Immortal Soul of Steel

Chapter 441 Fierce fight! Awakened R-1!

In the direction that Raymond was looking at, Gutie was still entangled with five R-BLADEs driven by quasi-ace pilots.

It was not difficult for Lin Youde to deal with his five quasi-ace pilots. It's just that these five R-BLADEs have absolute air superiority, and it's not that easy to shoot them down.

And now that Lin Youde has shrouded the entire battlefield with the new human telepathy, he can see the whole situation at a glance.

Although he was not at the White Trojan Horse, Lin Youde still knew the situation near the White Trojan Horse.

He looked in the direction of the white Trojan and saw that no planned signal flare appeared above the white Trojan. Lin Youde also nodded slightly and said to himself.

"It seems like Refina hasn't given up yet..."

not long ago.

The captain of the white wooden horse is resting.

Refina sat in the lounge and looked at Lin Youde in surprise.


Lin Youde nodded.

"Yes, it's just a test."

"This attack is both a crisis and an opportunity for us."

"After all, our team has not really been trained so far. We also have no experience in fighting against people."

"Humans are different from dimensional beasts after all. The reason why people are strong depends not only on strength, but also on wisdom."

"Now the three major countries are hostile to each other, and frictions occur from time to time."

"As a special independent force, we will inevitably have to deal with the special forces of the other two major countries in the future."

"Therefore, I plan to use this attack to hone our team."

Rafina responded thoughtfully: "In other words, Captain, do you plan to train here?"

Lin Youde nodded and admitted, "Yes, that's what it means."

The world of machine warfare is different from other worlds after all.

This kind of world itself is full of dangers, unless Lin Youde has the power to destroy the world alone and interfere with the law of cause and effect. Otherwise, it is unrealistic to want to take over the world alone.

Therefore, relying on the power of the group, a large number of protagonists who are the protagonists of their own stories in other worlds are assembled. Gathering the power of the sons of the world and the sons of the planes in their respective worlds is the real basis for ensuring safety in this world.

To achieve this goal, we must not only collect these protagonists, but also give them opportunities and space to hone and grow.


"In this battle, I will not use the power of the BGM field easily."

"This matter belongs to your battle. Unless, as the captain and battlefield commander, you think the situation has become irreversible. Otherwise, I will not easily use the BGM field as my trump card."

"After all, relying solely on my strength is not conducive to the growth of others and cannot achieve the effect of military training."

"At the same time, it will also give our hostile forces more opportunities to study me."

"Now that the BGM field has been made public, it is impossible for our enemies not to consider that we will use the power of the BGM field."

"I don't know yet whether the other party has any countermeasures. But it is impossible for the other party not to consider this and not make preparations."


Refina nodded heavily and responded: "I understand. In this battle, we will rely on our own strength to fight. We will not easily rely on the strength of the captain and the ancient iron BGM field to fight."

Lin Youde smiled slightly: "This is the best. After all, we are a group, and it is most beneficial only if everyone's strength is improved."

"But this is just my plan."

"If nothing can be done, retreating or firing a signal to notify me to use the power of Gutie's BGM field is also one of the options."

"In the final analysis, our purpose is just to lure the snake out of its hole and create stain on the four major families."

"As long as we can successfully lure the enemy into action, our strategic purpose will have been achieved."

"As for whether the local battle is won or not, it doesn't matter to us."

"Ensuring everyone's safety is the top priority. As for whether I can complete my training objectives, I can wait a little longer."

Rafina hesitated: "But, wouldn't this be too dangerous?"

"After all, this is the first time for everyone to fight against others. What if..."

Before Lefina finished speaking, Lin Youde comforted her.

"Everyone has their first time, and it's normal to do poorly. As long as I'm in charge, you can rest assured."

"Besides, as a captain, Rafina, you have to believe in your subordinates and everyone's sense of strength."

"Although everyone is still young, they all have potential. I believe they can definitely do it."

Refina was stunned for a moment: "Do you believe... in the power of your subordinates?"

Lin Youde nodded: "Yes, it is also the captain's duty to believe in the strength of his subordinates."

Rafina nodded heavily: "I understand, I will try my best."

Lin Youde nodded happily and smiled.

"In short, this is my plan. As for how to implement it, it is up to you, Refina, to arrange it yourself."

"In the future, sooner or later, you will command a battleship alone, or even command troops to fight."

"This battle, just treat it as the homework I assigned you."

"You have to work hard, Rafina."

Refina stood up straight on the spot and saluted: "Yes, Captain, I will definitely work hard to complete the mission... No, it's my homework!"

Looking in the direction of the white wooden horse, Lin Youde smiled slightly.

"It seems that Refina hasn't given up yet. Is it because Mengmeng's return of support gave her new confidence?"

Yes, Lin Youde discovered it the moment Lei Mengmeng came back.

As the person who shrouded the entire audience with the new human's telepathy, the speed of White Knight's quick response calmed down Lin Youde's initially worried heart.

This time the enemy was somewhat beyond Lin Youde's expectations. The number is far greater than previously imagined.

It is not easy to cope with such an absolute numerical difference.

If nothing can be done, Lin Youde is ready to use the Gutie BGM field to break the situation at any time.

Military training is only one of the purposes, ensuring everyone's safety is the top priority.

Lin Youde can still distinguish between primary and secondary.

Therefore, when the white knight who owns the BGM field returns, Lin Youde believes that the pressure on the white horse can be reduced a lot.

But the reality was somewhat beyond Lin Youde's expectations.

Although the distance is too far, the communication is blocked due to interference from Minov particles, and the conversation on the other side cannot be heard.

But in that mental induction, Lin Youde was frightened by the hatred and anger emanating from the pilot of the Kraken.

Afterwards, the Siren and the White Knight briefly fought, and Lin Youde was even more surprised when the BGM field was awakened when he was about to be shot down.

Because at that moment, Lin Youde sensed the mental fluctuations of two people in the Kraken's cockpit.

Although it was short-lived, it was almost fleeting. But Lin Youde did feel it.

The ensuing super-speed fierce battle between the Siren and the White Knight further proved that Lin Youde's guess was correct.

Siren awakens the BGM field.

Although he wasn't sure what was going on, Lin Youde felt that it probably had something to do with the original pilot of the Kraken, Calvina.

It reminds me of the strong hatred of the Kraken pilot, combined with the experience of piloting the Kraken to fight for revenge in the original work of Calvina.

Lin Youde felt that it was probably the Kraken pilot's strong hatred that resonated with Calvina.

As someone who also fights for revenge, it seems natural to be recognized?

However, in this case, the problem arises again.

‘That Siren pilot’s hatred is directed at me, right? ’

‘What on earth did I do in the parallel world that was so outrageous that they targeted me like this one by one? ’

‘I can’t be allowed to become a dependent of the original species in a parallel world, just like Nanbu Kyousuke in the OG world, and engage in mischief, right? ’

Thinking of this, Lin Youde felt a little depressed.

‘Could it be that I in the parallel world really followed Kousuke Minami’s script? ’

'If this is true, but according to the story trend in the OG world, Nanbu Kousuke, who became a native species, will only continue to serve the Earth Federation. At most, he has a problem with his style and a mental problem. Not to the point of destroying the world. ’

‘But judging from the Kraken pilot’s hatred for me, I’m afraid things are not that simple. Maybe, in the parallel world, I am crazier than the native Kyousuke Minami in the OG world? ’

Quickly shaking his head to get rid of these distracting thoughts, Lin Youde quickly concentrated.

Lin Youde was not surprised that there were native species in this world or a parallel world.

After all, this is the world of machine combat, and anything weird is not surprising.

Although it is not clear what happened in the parallel world, Lin Youde himself, at least for now, has no interest in becoming a native species.

After becoming a native species, they will be affected by the native species, and then become crazy or crazy.

Lin Youde didn't want this situation.

He, Lin Youde, just wants his wife and children to sit on the bed, drive the robot, and play games when he has nothing to do. Not being a human being or anything like that, he wasn't ready for that yet.

‘However, since there are native species in the parallel world. Then this world should also have it, right? ’

‘According to this logic, will the native species also come to me and Mengmeng? After all, we are driving ancient iron and white knights...'

‘No, no, now is not the time to think about this. Get rid of these guys quickly and return to the White Trojan Horse, otherwise, you will always feel uneasy...'

While Lin Youde's thoughts were racing, the battle near the white Trojan was still fierce.

Because the White Knight is haunted by the Kraken. The two machines also broke out in the BGM field, and the ultra-high-speed fierce battle prevented others from getting involved.

This caused the White Winged Savior to return and enter the battlefield.

Under Raymond's control, White Winged Savior released all 8 solid sword breakers, relying only on these 8 solid sword breakers. She suppressed the R-3 enhanced type and R-2 enhanced type by herself.

Even if she had time, she could change the rifle in her hand into sniper mode and fire a long-distance sniper beam to harass Latoni and Veretta.

The precise snipers that appeared from time to time made the two Raptors exhausted.

"Damn it, if you continue like this, you will lose."

In the R-3 enhanced cockpit, Gu Lincai used the telekinetic assault shield to attack the solid sword breaker of the White Winged Savior, and took a moment to glance at the white Trojan that was constantly under attack. Full of worries.

The same mood was shared by Ladis in the R-2 enhanced cockpit.

Ladis had a sullen face and controlled the machine to avoid the shots from the Solid Swordbreaker and the White-Winged Savior. He took a moment to glance at the two meteors that kept flying in the sky.

"If White Knight is not entangled, relying on White Knight's BGM field, we still have a chance."

"But now that the White Knight is entangled by the Kraken, we lack a firepower point. If this continues..."

Just when Ladis and Gu Lincai were worried, something happened in the white wooden horse.

Lin Liuli blinked and turned back to report to Refina: "Captain, the first ejection port has been opened..."

Refina was shocked: "What? This ship should have no aircraft capable of launching attacks. Who opened the ejection port without authorization?"

Lux, who took over Latoni's original position, said in surprise: "Is it R-1? Ah Xing, what are you doing? Come down quickly."

During the communication, Ni Xingxing's voice came over.

"The battle is so fierce now, how can you let me lie in bed peacefully? I will also attack!"

Lux scolded: "Stop joking. With your physical condition, even if you fly R-1 to attack, what can you do?"

"Have you forgotten the previous battle?"

"You have no time to receive air combat training. You can't do anything if you go out now."

Ni Xingxing grinned with sweat on his forehead.

"Don't worry, I won't mess around."

"Nan Ye said that my body has almost recovered. As long as I don't chase anymore, there should be no problem in fighting for a short time. If there is any pain, just grit your teeth and endure it."

"As for fighting, don't worry, I have a secret plan."

Lux stared blankly at Ni Xingxing, whose hands were trembling on the monitor.

"Are you serious?"

Ni Xingxing grinned and said, "Of course I'm serious."

"Don't worry, I haven't lived enough yet. I haven't waited until Youde has sent me a wife, so how can I die with peace of mind. If I want to die, I have to wait for my wife to be paid!"

Lux looked back at Refina silently.

Lux did not forget that the commander of this battleship was Rafina, so she did not make decisions without authorization.

Under Lux's gaze, Refina pursed her lips and gritted her teeth.

"Ni Xingxing, are you really ready?"

Ni Xingxing nodded and said, "Yes, let me go, Captain."

Refina sighed: "I understand. The current situation of this ship is that there is really no good way to reverse the situation of the battle. Since you have your own plan, I allow you to attack. But..."

Refina looked at Ni Xingxing seriously: "Don't mess around. We have no obligation to fight these enemies to the death. If it doesn't work, the ship will retreat. So, don't be impulsive."

Ni Xingxing gave a thumbs up gesture but said nothing.

Rafina nodded to Lacus, who nodded slightly in response.

"Road cleared, ejection ready, R-1, ready for takeoff."


Ni Xingxing responded, covering her chest and taking a deep breath.

"R-1, Ni Xingxing, attack!"

The strong pushing feeling on her back made Ni Xingxing grit her teeth and endure the severe pain as R-1 was ejected.

As soon as he flew out of the white wooden horse, Ni Xingxing controlled R-1 to transform into R-WING in the form of an airplane.

R-WING flew out and quickly attracted the attention of Raymond, Gu Lincai, Ladis, Latoni, and Veretta.

Raymond looked at R-WING in surprise: "R-WING? R-1 in flying form? If you didn't attack before, what are you doing now?"

Gu Lincai even exclaimed: "R-WING? Ah Xing, what are you doing? Your current body cannot attack."

R-WING's white wooden horse flew around and launched a brazen attack on R-BLADE.

Ni Xingxing opened the friendly channel and replied while taking a breath.

"Don't worry, Cai, I'm ready to attack..."

Before Ni Xingxing could finish her words, Ladis scolded her.

"Ni Xingxing, don't be so pretentious. Don't we still know your current physical condition?"

"Go back quickly, you can't operate R-WING at all now!"

Faced with Ladis's reprimand, Ni Xingxing did not refute.

This silence made Veretta couldn't help but shake her head.

"This is really messy. No, you are just looking for death."

Hearing Veretta's words, Latoni couldn't help but whisper.

"Ah wake up..."

Latoni's whisper made Ni Xingxing reply.

"You understand, Latoni."

Ni Xingxing's words surprised everyone. Only Latoni looked at R-WING who flew to Raptor 1.

Latoni hesitated: "But, your body."

Ni Xingxing said decisively: "Don't worry, as long as time is fast enough, I can hold on. I believe in you, Latoni."

When Latoni heard this, he bit his lip and hummed.

Gu Lincai and others asked, not knowing what was going on.

Gu Lincai: "Ah Xing, what do you want to do?"

Ladis: "Ah Xing, don't mess around."

Veretta: "What on earth are you..."

Ni Xingxing ignored the three people and just quickly started operating in the cockpit.

"All programs begin to be imported, and the operation rights are transferred to...Ratoni!"

Latoni was refreshed and pressed a button.

"Import the operation rights, dual-machine operation program, start... Wake up!"

Ni Xingxing: "Let's go, pull Tony off!"

In the midst of Raymond's slight surprise, Gu Lincai, Ladis, and Veretta's collective confused expressions.

Raptor 1 in flight form began to take off, parallel to the R-WING in the sky.

The two aircraft operated in complete synchronization, quickly rushed into the battlefield, and began to attack the large number of R-BLADEs.

Seeing this scene, Gu Lincai was shocked.

"Ah Xing, you want Latoni to control two machines at once?"

Ladis yelled loudly: "It's too messy. It's not something ordinary people can do."

Ni Xingxing stared at the screen directly in front of her, and kept pulling the trigger, firing beams one after another.

"Just because ordinary people can't do it, it doesn't mean that La Toni can't do it. La Toni is not an ordinary person. I believe in La Toni!"

Not long ago, the scene of talking with Latoni flashed through my mind.

—memory flashback—

Ni Xingxing was sitting in the medical room of the white wooden horse, asking Latoni for advice on flying skills.

But just through verbal conversation, Ni Xingxing was completely unable to understand the essentials of flying mentioned by Latoni.

"Ah~! It would be great if I could go directly to the computer for actual combat or simulated teaching. I don't understand it at all."

"The battle will start again soon, and I won't have time to train at all..."

Latoni hesitated.

"Maybe I can think of a way."

"Really? Latoni?"

Ni Xingxing grabbed Latoni's shoulders excitedly, making Latoni nodded nervously.

"Well, Brother De asked me before if it was possible for one person to control two machines through programming."

"I was somewhat interested in this proposal, so I wrote a program myself, studied it, and found that it seemed feasible."

Ni Xingxing's eyes lit up: "That means we might be able to use this program to let Latoni control two machines and let you fly with me?"

Latoni waved his hands repeatedly: "I have only simulated this program and have never tried it in actual combat. So, Ah Xing, you think too much. It probably won't work..."

Ni Xingxing shook his head and said: "No, how can you know this kind of thing if you don't try it? And when Youde told you this, you must have expected that my flying ability is poor, so you are looking for someone to make up for it, right?"

"So, I trust you and Youde, Latoni, let's do this!"

Latoni was still hesitant: "But..."

Ni Xingxing grabbed La Toni's shoulder and said solemnly: "Don't worry, if anything happens, I will bear all the responsibilities myself. I won't blame you, La Toni. I believe in your strength and your virtuous judgment." !”

Under Ni Xingxing's sincere gaze, Latoni finally nodded: "I, I understand..."

—End of memory flashback—

Completely letting go of control of R-WING, Ni Xingxing just pulled the trigger.

Faced with the two aircraft that suddenly broke into its own formation, R-BLADE did not hesitate, and directed all its bullets and beams at the two aircraft.

Seeing this scene, Gu Lincai couldn't help turning his head away and didn't dare to look.

Ladis even growled with eyes wide open: "So, what on earth are you doing..."

Veretta shook her head: "It's over..."

"It won't end like this." After Ni Xingxing replied firmly to Viletta on the friendly channel, he stared firmly at the beams and bullets coming from directly ahead.

"This time is different from before. I didn't know R-1 before. I only relied on my familiarity with PT (Independent Light Cavalry) to blindly control R-1, so it fell."

"But this time, I have fully understood R-1. With Latoni here, I will not let R-1 be shot down again."


Latoni nodded: "Assault formation!"

Raptor 1 maintained its flight form, flipped in the air, and pressed against the abdomen of Raptor 1 against the abdomen of R-WING. The two machines were almost stuck together at a very close distance.

At that distance, if it were a little closer, there would definitely be a collision, causing the two machines to fall.

But under Latoni's control, the two machines maintained a subtle distance and did not touch each other.

When Latoni finished all this, Ni Xingxing closed her eyes and took a deep breath.

"Telekinetic concentration... telekinetic stance... open!"

In the cockpit of R-WING, green light shines brightly.

A green barrier appeared around R-WING, tightly wrapping R-WING and Raptor 1 together.

Countless rays of light and bullets hit the barrier and were bounced off and exploded one after another.

With a green barrier, the two aircraft pierced R-BLADE's formation like sharp knives, rushed away, and shot down three R-BLADEs by the way.

Such a scene shocked everyone.

Raymond's eyes widened: "What kind of formation is this? How dare someone do such a life-threatening thing?"

Gu Lincai was also so shocked that he leaned forward: "You actually expanded your telekinesis stance at this time? And with this expansion range, what is Ah Xing's telekinesis level..."

Although Ladis was also surprised, he still breathed a sigh of relief: "So that's it, using the telekinetic stance to block the enemy's attack. Is this how to make up for Latoni's shortcomings in the operation of the machine when he controls two?"

Veretta shook her head: "That's not all. Because the control of the body is completely given to Latoni, Ni Xingxing does not need to waste energy on other operations. He can concentrate, maintain his telekinetic stance, and maximize the defensive effect."

"These two guys, using two mechas, did what only a dual-pilot mech would do. It's really bold..."

After successfully using the assault formation to break through R-BLADE's formation, Ni Xingxing opened his eyes and shouted excitedly.

"Lai, Cai, you saw it. This is the cooperation between Latoni and I, the super invincible assault formation. How about it, you didn't expect it, did you?"

Gu Lincai smiled and scolded: "I really didn't expect that I was almost scared to death by you. I thought you, Ah Xing, were going to bring La Toni with you. It's really..."

Ladis shook his head: "I will not go back to do such a stupid action, or even think about it. But I have to say, I really didn't expect this kind of action."

Ni Xingxing was extremely happy after being recognized by his two teammates.

"Ratoni, do it again."

After a cooperation, the feasibility of this tactic was confirmed, and Latoni's confidence was greatly increased. With an excited smile, he nodded his head quickly.


Ni Xingxing: "Come on, the invincible assault formation in the world!"

Under the control of Latoni, R-WING and Raptor 1 used the same method to withstand all R-BLADE attacks and rushed back again. At the same time, 2 more R-BLADEs were taken away.

Such results made Ni Xingxing and Latoni extremely excited.

However, Raymond will not sit back and ignore this.

"A good tactic, somewhat beyond my expectations. I didn't expect you to come out like this. But..."

The White Winged Savior raised his height, took out a cone-shaped weapon from behind, and pointed it at the white wooden horse.

The two sides of the cone opened, revealing the muzzle in the center, and the beam began to converge.

"No matter how you can fly, as long as you aim at the bridge of the White Trojan, you must obediently block it. Unless, you will refuse to save friendly forces."

Raymond's words shocked Ni Xingxing, Latoni, Gu Lincai, Ladis, Veretta and others.

R-3 enhanced type and R-2 enhanced forward thrust.

Gu Lincai: "Don't even think about it!"

Ladis: "I won't let you succeed!"

Raymond sneered: "Really?"

Eight solid swordbreakers flew from the surroundings and hit the muzzle of the enhanced R-2 and the sides of the enhanced R-3 on the spot. They knocked the muzzle of the enhanced R-2 out of the way and also knocked the R-3 The enhanced version was knocked down from the sky, but with great difficulty, Gu Lincai rescued him and regained his balance.

Veretta: "Look at me..."

Raptor 2 rushed over, firing its laser beam.

Raymond didn't even look at it, just said a simple sentence.

"Block it."

An R-BLADE suddenly rushed up from below and struck the blow with its shield.

The shield exploded on the spot, and R-BLADE was blown upside down.

But Raymond ignored it and just pulled the trigger.

"The halberd gun beam cannon... fire!"

After the rainbow-colored beam erupted from the muzzle, the beam suddenly bifurcated, splitting into two small beams at the top and bottom, and sniped towards the bridge of the White Trojan in the form of a trident.

Facing this beam cannon, Ni Xingxing gritted his teeth and said to Latoni.

"La Tony, throw the R-WING over."

Latoni was shocked: "But..."

Ni Xingxing said anxiously: "No but, if I just block it, everyone on the bridge will be dead, hurry up!"

The figures of the people on the bridge flashed through Latoni's mind, and he responded with a cry: "Ming, I understand! Ah Xing, don't die!"

Ni Xingxing responded loudly: "Ah~! I'm not ready to die yet."

R-WING flew out from the Raptor 1 fuselage at super high speed, and almost instantly rushed to the bridge of the White Trojan and transformed back into the humanoid form of R-1.

Holding up the shield, Ni Xingxing shouted loudly: "The stance of telepathy is at its maximum expansion!!!"

The halberd gun beam cannon rushed over and hit the telekinetic position in front of R-1.

Under the wash of the huge beam, R-1's telekinetic position kept shaking, and R-1's height was also pushed down by the propeller, struggling to maintain its fall bit by bit.

"Damn it, hold on, R-1!"

After the flushing of the halberd gun and beam cannon continued for a few seconds, it finally stopped.

However, faced with attacks that were successfully blocked. Before Ni Xingxing had time to rejoice, Lei Meng chuckled.

"I fell into a trap..."

Gu Lincai, Ladis, Ni Xingxing, and Weiletta were all shocked: "What?"

Raymond didn't explain, but said lightly: "Solley."

Not far away, the R-BLADE group, which had been dispersed by R-WING and Raptor 1, has now readjusted its formation. Holding various beam cannons, beam guns, and rocket launchers, they aimed at the Raptor 1 on the port side of the white Trojan.

"Go to the next city first!"

At Raymond's whisper, countless beams, bullets, and cannonballs blasted toward the port side of the white Trojan horse.

Raptor 1, which had been paying attention to the movements of R-1 before, had missed the best opportunity to escape.

Seeing this scene, Gu Lincai and Ladis both exclaimed.

Gu Lincai: "Run away..."

Ladis: "Latoni!!!"

Veretta shook her head again: "No more..."

Looking at the scene of beams, bullets, and cannonballs flying over, Latoni began to slowly close his eyes in despair.

"Sister Sakura..."

However, at the moment when her eyes were about to close, Ni Xingxing's roar made her stop.

"Don't even think about it...R-1, lend me your power, please, R-1!!!!!!"

As Ni Xingxing roared, the entire R-1 cockpit was dyed green.

R-1's pupils shone with light, and the flames of the propeller behind him roared, stopping the downward trend.

At the same time, the telekinetic position originally maintained in front of R-1 enveloped the entire white Trojan at an incredible speed.

In an instant, as exciting music played, a huge green round cover completely enveloped the entire white Trojan horse and the Raptor 1 on the port side.


Under the music of the general, countless beams, bullets, and artillery shells hit the green round cover. In addition to exploding countless fireworks, they did not damage the Raptor 1 and the white Trojan inside.

Such a scene shocked everyone present.

Gu Lincai looked at R-1 in shock: "That's... the power of Ah Xing and R-1?"

Ladis showed an uncontrollable excited smile: "This kid, Ah Xing, actually did it..."

Veretta narrowed her eyes: "Is this... the power of R-1 in the BGM field?"

Lei Meng thought of something, and looked at R-1 with a look full of caution: 'He is indeed the strongest telepathic user in theory, and he can actually do such outrageous things. ’

‘Only one R-1 can actually expand the telekinetic field to several hundred meters. ’

‘This kind of thing is so fast that I would never even dare to think about it in the future world. ’

‘To be able to do this is definitely not an ordinary person. ’

'Sure enough, that guy Youde gave up the original Gundam and let you pilot the R-1 because of this? ’

While Lei Meng's thoughts were racing, after Ni Xingxing successfully activated R-1's BGM field, he didn't have time to be happy at all. He only felt quite tired and sweating profusely.

But even so, he felt extremely lucky.

'Successful. Sure enough, Youde is right. As long as you believe in the body, the body will respond to me...'

In his mind, the previous conversation with Lin Youde flashed through his mind.

—memory flashback—

"How to activate R-1's BGM field?"

Lin Youde looked at Ni Xingxing on the hospital bed in surprise.

Ni Xingxing clasped her hands together: "Please, tell me, Youde. What should I do to activate R-1's BGM field?"

"With my current strength, I will only hinder everyone."

"If I can activate R-1's BGM field, I can at least serve as a human shield for everyone, so... please."

Lin Youde smiled helplessly, shook his head, and patted Ni Xingxing on the shoulder.

"Okay, okay, then I'll tell you."

"The activation method of R-1's BGM field is similar to that of Zeng Jia's Zero. Both require momentum."

Ni Xingxing was a little surprised: "Aura? Not a special line?"

Lin Youde rolled his eyes: "What are you thinking? Those lines I asked Zeng Jia to say before were just arranged by me to help him regain his momentum quickly."

"As long as he has enough momentum, even if he doesn't need those lines, it'll be fine."

Ni Xingxing smiled: "That's it..."

Lin Youde nodded: "Yes, that's it."

"R-1 also needs momentum. At the same time, you also need to believe in the power of R-1."

"Just like those super robots you like, Ah Xing, although R-1 is a real robot, it also has its own will because it is a black box body."

"So, if you want to activate the BGM field of R-1, then you have to believe in the power of R-1."

"As long as you believe in it, it will respond to you."

With that said, Lin Youde added: "Oh, by the way, when you want R-1 to help you, remember to shout out, otherwise R-1 can't read your mind and can't hear your voice."

—End of memory flashback—

Panting heavily, Ni Xingxing smiled happily.

"It seems that it is exactly what Youde said. R-1 responded to me, thank you, R-1..."

Taking a deep breath, Ni Xingxing endured the severe pain in her body and shouted to Latoni.

"Ratoni, get out of the way."

R-1 turned into R-WING, and the green telekinetic stance began to shrink.

Latoni was a little confused: "Ah Xing, what are you going to do?"

Ni Xingxing showed a somewhat ugly evil smile.

"Of course... just bump into it."

Latoni was stunned: "Crash into it?"

Soon, Latoni responded: "Do you want to..."

Ni Xingxing pushed the joystick, and R-WING rushed directly towards the remaining R-BLADE, which had a dozen or so R-BLADEs with a telekinetic stance of several hundred meters in diameter.

"Yes, it's what you think."

"After the telekinetic stance is deployed, there will be a physical collision effect."

"It's just like other Leon-type machines that can hit people with their telekinesis stance after deploying it."

"Today, I am going to use R-WING's telekinetic stance to kill these bastards."

"As long as the range of my telekinetic position is large enough, there is no need for other operations at all. It is enough to just rush over."

"R-WING, let's charge and kill them."

"Look at the power of my thoughts in the sky and the world hitting the barrier, ohhhhhh!!!!"

R-WING, who was completely stunned by Latoni, rushed towards the R-BLADE group with a telekinetic stance of several hundred meters.

Because of the growth in the BGM field, the speed of R-WING is extremely fast, which is not something that R-BLADE can respond to.

All R-BLADEs were either exploded on the spot by the impact of R-WING's mental power barrier, or were directly ejected and fell into the sea.

Almost instantly, all the original number of R-BLADEs were shot down by R-WING due to Ni Xingxing's operation.

Although it does not mean that all R-BLADEs cannot fight, at least R-BLADEs can no longer be seen above the sea.

The sight of such a good situation being ruined in an instant shocked Raymond.

However, at this moment when Raymond was stunned. Another burst of exciting BGM sounded from near the white wooden horse.

[BGM: Steel Iron's Lone Wolf-Okada Yuki]

Gu Tie suddenly sprang out from behind the white wooden horse. With the increase in BGM field, he was like a red meteor, rushing straight towards the white-winged savior in the sky.

Because the speed was too fast, by the time Raymond could react, Gu Tie was already close at hand.

The entire front display was filled with Gu Tie's revolver pile driver.

Seeing this scene, what Raymond was thinking about was not when Lin Youde would solve the problem of holding back his first team.

It wasn't when I was wondering when Gu Tie reached the white wooden horse that the numbers showed up until now.

All Raymond thinks about now is...

‘Is it going to end here? ’

However, under Raymond's watch, Gu Tie's revolver pile driver was about to hit the cockpit of the White Winged Savior when it suddenly moved to the right.

The Revolver Piledriver instantly shattered the White Wing Savior's left arm.

At the same time, Gu Tie hugged the White Winged Savior and rushed out with the White Winged Savior.

The huge impact caused Raymond to be pressed against the operating table by the G force.

After a while, the G-force gradually decreased. Raymond raised his head and looked at Gu Tie's face on the screen.

Before Raymond could react, the sound of beeping sounded in the cockpit.

Raymond turned around and looked, completely stunned.

"Contact communication? What is this guy Youde thinking? At this time, isn't it the best option to shoot me down and win directly?"

In shock, Raymond still pressed the button to connect the communication and looked at Lin Youde's face on the screen.

With a frivolous tone, Raymond leaned on the seat in the cockpit and said to Lin Youde in a strange tone.

"Why, the famous unification hero, Lord Lin Youde, what do you want to do with me, the enemy commander? Come to ask for information? Or are you just showing off your strength..."

Before Lei Meng finished speaking, Lin Youde stopped him seriously.

"That's enough, tell me, who are you?"

Raymond was stunned for a moment, then smiled: "Me? Just a mercenary that can be seen everywhere. As you know, I am just hired to..."

Lin Youde growled: "That's enough, Raymond, tell me your true identity, who are you?"

Lei Meng was stunned and looked at Lin Youde with a little surprise. After a while, he turned away and replied.

"I don't understand what you're talking about. And..."

Raymond's sharp eyes suddenly pulled back and squinted at Lin Youde.

"How do you know my name?"

Lin Youde didn't answer and asked instead: "I'm asking you now to tell you your true identity, Raymond! I don't have time to talk nonsense with you now."

Raymond crossed his arms and looked away again, not looking at Lin Youde: "So, I don't understand what you are talking about."

Lin Youde narrowed his eyes: "Do you want me to make it clear? Okay, then I'll ask directly."

"Are you Lei Mengmeng? Or are you Esselin Longbourning?"

"Lemon, answer me!"

This time, Raymond was really shocked. With an expression of disbelief, he suddenly looked at Lin Youde.


"Answer me, Raymond!"

Raymond's hands trembled, because Lin Youde's tough tone contained a trace of undetectable pleading.

Raymond looked away again, lowered his head, and returned.

"Does it matter who I am?"

"Of course it's important!"

Lin Youde's decisive answer made Lei Meng not dare to raise his head. He just controlled the machine and pushed Gu Tie away.

Gu Tie did not resist and allowed the white-winged savior to break away from Gu Tie's embrace and float in the air.

Raymond asked in a low voice: "Who do you think I am?"

Lin Youde was stunned: "I think?"

Before Lin Youde could answer, the White Winged Savior turned around.

Raymond lowered his head and said, "Forget it, what's the use of talking about this now."

"Now, we are enemies. That's all."

"If you don't like me, just shoot me down. You have the ability, don't you?"

With that said, the White Wings Savior's thrusters exploded and began to evacuate.

Upon seeing this, Lin Youde controlled Gu Tie, raised the three-batch machine gun in his hand and pointed it at the White Wing Savior. At the same time, he also turned on the thruster and chased after him.

"Stop, Raymond!"

Listening to Lin Youde's voice on the public channel, Raymond didn't respond and just pressed a button.

"Meteor propulsion device, maximum output, evacuation mode!"

The White Winged Savior burst out with astonishing speed and began to escape.

"Come back here, Raymond, if you don't stop, I'll fire!"

However, no matter how Lin Youde shouted, the White Winged Savior did not stop and flew straight into the distance.

I don’t know when Gu Tie’s BGM field has been lifted. Without the increase in the BGM field, Gu Tie could not catch up with White Wings Savior.

In this way, Gu Tie did not fire in the end, but just watched the White Winged Savior disappear from his sight...

In the cockpit of the White Winged Savior, Raymond looked back at Gu Tie behind him and closed his eyes sadly.

"I knew you still wouldn't fire..."

"you are always like this……"

The white-winged savior disappeared from the battlefield at extremely fast speeds.

In the sky, Siren noticed the White Winged Savior's withdrawal. Catalina bit her lower lip.

"Did the mission fail?"

After taking a look at the white knight, Catalina turned on the public channel and shouted.

"Leave the outcome of this battle until next time. I will collect your and Lin Youde's heads next time."

With that said, the Kraken began to evacuate at an extremely fast speed.

The white knight did not stop him because Lei Mengmeng knew it. After fighting for so long, there was no winner. If you catch up now, you will only be surrounded by enemies, and the gains outweigh the losses.

Therefore, the white knight did not pursue, but began to lower his altitude and look into the distance.

Over there, Bow Angel, Grungast Zero, and Blue Sky Knight Gundam Unit 2 are returning.

He lowered his head and glanced at the safe and sound R-1, R-2 enhanced type, R-3 enhanced type and two-day raptor below, as well as the smoking white Trojan horse.

Lei Mengmeng took a long breath.

"Finally, is it over? Fortunately, everyone is fine..."

After saying that, Lei Mengmeng was suddenly stunned: "Wait a minute, where is Youde? In such a fierce battle, Gu Tie should attack, right? Then Youde..."

After searching around on the radar, Lei Mengmeng's eyes lit up.

"Found it, over there, but...why did Youde run so far away?"

In the direction Lei Mengmeng was looking at, in Gu Tie's cockpit, Lin Youde leaned on his seat and stared blankly at the top of the cockpit.

After a long time, a sigh sounded in the cockpit.

"The it the worst possibility..."

"Kyosuke, tell me, what should I do..."

Sorry, the update is late again today. While typing, I unconsciously wrote a bit too much.

In short, today's update is probably like this. If you have votes, please vote for it.

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