Immortal Soul of Steel

Chapter 445 Attack

In the hangar of Ladybug-class transport ship No. 1, Lin Youde quickly rewrote the OS of Blue Sky Knight Gundam No. 1.

"Mengmeng, how is the situation over there?"

Friendly Channel·Lei Mengmeng: "OK, the OS has been rewritten and ready to attack at any time. But seriously, is it really okay for us to drive two Gundams out?"

Lin Youde waved his hands: "Don't worry, it'll be no problem. The reason why we sent out two Gundams is just in case."

"It's the enemy's base there, and we don't know how many defense forces there are."

"Now that special aircraft are not suitable for dispatch, Gundam is the best choice."

"After all, as long as it is not mass-produced, the construction of Gundam is the same as that of Mazinger and Getta. As long as you have the technology and money, and pay the image copyright fee, anyone can build it."

"And the copyright fees are paid directly to the machine gun and then transferred to us. We don't know who built the Gundam, so we can completely disassociate ourselves from it."

"But for the sake of unnecessary trouble, the conspicuous No. 3 unit is temporarily moved back. As a defender, don't be exposed easily."

"If there aren't many guards at the base, just leave it to me and others."

Lei Mengmeng pouted: "Hiding behind? That's so boring."

Li Te suddenly interjected: "But who asked Miss to choose such a conspicuous machine as Unit 3? The whole red machine is too conspicuous at this night."

Lei Mengmeng said dissatisfied: "Who makes those M1 heretics look bad? Except for the No. 1 unit that Youde is currently driving, I think this Gundam No. 3 unit is more pleasing to the eye."

Lin Youde was helpless: "Just be content, everyone else is driving the mass-produced M1 Heretic."

Amid Lei Mengmeng's unconvinced hum, Lin Youde spoke to Refina through the communication.

"The white wooden horse will be left to you, Refina. Latoni and Zenga will stay as bodyguards."

"If anything happens, send a message bomb and we will come back immediately."

Rafina nodded and said, "Understood."

Zenga sat in the cockpit of Grungast Zero and responded calmly: "Chengzhi!"

Lin Youde looked at the other M1 heretics in the hangar and asked.

"Everyone, are you ready?"

Li Te: "The M1 heretic operating system is exactly the same as the Gundam. There are no problems. You can attack at any time, uncle."

Ladis: "Although it is a little different from the R-2, I have also conducted flight training in "Aircraft War", so it is not a big problem."

Gu Lincai: "It's the same for me here. I'm not used to it without the T-LINK system, but it's enough for normal combat."

Veretta: "Is this a mass-produced Gundam? It feels simpler to operate than a Raptor. To this extent, there is no problem."

After receiving everyone's response, Lin Youde nodded and looked at the last M1 Heretic.


Lamia sat in the cockpit of the M1 Heretic, putting one hand on his chest, his thoughts a little confused.

‘To do this to a stranger, maybe even an enemy. ’

‘Is this really what the Red Wolf, who destroyed the order of the three major nations and attempted to destroy the world, would do? ’

Recalling Lin Youde's sincere gaze just now, Lamia became even more confused.

'It should... be true. After all, judging from the current situation, doing such a thing would not do him any good at all. ’

'But if this is the real him. So what happened in the future world that made him betray the Union, give up his identity as a human, and become that kind of terrifying monster...'

‘I don’t have enough information and I don’t know how to analyze it at all. and……'

Lamia looked down at her hands, her eyes full of confusion.

‘Why did I just choose to agree? ’

‘Did you agree to it so as not to appear out of place? It seems... not so. ’

‘Am I also agreeing and looking forward to working with him to save others? ’

‘Am I also...identifying with the Red Wolf of this world? ’

It was at this time that Lamia suddenly understood something.

"I always feel like I can understand something..."

‘Those were the times when Red Wolf was collectively convicted of treason and was about to be executed. Those who, in order to save him...'

Before Lamia could finish her thoughts, she was interrupted by Lin Youde's voice.

"What did you understand? Hey, Lamia, are you here?"

Lamia was stunned for a moment, then quickly reacted and responded with a blush.

"Yes, I'm here. The M1 Heretic has been adjusted and is ready to attack at any time."

Although I don't know exactly what Lamia is thinking, I can feel Lamia's confusion and confusion through the new human's spiritual induction.

Lin Youde felt that this might be a good thing for him.

After all, Lamia is a spy sent by others.

When she became confused and confused about her mission, she was able to find the opportunity to face herself and think about whether the mission should be carried out and whether everything she did was correct.

If not, Lamia would not be able to transform from a spy to one of her own on her side.

Therefore, Lin Youde replied: "Really? Then, it's almost time for us to go out. Are you ready?"

Lamia said seriously: "You can attack at any time."

Looking at Lin Youde's Blue Sky Knight Gundam Unit 1, Lamia secretly warned.

'Now is not the time to think so much. ’

‘I am just following orders now. so……'

Feeling Lamia's emotions, Lin Youde nodded secretly, took one last look at Grungast Zero standing on the outer deck of the white wooden horse, and ordered.

"Then, let's start!"

In the research base of the Free Federation on an overseas island.

Jonah sat on the bed, looking at Rita who was still praying on the bed next to her, and he couldn't bear to persuade her.

"Lita, take a rest."

Rita shook her head: "No, I have to continue. Otherwise, that person won't hear it."

Looking at the stubborn Rita, Jonah was helpless.

Michelle on the side shook her head at Jonah.

"Stop it, Jonah. Leta must have her own ideas, so we can just support her."

Jonah scratched his hair: "But, Michelle, did you hear that voice?"

Michelle shook her head again: "No."

Jonah was a little disappointed, but before he could speak, Michelle replied.

"But maybe Lita really heard it. After all, didn't incredible things happen in front of us before?"

Jonah was stunned for a moment and turned out his blade pendant.

"But, that's..."

Before Jonah finished speaking, a flash of lightning suddenly flashed through the minds of Lita, Jonah, and Michelle.

All three people in the room were stunned.

At the same time, a voice sounded in the minds of the three of them.

(Everyone lie down and cover their ears!)

Jonah and Michelle were stunned when they heard this voice. However, Lita reacted quickly. She stood up and jumped out of the bed, pulling Jonah and Michelle under the bed.

Not long after the three of them were almost there, a violent explosion came from the window.

The alarm bell in the research institute rang loudly.

"Enemy attack!!!"

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