Immortal Soul of Steel

Chapter 453 Arriving at Area 11

Refina looked at Lux in surprise and asked: "Um, Lux. Is the precognitive ability you mentioned the kind of precognitive ability I understand?"

Lux nodded and replied: "Yes, it is the ability to predict the future as you understand it."

Amidst the surprised whispers on the entire bridge, Lux looked at Lin Youde and said.

"Through the contacts and inquiries in the past few days, I learned the whole story from Lita's child."

"She, Jonah, and Michelle are all orphans. They were sold by the orphan shelter of the Free Federation to laboratories related to the Free Federation military to be used as experimental subjects."

"Then, under the operation of the Free Federation military, they successfully used their privileges to log into "Machine War" in advance, thereby acquiring the talents of new humans."

"During this process, the child Rita acquired an ability gifted with "??". "

"She didn't quite know what this ability was at first."

"But as she had nightmares many times before, and each nightmare came true again and again, she realized that her ability should be precognition."

"And the reason why she asked Youde for help was because she had foreseen that something terrible would happen if they continued to stay in that institute."

"In order to avoid that future, Rita made a desperate move and chose to use the abilities of the new humans to ask for help."

"As for why she called Gouda when she asked Youde for help. She didn't say this reason."

Lin Youde nodded and praised: "Thank you for your hard work, Lux. You must have put a lot of thought into letting Rita tell so many things and her ability to predict."

Lux smiled sweetly: "Nothing, I just treat them as the same children as Liuli and Latoni."

"Maybe it was their previous experiences that made them feel insecure."

"I just treated them in a normal way and gained their trust."

"They are all poor children."

Lin Youde sighed: "It is not easy to survive in this world."

"Our human innovation and unity are ultimately different from the Silla Alliance and the Free Federation."

"The life and rights that ordinary people like us can enjoy in the United Nations may not be available in Silla and the Federation."

"In this era where dimensional beasts can come at any time, there are still only a few people who are willing to take responsibility for the common people."

After shaking his head, Lin Youde said to everyone in the bridge.

"Everyone must keep the matter about Rita's precognitive power a secret."

"Don't harass him just because she has precognitive abilities."

"In this era where superpowers are awakening one after another, the ability to predict is just one of them."

"In the future, there may be more and more people with super powers. Don't harass those people just because of novelty."

"This is not good for our image in the future, do you understand?"

Lefina, Yi Xiaozhen, Lin Liuli and others on the bridge nodded to express their understanding.

"Very well, let's put aside the matters related to Lita and the others for now."

"I will talk to Lita and the others about the specific situation when I am free."

"Now, let's focus on the matter at hand."

Lin Youde looked at the horizon getting closer and asked Rafina.

"Is there any deviation from the agreed time?"

Refina glanced at the time and replied: "No, it's still within the scheduled time."

"Originally, the route from Unification to Britannia was not very stable."

"Considering that there may be interference from dimensional cracks and dimensional beasts at any time, Wang Liumei and the third princess discussed the scheduled arrival time, which is still quite generous."

"And a few days ago, we also contacted the person in charge of the third princess through satellite communication."

"So there are no issues with the voyage."

Lin Youde nodded and said to Refina: "Then, let's prepare for the entry into the port."

"Although we are here to deliver goods in the name of Wang Heavy Industries."

"But to the outside world, we still represent unity."

"So, everyone, cheer up. Don't embarrass our motherland."

Everyone responded: "Understood!"*N

After issuing the order to the entire ship, White Trojan took two Ladybug-class transport ships and arrived at the 11th Colonial District of Britannia without incident.

After handing over the tedious port entry procedures, Lin Youde just walked out of the cabin and saw Cornelia waiting at the port.

There is no way, although Lin Youde has never seen Cornelia in this world.

But Cornelia’s iconic long purple hair, purple lip gloss, and no one around her dared to stand parallel to her. It was a little difficult for Lin Youde not to recognize her.

After Lei Mengmeng, Lux, and Refina walked off the battleship, Cornelia led others to come up.

"It's really unexpected that the person transporting the goods is actually the famous Olympic champion Dr. Lin Youde."

"I couldn't be happier that you came to deliver the goods yourself."

Lin Youde held Cornelia's hand and said with a smile: "By the way, I learned that this batch of goods was ordered by VIPs such as Princess Cornelia."

"We, Lin's Research Institute and Wang's Heavy Industries, are naturally obliged to ensure that the goods are delivered to Cornelia in good condition."

"It's just that I didn't expect that Her Royal Highness Princess Cornelia would come in person. I'm really flattered."

"What's more, what I didn't expect is that Cornelia is not only the most beautiful in appearance, she is also so good at the unified language, which also makes me very surprised."

"The so-called talent and beauty, and women who are not inferior to men, probably refer to outstanding women like Her Royal Highness Princess Cornelia."

As the saying goes, you can wear nothing but flattery.

Lin Youde and Cornelia were talking about the scene, and both of them were smiling, making the atmosphere at the scene quite harmonious.

"Dr. Lin Youde is ridiculous. The few people around you are the most beautiful beauties in the world. I am just a rouge fan."

After humbling herself, Cornelia made a gesture of invitation.

"Dr. Lin Youde comes to Britannia once in a blue moon. I have prepared a reception feast here. I hope the doctor can honor him. Let us show our kindness as landlords."

Lin Youde nodded and looked at it, and greeted with a smile: "In this way, Your Highness Cornelia will spend money."

Lin Youde turned back to Li Te at the cabin door and ordered: "Li Te, I leave the cargo handling and handover work to you."

Li Te responded on the spot: "Okay, Captain."

When Cornelia saw this, she also gave instructions to a tall young man next to her.

"Gilbert, I'll leave this to you."

The young knight named Gilbert responded: "Yes, Your Highness."

Cornelia raised her hand: "Doctor, please come this way."

Lin Youde smiled, nodded, and said, "Please."

Following Cornelia, Lin Youde looked towards the city and cursed secretly.

'I didn't expect Cornelia to come in person, and I don't know if Lelouch knew about her coming. I remember that Lelouch seemed quite afraid of his third sister. ’

In the direction of the city, Lelouch was sitting in a magnificent room, holding the chess piece, gently putting it down, and chuckled.

"Checkmate (General), sir, you lost..."

I haven't been able to get excited lately, it's just too hot.

Let’s wait until the weather gets cooler and look for opportunities to break out.

At this stage, I feel like I have tried my best to maintain stable updates. It’s really hot...

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