Immortal Soul of Steel

Chapter 446: I’ll take the blackmail, but you’ll take the blame

The alarm bell echoed shrilly in the research institute.

The whole corridor was in a commotion.

Hiding under the bed, Rita didn't feel any fear. Some, on the contrary, are full of excitement.

"It's really here..."

Jonah lay under the bed, looked at Lita, and asked doubtfully: "Lita, what was that voice just now?"

Michelle was a little confused: "The voice sounded directly in my head. Is that the mental telepathy that only new humans have?"

Rita nodded excitedly: "Yes, it's the new human's telepathy. My call was heard before. So, now someone has come to save us."

Listening to Rita's words, she was startled: "Is this the new human's telepathy? But, who will come here to save us?"

Michelle was also confused: "But, my previous new human level was only LV3, and I have never been able to hear the new human's voice. Why can I suddenly hear it? Could it be that my new human level has been upgraded?"

No one answered this question. But Rita was able to answer Jonah's question.

"It's GUNDAM!"


Jonah stared at the excited Rita with wide eyes.

"Yes, it's GUNDAM. I've been calling before, and now, I'm finally heard. Don't worry, Jonah, Michelle. This time, we will be fine."

Jonah was stunned: "This time?"

Michelle came back from her thoughts and returned: "Rita should be talking about what happened in her previous dream, right?"

"Lita has been having the same nightmare this time, saying that we were all dead in the dream."

Jonah suddenly realized and held Lita's hand in turn: "Well, this time, we will definitely be able to survive together! Absolutely!"

Feeling the warmth of Jonah's palm, Lita nodded happily.

Seeing Rita and Jonah like this, Michelle felt a little disgusted, but now was not the time to care about this.

She quietly stuck her head out and looked outside the bed. Michelle was a little confused.

"Why do you feel that the explosion sound is a little quieter?"

Jonah listened intently: "It seems true. Did something happen outside?"

Rita was also a little worried and couldn't help but call out using the new human's telepathy.

(Um, are you okay?)

Almost instantly, the voice from before replied.

(It’s okay, just stay where you are. I’ll pick you up in a moment. Also, are there any kids like you in this institute?)

This time, an extremely clear voice came into the minds of the three people, making them excited.

Rita nodded to Jonah and Michelle and returned.

(That one seems to be gone. At least we haven’t seen anyone else.)

(Okay, stay where you are and wait for news from me.)

He replied to the three little guys in the research institute who didn't know who they were.

Lin Youde controlled the Blue Sky Knight Gundam Unit 1, floating directly in front of a place in the research institute that looked like an air traffic control station.

At the same time, a somewhat panicked voice also sounded in the public channel.

"This is an overseas base belonging to the Free Federation. Please indicate your intention. Otherwise, this will be regarded as a provocation to the Free Federation."

Lin Youde glanced at Li Te and others who were suppressing the base, then opened the public channel, used the voice changing period, and adjusted the tone.

"Oh, no need to say so much. I know where you belong here."

The commander of the research institute became anxious: "You actually know this and how dare you..."

Lin Youde pretended to say: "Hahaha, what's so daring about this? Isn't it your Free Federation that gave you false information in the first place?"

"Do you know how many of my brothers have died because of your deception?"

"Although I am a mercenary, I am not a loser who just swallows his anger."

"Today, I want your blood to pay homage to the spirits of my dead brothers in heaven."

The institute commander's voice was full of panic: "Please wait a moment, Mr. Mercenary. We don't know what happened to you. Although we belong to the Free Federation, we do not belong to the Free Federation's military."

"I think there must be some misunderstanding here. Please be merciful."

He looked at the explosions echoing all over the island and the thick smoke rising from the explosions. Lin Youde put his hand on his helmet, and after confirming that there was no news that Li Te and others had completed the suppression, he continued.

"There is nothing to misunderstand. This uncle is a mercenary of the Shadow Mirror Force, Ali Al Sashes."

"As for my employer, I will never admit my mistakes."

"Although I have always adhered to the businessman's creed of doing things with money."

"However, you have gone too far this time and actually deceived me with false information."

"We have to calculate this account carefully!"

After hearing this, the commander of the institute became calmer.

"Settling the score? I understand."

"Although I'm not sure about the past here, if you want to seek compensation, then I think we can talk about it."

Lin Youde was surprised: "Didn't you say before that it had nothing to do with the military?"

The commander of the institute smiled bitterly: "We really have no direct relationship with the military. But after all, we are also an institution within the free federal system."

"As long as you show your dignity and don't continue to attack us. I can decide on the compensation you want. I will give it to you first, and then I will ask those bastards in the military to reimburse you."

Lin Youde smiled: "Hahaha, it seems you are also good at business."

The commander of the institute asked cautiously: "So, Mr. Ali Al Sashes, what do you mean?"

Lin Youde replied angrily: "Yes, although the brothers are dead, we still have to do business in the future."

"As long as the chips you give me can satisfy me, I am not an unreasonable person."

After saying this, there was silence in the public channel for a while.

Although he didn't have the ability to read minds, using the new human's mental sensing ability, Lin Youde could confirm that the person in charge must be scolding him.

But Lin Youde didn't care about these.

Anyway, Lin Youde, a person who is committed to human innovation and integration, will not have any psychological burden on the Free Federation's extortion.

The blame has been thrown on the shadow mirror troops who attacked him before. As for whether "Ali Al Sashes" exists in this world, Lin Youde doesn't care. (Note 1)

"So, Mr. Manager, can we start talking about business?"

The commander of the institute quickly opened the public channel and replied: "Yes, of course there is no problem."


Note 1·PS: "Ali Al-Sashes" is a villain mercenary in "Mobile Suit Gundam 00". He has good operating skills, but he has no bottom line. He is a very famous character in "Mobile Suit Gundam 00".

Since he hasn't appeared yet, the picture will not be posted for now, just let everyone know that there is such a person.

Thanks to "AntarcRE" for the reward of 10,000 starting coins.

Thanks to "Sparkling Bookworm" for the reward of 500 starting coins.

The author will continue to work hard to write words~!

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