered to himself.

"Because the White Knight's pursuit of extreme speed does not have any defensive capabilities. Once it is hit, the machine will be destroyed and everyone will die. Therefore, missing a hit is the ultimate pursuit of the White Knight."

Glancing in the direction where the White Knight and the Siren were entangled, Raymond narrowed his eyes slightly.

"It should be almost done. I deliberately led Katarina there to activate the "BGM field." Use the absolute performance difference to crush the performance, and then defeat the Kraken. "

"Lei Mengmeng, I know your plan very well."

"However, I also have my own plans."

"Can we use conventional machines to fight against the machines that broke out in the "BGM field"? Let's give it a try today. "

As Lei Meng watched, Lei Mengmeng controlled the white knight and once again dodged the attack of the sea monster. He tapped his lips with his finger and smiled.

"It's almost done. The opponent's anger level is almost full. Then... White Knight-chan, BGM field, activate!"

Under Lei Mengmeng's self-talk, brisk music played from the white knight, and the "BGM field" was activated.

[BGM: Fallen Angel of Silver-Okada Yuki]

With the support of the BGM field, the White Knight's speed doubled on the spot, and he successfully circled from the front of the Kraken to the back of the Kraken at extremely fast speeds.

The speed was so fast that it was hard to see, which frightened Catalina.

"How is it possible, so fast? This is... the power of the BGM field?"

It is completely different from the experience seen on TV. Only by being on the scene and experiencing the speed of the white knight after activating the BGM field. Only then can we understand how terrifying the increase brought by the BGM field is.

The performance far exceeds that of conventional aircraft, and the advantages it brings are overwhelming.

Under Lei Mengmeng's smile, the white knight pointed the Oakstein rifle in his hand at the Kraken's back thruster.

It was at this time that Lei Mengmeng discovered that above the propeller on the Kraken's back, located behind the shoulders, there were actually two propulsion nozzles that seemed to be unused.

This design surprised Lei Mengmeng, but it did not affect the movements of his hands.

"Yes, this is the power of the BGM field. It is the power that our family has the virtue to explore."

"Since you want to be our enemy, then after experiencing this power, ascend to heaven and become a Buddha."

As Lei Mengmeng pulled the trigger, the Oakstein rifle in the white knight's hand erupted with beams.

However, faced with the danger of a direct attack after being bypassed, Katarina did not give up.

"Stop looking at people all over you, asshole."

Roaring, Katarina pressed a button. The two propulsion nozzles on the back and shoulders of the Kraken are activated.

"Meteor propulsion device, start!"

The two nozzles on the back and shoulders suddenly erupted into intense blue jet flames.

Driven by the powerful flames, the Kraken successfully rose into the air and dodged before the beam penetrated the body.

This scene shocked Lei Mengmeng: "Nani?"

In the distance, Raymond glanced sideways and whispered: "It's activated. It's specially designed to deal with the ace of the body that has a sudden increase in performance after the BGM field is activated."

"Whether a machine without the BGM field can keep up with a machine with the BGM field activated? It's up to you, Katarina."

As Raymond watched, the Siren quickly took off into the air, circled in a circle, and rushed back towards the White Knight at an extremely exaggerated speed.

"In terms of speed, the Kraken will not lose."

With a roar, the Siren rushed towards the White Knight at extremely fast speeds. During the charge, the Kraken put away the Legrand rifle. The one holding two guns aimed at the white knight's chest and shot.

"The white knight is not ancient iron. Even if the defense is enhanced by that strange BGM field and there is damage immunity, he will never be able to withstand the attack of the sea monster!"

Countless attacks came, and under Lei Mengmeng's control, the white knight quickly maneuvered to dodge.

As Catalina said, even with the increase in BGM field. Lei Mengmeng did not dare to use the white knight's armor to resist the beam attack of the Kraken's twin guns.

After all, the White Knight is not Gu Tie. The increase in defense power does not have the courage to resist enemy attacks head-on like Gu Tie and Type Zero.

But in comparison, the increase in speed of the White Knight is not comparable to that of Gutie and Zero.

"Meteor propulsion device? Very good, let's see who is faster."

The White Knight is at full speed, flying through the air at super high speeds. With the assistance of the meteor propulsion device, the Kraken's body also broke out at super high speed and pursued the White Knight.

Although even at full speed, the Kraken is still slower than the White Knight in terms of speed, it is not to the extent that it can be thrown away.

Two high-speed machines started a super-speed fight above the sea, and countless golden and green beams of light flew through the air.

The fierce and super-fast fight attracted the attention of Raymond, Gu Lincai, Ladis, Veretta, Latoni and others.

On the bridge of the white wooden horse, Refina couldn't help but sigh when she looked at the captured scene.

"Is it really possible for humans to react at this speed?"

Lin Liuli heard this and returned: "After activating the BGM field, the black box body will receive an increase in all aspects. At the same time, the performance increase generated by the body seems to be attached to the driver."

"The speed and G-force brought about by the sudden increase in aircraft performance do not seem to be fed back to the pilot."

"On the contrary, the pilot's reflex nerves, or his perception of time, will be enhanced."

"Therefore, as long as the BGM field can be activated, there will be no situation where the pilot cannot control the aircraft."

"The above is information from the latest BGM field experience report of Zengjia and Type Zero."

Yi Xiaozhen glanced at Lin Liuli and praised: "Liuli-chan is very hardworking. She even organizes and reads this kind of information."

Lin Liuli blinked and replied: "It should be."

Yi Xiaozhen looked sideways at Lefina, and said with a strange look, "It would be great if a certain captain could work like this."

Refina blushed and glared at Yi Xiaozhen before coughing slightly to cover up her embarrassment.

Showing a thumbs up to Lin Liuli, Lefina acted as if nothing had happened just now, and asked doubtfully while commanding the white wooden horse to fight.

"It's not surprising that White Knight and Lei Mengmeng, who have the BGM field, can exert such strength. However, how did the machine called the Kraken without the BGM field achieve this level?"

Refina was puzzled, and others had the same doubts.

But this kind of doubt does not exist in Lei Mengmeng's heart.

Because after a short fierce battle, Lei Mengmeng had discovered the secret of Catalina, or the Siren, being able to keep up with the speed of the White Knight.

With a little shock, Lei Mengmeng controlled the white knight to maintain a high-intensity battle with the sea monster. At the same time, she asked doubtfully in the public channel.

"You guys, after activating the meteor propulsion device, are you using your body to resist the G force caused by the body's acceleration?"

Clenching her teeth, Catalina controlled the Siren to chase the White Knight, constantly launching attacks. After a while, I reluctantly returned.

" what? As long as it can keep up with your speed, the body after activating the BGM field is nothing more than that."

Faced with Catalina's ridicule, Lei Mengmeng did not get angry, only full of confusion.

Lei Mengmeng asked Catalina in the public channel: "Why?"

Catalina squinted and asked, "Why?"

Lei Mengmeng was puzzled: "Why do you want to do this?"

"If you were just employed by someone, you wouldn't be working so hard, right?"

"Indeed, the meteor propulsion device on your body is quite amazing. It can actually make your body keep up with the speed of the White Knight after activating the BGM field."

"Although it was a bit reluctant, the speed did catch up. Such power is worthy of praise."

"However, there is no G-force elimination effect brought by the BGM field. At such a speed, if you use your body to resist the G-force, your body will not be able to withstand it."

"Are you going to do this for a little money?"

"Before you get the money, your body will collapse due to G-force overload, right?"

"Sister Kitten, what on earth are you..."

The white knight was no longer attacking, but just dodged to avoid the siren's charge. Because in Lei Mengmeng's opinion, there was no need to continue wasting energy. Just keep dodging and you can wait for the Kraken to destroy itself.

The G force caused by the exaggerated acceleration will cause the driver to self-destruct.

But not long after Lei Mengmeng finished speaking, Catalina's angry voice erupted on the public channel.

"Don't play with me!!!"

Catalina's roar made Lei Mengmeng's shoulders shake in shock, and she let out a low cry: "Eh?"

As Lei Mengmeng watched, the sea monster turned sharply in mid-air and flew back again. As countless rays of light came in, Catalina continued to vent her anger on the public channel.

"You said I did it for money?"

"That kind of thing has no value at all."

"My goal from beginning to end has been only one. That is to defeat Red Wolf and kill Lin Youde."

"As long as I can achieve this goal, I won't hesitate even if my body is broken into pieces!"

The shouts and roars that broke out on the public channel made Lei Mengmeng's eyes widen in shock.

Although she couldn't understand it, she did feel the ultimate hatred and anger from Katarina's roar.

Grasping the joystick tightly, Lei Mengmeng's expression gradually became serious.

"Really...I don't know why you hate Youde so much."

" a virtuous wife, I can't let you achieve your goal."

"I have indeed received your enlightenment. Then, let me save you."

"Anyone who wants a virtuous life is my enemy!"

"White Knight!"

The white knight's eyes flashed with light, and his speed exploded again, far exceeding the previous limit.

Under Katarina's unbelievable gaze, the White Knight moved at a speed far exceeding that of the Siren, and after avoiding all the attacks from the Siren, he came behind the Siren.


A golden beam of light erupted from the muzzle of the Okstein rifle. Flying straight towards the Kraken.

Because the distance is too close and the G force is too large. Katarina, who used her body to resist the G-force, had no time to react.

In a hurry, all she could do was make the Siren turn around slightly in mid-air.

And with this turn, the Siren escaped being directly attacked by the White Knight.

But in exchange, the golden beam shot from the White Knight's Oakstein rifle penetrated the two thrusters on the Kraken's back shoulder.

In an instant, the beam flashed and the propeller lost its thrust.

Catalina's eyes widened and she exclaimed: "Not good..."

Bang! Bang!

Two explosions sounded behind Kraken.

There was a fierce explosion, and the Kraken lost its posture in the air and fell towards the sea with billowing smoke.

Seeing this scene, Raymond in the distance couldn't sit still.

"Can't the combination of Katarina + Meteor propulsion device defeat the White Knight after activating the BGM field?"

"Could it be that the BGM field can really only be defeated by the BGM field?"

The White Winged Savior shook off the entanglement of the enhanced R-3, and the thrusters behind his shoulders exploded.

"Meteor propulsion device activated!"

With astonishing speed, the White Winged Savior rushed towards the White Knight and Siren.

Lei Mengmeng noticed the movement on the White Wing Savior's side. So she didn't hesitate and pointed the White Knight's gun at the falling Siren.

"Don't blame me. Since you want Youde's life, then I can only take your life."

As Lei Mengmeng pulled the trigger, the golden beam burst out from the Oakstein rifle in the white knight's hand again.

As she fell, Catalina looked at the screen directly in front of her, where a golden beam of light fell from the sky.

With full of unwillingness, Catalina closed her eyes in pain.

"Damn it over here..."

"Obviously I haven't mentioned my parents' revenge yet, is it going to end like this..."

"Obviously I haven't done anything yet..."

"This is how it ends..."

(Are you unwilling?)

"Ah! That's right, I'm not willing to give in. They are all black box machines, so why can't the Kraken activate that BGM field!?"

After subconsciously roaring, Catalina suddenly opened her eyes.

Only then did she realize that everything around her had turned gray.

On the front monitor, the golden beam also turned gray.

Time seemed to have been stopped, causing everything to stand still.

"This is……"

In a daze, Catalina saw a translucent woman with silver-white hair and a leather jacket, folding her arms and looking at herself.

(Do you really want power so much?)

Although she didn't understand what happened, Katarina clenched her fists and responded.

"Yes, I need strength. I need the power to defeat the White Knight and Gu Tie and avenge my father and mother."

"Can you give me that kind of power?"

The silver-haired woman stared at Catalina for a long time before sighing.

(I understand, since you long for power so much, then I’ll give it to you. As long as... you don’t regret it...)

After saying that, the translucent woman with silver-white hair disappeared...

Everything around returned to its original color.

The golden beam of light shot down from the sky and gradually magnified in the monitor.

However, just when the golden beam was about to hit the Kraken. A green defensive barrier enveloped the Kraken and blocked the attack.

The green round mask that appeared out of thin air made Lei Mengmeng's eyes widen in disbelief.

"What the hell? Defensive stance? But since we have a defensive stance, why didn't we use it before?"

Raymond was also quite puzzled: "The Siren has a defensive stance? How come I don't know about this kind of thing? What on earth is this..."

As Lei Mengmeng and Lei Meng watched in surprise, a burst of rapid and passionate music erupted from the Siren.

[BGM: Revenger-Lineng good words]

Under the green dome, the Kraken stabilized its figure in the air.

In the cockpit, Catalina looked at the window that popped up on the screen in surprise.

"The Oz engine is fully liberated...Ogon's stance is activated? Is this...the true power of the Kraken?"

Catalina suddenly raised her head, looked at the white knight in the sky, and held the joystick tightly.

"I finally got the power of revenge, so wake up!!!"

Under Katrina's control, the green circle around the Siren disappeared instantly. The Kraken burst out at a faster speed than when the meteor propulsion device was turned on before, and rushed towards the White Knight.

In an instant, a green light flashed from the sky. The white knight narrowly avoided the siren's charge.

"Is this... the BGM field? Besides Youde and Major Kai, is there anyone who can use their own will to get the recognition of Black Box and activate the BGM field?"

Lei Mengmeng's face was a little gloomy.

"In other words, the being in the Siren's black box recognized this woman?"

"They are all going to kill Youde?"

Clenching the joystick tightly, Lei Mengmeng became angry.

"Both of you, give me the same amount."

"I'm less than 20 years old. Anyone who wants me to be a widow, get out of here!!!"

The White Knight's thrusters exploded and chased after the Kraken in the sky.

This time, there was finally no difference in speed between the two machines, and they fought each other quickly.

The ultra-fast speed and fierce fighting did not allow anyone else to interfere.

The two machines turned into green and white meteors in the sky, colliding constantly, then entangled and separated...

Seeing the fierce battle between the inheritance and the sky, the White Winged Savior stopped his progress.

"I didn't expect that Catalina and Siren could actually achieve this level. Could it be that this is part of your plan? Youde..."

Looking up at the two machines in the sky, the White Winged Savior turned around and flew towards the white Trojan again.

But this time, Lei Meng's eyes were not looking at the white wooden horse, but in the direction where Gu Tie was before...


PS: All the BGM used in this book has been included in the playlist. Although it has been said before, considering the large number of chapter skippers in this book. The author will say it again here.

Search the title of this book on NetEase Cloud Music, which is "The Soul of Immortal Steel", and you can find the song list made by the author.

All BGM can be found inside.

As the plot is updated, the BGM in the playlist will also be constantly updated.

At the same time, the song files in the group file will also be updated simultaneously.

When watching specific chapters, listening to the BGM at the same time will give you a better feeling.


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