Immortal Soul of Steel

Chapter 442 After the War

Except for Lin Youde's questioning voice, there was no other sound in Gu Tie's cockpit.

Nanbu Xiosuke did not appear.

It seems that the answer can only be found by Lin Youde himself...

"Youde, are you okay?"

The voice belonging to Lei Mengmeng from the communicator brought Lin Youde back to his senses and responded.

"Well, it's okay. However, the enemy commander ran away."

"Oh, that's it. It's okay. If you run away, you'll run away. It doesn't matter to us whether there are witnesses or not. As long as everyone is fine now."

Lei Mengmeng's words made Lin Youde snort and ask.

"How's it going? Is everyone okay?"

"Well, everyone is fine."

After receiving a positive reply, Lin Youde controlled Gu Tie and returned with the white knight flying beside him.

"Then, go back."


Gu Tie and the White Knight began to return.

But in the cockpit of the White Knight, Lei Mengmeng was not calm.

‘In a one-on-one situation, Youde allowed the enemy to run away? Is that commander that strong? ’

With surprise and confusion, Lei Mengmeng and Lin Youde returned together.

Everyone went back to the white horse to make amends.

Refina took the damage report and found Lin Youde.

"Captain, this is the battle damage report this time. Although there is no problem with navigation for the time being. But if the enemy comes again, the white wooden horse may not be able to hold on."

After quickly browsing the battle damage report of the White Trojan, Lin Youde had a headache.

"I didn't expect that the damage would be so serious this time. Sure enough, old-fashioned UC series battleships like White Trojan are no longer suitable for the current version?"

Refina nodded and responded: "Yes. I think the military probably feels that the White Trojan-class battleships can no longer keep up with the trend of the times. That's why they chose to position them as transport ships instead of combat ships, right? "

Lin Youde rubbed his brows: "Let the maintenance team carry out the minimum maintenance on the white wooden horse first."

"After this attack, the other party should not be able to attack easily again in a short time."

"Let's see if there is any transfer station on the way. It can be used as a maintenance location for the white wooden horse to be renovated."

"If not, then we may have to go to the seaport in Britannia for repairs."

Refina nodded: "Okay, I'll check the map right now."

After talking about the map, Lin Youde suddenly remembered the cry for help from the new humans that he sensed before the battle started.

Thinking of this, Lin Youde returned: "I'll go with you. It just so happens that I also have something to do and need to take a look at the map."

With that said, Lin Youde ordered Lei Mengmeng beside him: "Mengmeng, I will leave this place to you for now."

Lei Mengmeng waved her hand: "Go ahead, leave this place to me."

After Lin Youde and Refina left, Lei Mengmeng found Lux.

"Lux, do you have a backup of the video of this battle?"

Lux seemed to know what Lei Mengmeng meant, and handed a small USB flash drive to Lei Mengmeng.

"Well, that's it. But do you really want to see it? I think it's better for you to ask Youde directly about some things."

Lei Mengmeng's eyelids twitched: "What do you mean? Did something happen in the previous battle?"

Lux shook her head slightly: "That's right. Although the communication was interfered with, I don't know what exactly happened on Youde's side. But I think something may have happened."

Lei Mengmeng had a sullen face, and after thinking for a while, she returned: "I'll finish reading it first, and then I'll ask Youde himself. Also, you can come with me."

Lux was shocked: "Eh? Why?"

Lei Mengmeng rolled her eyes and took Lux's hand: "Of course if something happens, let's handle it together. If Youde gets angry, it's better for two people to share the firepower than to bear it alone."

Lux was speechless: "Aren't you curious? What does it have to do with me?"

Lei Mengmeng squinted at Lux: "Aren't you curious? Also, aren't we good sisters? Since we are good sisters, of course we share blessings and share hardships. Let's go, stop talking nonsense..."

When Lei Mengmeng took Lux away, the others were also busy.

The maintenance team was busy repairing the damage to the white wooden horse.

After Latoni got off the Raptor 1, he hurriedly ran to the R-1 apron and opened the cockpit door. He helped Ni Xingxing out who was sweating profusely.

"Ah Xing, you are too messy."

Facing Latoni's scolding, Ni Xingxing smiled miserably.

"If you don't mess around, the battleship will be gone. As long as the result is good, isn't it good?"

"Oh, as long as the result is good, that's all."

Gu Lincai's voice made Ni Xingxing tremble, and she quickly apologized with a smile.

"team leader……"

Gu Lincai glared at Ni Xingxing, crossed his arms and said.

"After you recover from your injury, I will train you well."

Ladis also came over and supported Ni Xingxing together with Latoni.

"The captain is very angry and the consequences will be serious. Ah Xing, please take care of yourself."

Ni Xingxing had a pitiful expression on her face: "Lai, don't scare me..."

Under the apron, Nan Ye circled around Li Te before patting his chest in relief.

"Great, Li Te, you're okay."

Li Te smiled and said: "Don't worry, the Blue Sky Knight Gundam is very strong and its normal attacks cannot break through the defense."

"Compared to me, Ni Xingxing is suffering a bit."

When Nanye heard this, he put his hands on his hips angrily and complained.

"Ah Xingna asked for it. It's true. He's obviously a wounded person, but he's still trying to be brave."

"I don't know if the injury has been aggravated again this time. If my aunt knew about this, she would definitely be worried."

"Ah, they're down. Li Te, I'm going to send Ah Xing back for treatment first. See you later."

Li Tong nodded and said, "See you later."

Li Te also shook his head as he watched Nan Ye and other medical team members carry Ni Xingxing away on a stretcher.

"Really, they are obviously about the same age. Why do you feel like Nanye is like a sister, but Ni Xingxing is like a younger brother?"

Zeng Jia walked over and said calmly: "Is there anything wrong with this?"

Li Te shook his head again: "No, of course I don't think there's anything wrong with it, I just think... forget it, I don't know how to express it."

Behind the two of them, Lamia came down from the bow angel's elevator. She looked at the direction where Ni Xingxing was being carried away and narrowed her eyes slightly.

"There is another black box machine, has it awakened the BGM field?"

"That's right, and that strength is quite terrifying."

Lamia turned around, saw Veretta, and asked, "Is something wrong?"

Veretta glanced at Lamia indifferently and replied: "Nothing, just a reminder. Your body is also a black box body. How about you try your best to activate the BGM field?"

Lamia said solemnly: "You don't need to remind me about this kind of thing."

Veretta smiled coldly: "Oh, that's right, then just think of me as nosy."

Veretta turned and left. Lamia looked at Archangel with a sullen face and whispered: "Is this the BGM area of ​​Archangel?"

"Maybe... it's time to ask Lin Youde..."

In the data room, Lin Youde looked at the map and narrowed his eyes: "This direction is..."

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