Immortal Soul of Steel

Chapter 447: Angry to death

Since the peace talks started, Lin Youde did not go too far.

As the saying goes, acting is a complete set, if you can get something from here. Lin Youde doesn't mind giving the people in this institute some ways to survive.

After all, I am just here to save people this time, and my priority is to save people.

As for destroying the Free Federation's overseas base, Lin Youde was also very moved. But after weighing it, he felt it was better to stay.

This is not just because Lin Youde currently has insufficient manpower. If he really wants to blow up this research institute, it will take a lot of time and energy.

Moreover, this is the sphere of influence of the Free Federation.

If it takes too long and troops from other places rush in to support, then our side may suffer a loss.

Even if he was exchanged for 100 for 1, Lin Youde wouldn't want to.

Can the lives of those guys in the Free Federation be compared with the lives of our own comrades?

Therefore, Lin Youde believes that the risk should be minimized. Use the method of diverting trouble to the east and throw the blame to the Shadow Mirror Troops. Let the Free Federation and Shadow Mirror Force fight among themselves.

As for whether the Free Federation and the Shadow Mirror Force are on the same side. Lin Youde didn't care.

Anyway, Raymond has appeared before, so it is estimated that the Shadow Mirror Troops have already started operating in this world.

Now that they have begun their activities, reveal their information to the Free Federation. Letting the disgraced Free Federation find fault is also a good thing for itself.

After these considerations, Lin Youde finally made a judgment.

After asking Li Te and the others to stop firing, Lin Youde signaled the other party to move out some supplies.

At the same time, Lin Youde also sent someone to contact Lei Mengmeng at the rear and asked Lei Mengmeng to bring over the Ladybug-class transport ship that had been staying nearby and was originally planning to transport everyone back.

Since the Ladybug-class transport ship is a general-purpose transport ship owned by the three major countries, Lin Youde is not afraid that the transport ship will let his disguise be revealed.

In this way, after throwing the blame to Shadow Mirror and Ali Al-Sashes, the two sides started trading.

Since Lin Youde took the initiative to stop, the commander of the research institute was also very cooperative and moved out some materials and spare mass-produced Xiaoba II from the research institute.

Under the threat of force from Lin Youde and others, the people in the institute cooperated quite well.

In fact, it’s okay not to cooperate. In the first wave of sneak attacks, the research institute's garrison was blown up by Lin Youde and others and the hangar was blown up.

The hangar exploded, making it impossible for the institute's guarding troops to take off.

A few mass-produced Akatsuki IIs that took off from other places were also defeated under the attacks of Li Te and others.

Once this kind of non-military base is suppressed and the aircraft cannot be dispatched, there will be no chance for subsequent resistance.

But because the other party couldn't resist, Lin Youde had to do something more.

Deliberately opening the public channel, Lin Youde landed the machine in front of a building in front of everyone in the research base.

Seeing this movement, the commander of the institute shouted quickly.

"His Excellency Ali Al Sashes?"

Lin Youde smiled deliberately and said: "Oh, oh, oh, I didn't expect it to be found here. It seems that I have found something good."

(All lie down under the bed, stay away from the wall!)

Blue Sky Knight Gundam Unit 1 put away the beam rifle in his hand and pointed his right arm at the wall of the building.


Inherited from Sky Knight Gundam, the built-in ejection spike mounted on the upper arm popped out, punching a big hole in the wall on the spot.

Lin Youde's behavior made the commander of the research institute anxious.

"Excuse me, His Excellency Ali Al Sashes, please raise your hand. There is..."

Lin Youde smiled mischievously and said: "I know that it must be the room where the experimental subjects are kept for your research, right? Anyway, aren't all overseas bases of your Free Federation like this? Don't worry, I am very familiar with it. "

Amid the stunned speechlessness of the institute commander, Lin Youde laughed deliberately.

"I've heard before that these things you make are very expensive."

"I've wanted to try it for a long time, but I didn't expect to see it here. I'm so lucky."

"Don't worry, I only want money, and I'm always very measured when it comes to expensive goods."

"I'll keep these goods for you first."

"I will send it back to you tomorrow, but then you have to pay me some care fees."

Lin Youde's words made the commander of the research institute punch the console hard.

"Damn it, this Ali Al Sashes is so greedy."

A researcher in a white coat beside him whispered: "We can't let him take those three experimental subjects away. Those are high-level new humans that Dr. Akira spent a lot of time to collect."

"If Dr. Akira comes back later and finds that the three experimental subjects are missing. She will kill us!"

The commander turned back and glared: "If we don't cooperate with him, we will die now."

After leaving the researcher speechless, the commander took a deep breath and returned.

"Yes, yes. However, I hope His Excellency Ali Al Sashes can ensure their safety."

Lin Youde's voice rose slightly: "Oh? Is it so expensive? Then you should prepare more when the time comes. Good goods must be worth the high price."

"Otherwise, I don't mind selling good stuff to someone willing to pay a high price."

The commander of the institute gritted his teeth and said: "Don't worry, in terms of financial resources, our Free Federation has never lost to anyone."

Lin Youde laughed and said: "Hahaha, as expected of a boss, he is just generous. Don't worry, I will keep it safe. After all, who can't get along with money."

After shouting on the public channel, Lin Youde turned on the speaker and shouted to the three little guys inside.

"Young ladies inside, your person in charge has agreed to let you stay with me temporarily."

"Come out quickly, otherwise, I will be angry~!"

At the same time, Lin Youde used the new human spirit to speak to the three little guys inside.

(Cooperating with my acting, pretending not to know or recognize me.)

(Go out along the entrance of the cave, remember to pretend to be scared.)

Listening to Lin Youde's new human telepathy, Lita and the others curled up and walked out of the cave.

It was at this time that the commander of the institute still wanted to struggle.

"Well, His Excellency Ali Al Sashes, you see, there are only two girls here. I guess you don't like the boy either, so why not keep that boy?"

How could Lin Youde agree to this?

He refused on the spot: "That's not okay."

"As the saying goes, what's yours is mine, and what's mine is still mine."

"Since I, Ali Al Sashes, have seen it, I have to accept it even if it is a boy."

"After all, this little guy is very valuable, right?"

Using the new human telepathy, feeling the resentment and anger of the institute commander, Lin Youde put down Gundam's hand and shouted.

"Come up, little guys. From now on, you belong to me. Hahaha!"

With the institute commander's face turning red to the color of pig liver, Lin Youde boarded the Ladybug-class transport ship with Lita, Jonah, and Michelle, who were both excited and scared. Amidst the escort of a group of M1 heretics, he walked away...

Until the Ladybug-class transport ship disappeared from sight, the commander of the institute punched the communication console and roared.

"I'm so angry!!!!"

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