Immortal Soul of Steel

Chapter 450 The impact of taking away people

Take everyone back to the white wooden horse and meet up with Lux, Refina, Zenga and others.

After some discussion with everyone, Lin Youde finally decided not to provoke the strange submarine under the sea.

This is not just because the other party has not shown any malicious intent so far. The less trouble, the better.

It's because Lin Youde doesn't have any aircraft capable of participating in underwater battles.

That's not to say that Lin Youde's body couldn't enter the water.

In fact, whether it is the latest Blue Sky Knight Gundam, or a black box body such as Kotetsu, White Knight, Bow Angel, Grungast Zero, R series three machines, etc., they are all sealed.

There is no need to worry about sealing when entering the water.

But being able to enter the water does not mean that you can adapt to fighting underwater.

For a non-naval warfare machine body, it's okay to float on the water, but if it really goes into the water, its maneuverability will drop to an unbearable level.

Moreover, some aircraft will even directly lose propulsion once they enter the water. These things are all related to the propulsion method of the body.

The details are too complicated, so I won’t explain them in detail here.

"In short, at present, the opponent is not hostile and we have no way to conduct underwater operations. It is very unwise to blindly make enemies."

Refina's summary was approved by everyone in the conference room.

"If the other party wants to follow, then let them keep following. Anyway, they don't know that their existence has been discovered by us."

"When they are on alert, if they really want to do something, they will surface, which will help us deal with it."

"For now, we should continue to go to Britannia as planned."

Lux's words made Lin Youde nodded slightly.

"It's feasible, but I don't know where the other person is from, which makes people feel a little itchy."

Ladis was a little surprised: "Are you sure it's because you feel itchy and not uneasy?"

"To be honest, I feel like I won't be able to sleep well after knowing that there is a submarine following me under the sea."

Lin Youde waved his hands: "Okay, the other party hasn't done anything so far, and they probably don't have any ill intentions."

"And if something really happens, the various radar surveillance systems of the White Trojan are not just for show."

"If it doesn't work, you can sleep in the machine from now on. If something happens, you can attack immediately."

Ladis shook his head: "Forget it then."

After the policy was set, Lin Youde dismissed the meeting and let everyone relax and have a rest.

After all, it's getting late now. After a day of fierce fighting, even a hardened person will feel tired.

After arranging various security shifts, Lin Youde and Lei Mengmeng went back to rest together.

However, some people can rest well. Some people simply cannot rest well.

On the island where Lin Youde had just kidnapped Lita, Jonah, and Michelle.

A group of people in the research laboratory were afraid of being punished by Dr. Akira because Rita and the other three were taken away, so they stayed up all night.

The time came the next day.

After support from other bases arrived, the commander of the institute waited for a day.

They waited until the sun set and night fell, but the person they were waiting for was not found.

Now, they finally understood that they had been tricked.

"Asshole, that Ali Al-Sashes, had no intention of sending people back from the beginning."

"You guys who don't keep their word, damn mercenaries, how dare you play tricks on us. I'm so angry!!!"

Seeing the commander getting furious in the command room, the others lowered their heads and remained silent.

After a while, the commander calmed down and asked his subordinates.

"The matter has reached this point, I can no longer hide it."

"Write a report on what happened here and send it to Dr. Akira. Let her know that the three experimental subjects have been snatched away."

The adjutant looked worried: "Is this really okay?"

The commander said solemnly: "It's nothing good or bad. We have no other choice until now."

"All the communication records are on file. If she really wants to get angry, let her go find someone from the military."

"In the final analysis, it was just the dogs hired by the military that broke out of their chains and bit people randomly, which led to the current situation."

"Tell her everything and let her argue with the military."

Seeing the commander breaking the jar, the adjutant could only do as he was told.

Not long after, Akira, who was in the Free Federation Inland Intensive Children's Center, learned about this.

After reading the report, Akira was furious on the spot.

"Damn Ali Al-Sashes, how dare you steal my precious experimental body."

"Do you know how much effort I spent on getting these three experimental subjects with precognitive abilities, known as the "Children of Miracles", from the military? "

"How dare you do such a thing, I won't let you go."

Kruber asked quietly as he watched Akira get furious.

"Doctor, you said. Is it possible that the military directed and staged this incident?"

"You know, those three "Miracle Children", we got them from the military. "

"When the doctor asked the military for people, some people were dissatisfied."

"They were dissatisfied that we wanted to take away the three "Miracle Children", so they found this method to take them back by force? "

"After all, the timing is too clever anyway."

"We just transferred the three "Miracle Children" with our front foot, and we are back here to prepare to accept the NT Gundam. "

"Something happened over there at the Backfoot Research Institute. It's such a coincidence."

Kruber's words made Akira fall into deep thought. The wrinkled old face was almost twisted into a ball.

"It makes sense. It was just to keep the information secret in the first place."

"And the reason why we sent those three experimental subjects to overseas bases is because the military recommended testing the NT Gundam overseas."

"If there is no problem with confidentiality, then it is probably some people... hateful."

Kruber lowered his head and asked: "Then let's..."

Akira's eyes were filled with cold light.

"Notify the military about the matter. Whether it was directed or staged by the military themselves, they will have to give me an explanation."

"By the way, tell Tistan Heavy Industry about the experimental subject being taken away."

"The experimental subjects were snatched away, and the test pilots of the NT Gundam must be replaced. Let the other side find a way to get some new humans over."

"Also, send me someone to put a reward on the mercenary named Ali Al-Sashes."

"If you dare to steal my experimental body, which is still a precious experimental body, I won't let him go."

Kruber lowered his head and responded: "Yes, doctor. I'll do it right away."

After Kruber left, Akira slapped the table hard again.

"Ali Al Sashes, don't let me catch you, otherwise, I will definitely pull out all your brains! Not even a drop will be left!"

Thanks to "peng0219" for the reward of 2000 starting coins.

Thanks to "Ziyan" for the reward of 1,500 starting coins.

Thanks to "I Love Dark Night" for the reward of 100 starting coins.

The author will continue to work hard to write words~!

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