Immortal Soul of Steel

Chapter 449 The doubtful little tail

"Little tail?"

Lei Mengmeng and Ladis both looked at Lin Youde in confusion.

Lin Youde nodded slightly seriously and explained.

"Yes, little tail."

"Under this sea, there is a submarine that has been following us."

"And this submarine didn't just appear, but when the group of people who attacked us appeared before. They appeared right after."

"In order to be wary of these unknown people, I have never dared to act rashly, lest I be caught by the other party."

"But what surprised me was that after the previous battle, they had been lurking under the sea and did not move out."

"This time we came here to rescue people, and they actually followed us."

"This kind of behavior that seems to be monitoring them all the time makes me a little unclear about their purpose."

Lin Youde's words surprised both Lei Mengmeng and Ladis.

When others heard Lin Youde's words, they also came over one after another.

"No, there is actually a submarine following us? Uncle, can you feel their malice?"

Li Te's question made Lin Youde shake his head: "There is no malice. There were many people in that submarine, and there were many marine creatures underwater. All kinds of emotions were mixed together, and it was quite confusing. It's not easy for me to distinguish them one by one. But there should be no malice or anything like that.”

When Lamia heard this, he couldn't help thinking: 'A submarine that has been standing still? Is it a special operations unit arranged by our team? ’

‘But Lord Raymond never told me that there is this army. ’

‘Is it because you want to keep it secret, so you didn’t tell me? still……'

After Veretta heard this, she had the same reaction: 'Could the unit Lin Youde mentioned be arranged by Ingram? ’

‘But Ingram didn’t tell me. ’

Lin Youde had a clear view of Lamia and Veretta's reactions.

Lin Youde deliberately said this in front of everyone because he wanted to deceive Lamia and Veretta.

In the new human telepathy that has been turned on, I can feel the doubts of Lamia and Veretta.

Lin Youde understood immediately. I'm afraid neither of them quite understands the origin of the submarine at the bottom of the sea.

‘It’s not the Shadow Mirror Troop, nor the Alien Troop. Whose troop is that ship under the sea? ’

Just when Lin Youde was wondering who the submarine was.

A group of people on this submarine named Son of Danu gathered in the restaurant, watching the pictures on the restaurant screen and talking endlessly.

"Should we be said to be the first organization to develop the "BGM field"? "

"It's so simple, yet another black box machine has awakened into the BGM field."

"Na? Allelujah."

Allelujah glanced at Lockon, who was leaning on the back of the chair, and nodded seriously.

"Yes, it's very powerful. Counting Gu Tie and White Knight, they already have four machines that have awakened to the BGM field."

"With such strength, do you really need us to protect you?"

Allelujah looked at Lisa Kujo who had just walked to the restaurant.

Lisa Kujo glanced at the video playing on the screen about the battle near the white wooden horse during the day, and shook her head.

"Perhaps from the client's point of view, it is necessary."

"After all, no matter how strong they are individually, once they are held back by others, they will probably suffer a loss due to their sheer numbers."

"And it is our job this time to help them when they are in danger."

Opposite Lockon, a handsome guy with blond hair whistled to Lisa Kujo. Just as he was about to speak, he was greeted by a capable short-haired woman next to him.

He held his head and breathed out. Lockon saw this scene and snickered: "How dare you do it in front of Sister Mao, Weiba."

Cruz Weiba gave Lockon a hard look and didn't reply.

The short-haired woman, Melissa Mao, ignored these two guys, just shook her head and sighed.

"However, judging from the current situation, it seems that there is no need for us to play."

"They are enough to deal with the current enemies on their own, and they even have time to go to the base of the Free Federation to fight against the autumn wind."

Cruz Weiba found an opportunity and quickly nodded in agreement: "Yes, yes, you heard their communication just now, right?"

"They actually disguised themselves as mercenaries and bandits. This operation is really cool."

Lockon nodded and agreed: "Indeed, it is really powerful to divert trouble to the east. But I don't know whether the mysterious force responsible for the attack is called Shadow Mirror or not."

"If the names match up, it would be perfect."

Allelujah looked at Kujo Lisa: "Miss Kujo, what is the code name of the unit responsible for the attack?"

Kujo Lisa shook her head: "I don't know, Tesha doesn't seem to have any specific information."

"Currently we only know that this unit seems to be a mercenary unit, and is employed by the Bist family that is allied with Silla, and the Liu family and the Ma family that are integrated with human innovation."

Weiba was shocked: "Isn't that right? Is that Lin Youde looking for someone like this? He actually offended three big families of the Silla Alliance and the Human Innovation Alliance at the same time?"

Allelujah pondered: "Our employer must have foreseen this situation, so he gave us the commission, right?"

Kujo Lisa weakly poured herself a glass of water and sat lazily on the chair.

"Sa, who knows. Anyway, neither Tessa nor I are very interested in things like this involving political struggles."

"I just heard from Tesha that this commission came from Mithril's biggest sponsor, and there was no way he could refuse, so I had to take the next step."

While everyone in the restaurant was shocked, Lisa Kujo looked at the white wooden horse on the screen and shook her head.

"But so far, things are going pretty well. We don't need to show up and it's over."

"Next, just treat it as a vacation trip."

Hearing Lisa Kujo's words, the atmosphere in the restaurant suddenly became much more relaxed.

But if you are careful, you will find that there is still some worry in Kujo Lisa's eyes after saying this.

‘If we just blame that mysterious mercenary force, attacking the base would be enough. However, they took away three experimental children. ’

‘I always feel that those three children seem to be Lin Youde’s target. ’

'But is this really possible? It was so far away, how did he know that there were three experimental children here? ’

When Lisa Kujo was worried, on the bridge of Son of Danu, the girl captain, Teresa Testerossa, took the end of her hair and gently slid it on her chin.

"As expected, is that true? Those three children are all new humans?"

Under the nod of the deputy chief beside her, Theresa's eyes became sharp.

"In other words, Lin Youde's attack was premeditated?"

"But how did he do it?"

The girl captain fell into deep thought...

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