Immortal Soul of Steel

Chapter 451 Colony 11, District 11?

A few days later, in a submarine on the seabed.

Raymond was in his room, looking at Wen Drew on the screen in surprise.

"Wendrew, are you sure? The Free Federation's overseas base has been robbed?"

Windrew nodded: "Ah~! I have confirmed this repeatedly."

"Someone used our "Shadow Mirror" sign to rob the overseas base. "

"I heard that the losses over there were quite heavy. Even Tistan Heavy Industry spent a lot of money to hunt down the mercenary who claimed to be Ali Al-Sashes."

As he said that, Wen Drew stared at Raymond: "Lemon, although I think it is unlikely, that Ali Al Sashes was not arranged by you, right?"

Raymond rolled his eyes: "Don't even think about throwing dirty water. This is obviously impossible."

"In the previous attack on Red Wolf, I disguised the entire "secret attack" force as freelance mercenaries. "

"All information has been prepared, and there are complete files at the Mercenary Guild."

"So what attacked Lin Youde's team this time was just a free mercenary force, nothing more."

"In order to keep the mission confidential, I will not recruit people from outside. After all, we have a lot of things here that cannot be exposed casually."

Windrew nodded slightly: "Of course I understand this, after all, the mercenaries of this era are incomparable to the members of "Secret Assault". "

"However, this makes the matter unexplainable."

"Who is pretending to be us, using our "Shadow Mirror" sign, to do this kind of thing? "

Raymond sat on the chair and crossed his arms: "Have you been affected there?"

Windrew had a sullen face: "Ah~! Of course it was affected. Thanks to the guy who used our name to rob the Free Federation offshore base. What we talked about before was a lot dirty."

"My plans have been greatly affected."

To this, Raymond just responded lightly: "Oh, that's right."

Windrew quickly returned: "But don't worry, the matter of the android production line has been negotiated before and will not be affected."

"It's just that the members of the Free Federal Parliament have some doubts about me and don't trust me as much as before."

"It may take some time to regain their trust."

Raymond didn't care: "These things are not my business. Is there anything else?"

Windrew: "No more for now, you continue to look for news about Axel. By the way, if you find the guy named Ali Al Sashes, remember to catch him."

"How dare you do this kind of thing in our name, I won't let him go."

Raymond nodded, responded casually, and closed the communication.

Sitting on the chair, Raymond thought for a moment and suddenly laughed.

"Hehehe, I see, that's what happened?"

"I don't know how you did it, but since you have done such a thing."

"That means you are quite clear about our affairs, right?"

Leaning on the chair, Raymond looked at the ceiling with a complicated expression.

"But even so, you didn't touch Lamia. Does that mean you..."

"Are you really so trusting of me? You know, I want your life, so be virtuous..."

Sighing and closing her eyes, after a while, Raymond stood up and shook his head.

"Well, don't think too much. Just take it one step at a time."

"I just don't know if the guy he impersonated, named Ali Al Sashes, will be in bad luck."

In Raymond's teasing smile, the other side of the sea. Within the Silla Alliance.

In a bar called "Kingdom of Gilkestan".

A man with long red hair, exuding a fierce and wild aura, was sullenly slamming his glass on the bar.

"Damn it, what happened? He did it. Don't let me know who did it, otherwise..."

Before the red-haired man finished speaking, a man with a scar on his face sat next to him with a wine glass and teased.

"Oh, isn't this Ali Al Sashes? What? You look very unhappy?"

"I heard that you did a lot of work a while ago, so why are you still unhappy? It's really strange..."

Ali Al Sashes glared at the scarred man fiercely and said in a deep voice.

"Jiulong, you guy, did you come here specifically to see my joke?"

Jiulong waved his hands quickly: "No, no, no, how is this possible? I just came back to meet an employer and discuss a business. I happened to see you here, so I came over to say hello."

"Oh, it'd better be true." Ali Al Sashes responded with a gloomy look on his face.

Jiulong was not angry at being treated coldly, but instead smiled happily.

"So it seems that you were not responsible for the Free Federation?"

"Of course not! Am I out of my mind and going to rob the Free Federation's base without any cover-up?"

After Ali Al-Sashes replied, he gritted his teeth and said: "Thanks to that impostor, all my orders in the Free Federation have been blown."

"In a short period of time, I'm afraid I won't be able to take orders from the Free Federation."

"Asshole, it's best not to let me find the person pretending to be me."

"Otherwise, I will definitely cut him into pieces."

Looking at the angry Ali Al Sashes, Jiulong said happily.

"It seems like you have nothing to do. What do you think, do you want to run an order with me?"

Ali Al Sashes looked at Jiulong in surprise.

"You want to give me the list?"

Jiulong drank wine and returned: "It doesn't count. This time the employer is going to get a big guy."

"I'm afraid I don't have enough people here, so I'm planning to recruit someone to work with me."

"How about it, do you want to come with me? Don't worry, we are old acquaintances, and we have the same reward rules."

Ali Al Sashes narrowed his eyes: "To be called a big guy by you, I'm afraid he's not an easy guy, right?"

Jiulong raised his eyebrows: "What, are you scared?"

Ali Al Sashes sneered: "Afraid? Of course not, I just don't know if this big guy you call is tasteful enough."

Jiulong smiled wildly: "It's absolutely delicious. I heard it was even bigger than the big thing we got in Tokyo back then."

Ali Al Sashes's pupils shrank and he became interested: "Super type?"

Jiulong smiled and said nothing. After a moment of silence, Ali Al Sashes returned: "Okay, I'm done. Come on, tell me in detail where you are."

Jiulong stood up and left with Ali Al Sashes and whispered.


Above the sea, on the bridge of the white wooden horse. Lin Youde looked at the map and smiled.

"Is this the 11th colony under Britannia, collectively known as District 11?"

Refina nodded and responded: "Yes, Captain. According to the map provided by the military, this is the 11th district of Britannia..."

No, it's too hot. The weather has definitely exceeded 40°, right?

I don't want to go out at all, and I can't feel energetic lying in the air-conditioned room.

This month's electricity bill will definitely break the record, Lan Shou...

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