Immortal Soul of Steel

Chapter 454 Riot

"Nobles are the best, because they are very proud, so they will definitely pay."

"In addition, you also set a new record of 8 minutes and 32 seconds."

The blue-haired boy, Levi, looked at Lelouch with admiration, his eyes full of admiration.

Lelouch walked out calmly with a casual attitude.

"The other person's thinking time is short and very slow, for a nobleman."

"In the final analysis, they are just a group of insects that are parasitic on privilege."

Levi happily replied: "Despite this, Lelouch is indeed very powerful."

"But is it my imagination? It feels like you, Lelouch, are very keen on making money recently."

"Lelouch, are you short of money lately?"

Lelouch smiled slightly and replied: "So be it."

"Recently I want to go to the Unification, but you also know. With the current international situation, it is not an easy thing to go abroad."

"In order to settle those troubles, I need a lot of money."

"So, I also want to thank you, Livar, for helping me find so many opportunities."

Livar's face looked astonished: "I see, that's what happened."

"I'm just telling you why you are so interested in hanging out with me recently."

"But that's right. If you want to go abroad now, money is indeed a problem."

"And if you, Lelouch, want to go abroad, Nunnally will need someone to take care of you."

"This must cost a lot of money. By the way, Lelouch, how far are you from your goal now..."

Before Livar finished speaking, he heard some discussion behind him.

"No, come again?"

"It's really too much."

"Another terrorist attack..."

"The residents of District 11 are really scary..."

Livar turned around and saw the scene of a building slowly smoking on the outdoor TV in the mall.

Livar was a little confused: "Huh? What's wrong? This is..."

Lelouch said nothing, just looked up at the TV.

On TV: "It's time to meet with His Highness Clovis, the fourth prince of the Holy Brittanian Empire."

As the image of the Fourth Prince Clovis appeared on the TV screen, Lelouch narrowed his eyes unconsciously. His eyes were full of indifference.

On the TV, Clovis gave a speech.

"Dear subjects of the Empire, and of course, most of the "residents of District 11" who are assisting us. "

"Do you understand? My soul has been torn in two. Angered and sad~!"

"However, I, who bear the fate of "Area 11," will never bow to a terrorist organization. "

"Tell me why, because this is a just battle!"

"It is a just battle to protect all happiness and well-being!"

"Come, everyone, let's pay our condolences to the eight warriors who sacrificed their lives for justice."

TV host: "A moment of silence!"

In the parking lot below the building, Livar looked at Lelouch who was paying and asked.

"You won't do it?"

Lelouch didn't answer and asked, "Where are you Levi?"

Livar smiled: "Oh, it's so embarrassing."

Lelouch chuckled and said, "Indeed. Besides, even if we cry, the dead will not come back."

Livar put on his sunglasses: "Wow, it's Lelouch as expected. He really speaks to the essence."

Lelouch looked at the small ticket that popped up in the parking lot, with a slightly mocking tone, and looked back at Clovis, who was watching the TV with his eyes closed in silence.

"In the final analysis, it's just self-satisfaction."

"No matter how high-sounding you say it, the world will not change."

In a magnificent hall, Clovis walked off the stage. A woman in a dress praised from the side.

"So beautiful, Your Highness. I can't imagine you were getting ready to enjoy a party."

Several servants took off Clovis's cloak, and Clovis replied calmly.

"The Governor is the signature of "District 11". If you can't do this freely, you are truly incompetent. "

The women continued to praise: "As expected of Your Highness, you are so confident."

Clovis looked calm: "Speaking of confidence will only make everyone in the media laugh."

As Clovis turned his head to watch, a group of TV station executives in formal suits beside the wall bent down and smiled apologetically.

"No, no, no, we just hope to do our part in the governance of His Highness Clovis."

Coming out of the corner of the hall, a person who seemed to be related to the TV station was holding a workbook, lowered his head and muttered to himself.

"Hypocritical governance? It's really..."

Before he finished speaking, a bald man in military uniform ran over in a panic from the gate.

"Your Highness."

Clovis turned around and saw that it was his subordinate, General Bartlett, who was assisting him, and his face sank slightly.

"What's the matter? It's so noisy..."

General Bartlett lowered his head: "I'm very sorry, but..."

The media person in the corner closed his workbook impatiently, turned around and planned to leave, while mocking: "Are you trying to make a fool of yourself again? Are you trying to gain popularity? It's so cliche..."

However, before he finished speaking, he heard Clovis growl.

"Idiot! The imperial sister is coming soon with the unified guests, why don't you go and deal with it quickly!?"

General Bartlett lowered his head, moved closer to Clovis, and lowered his voice.

"The police, the police only have medical equipment, I plan to dispatch the entire army..."

Clovis roared: "Immediately dispatch all combat armored cavalry (Knightmare) and suppress those guys immediately."

General Bartlett immediately responded: "Yes, I will do it right away."

With that said, General Bartlett did not leave directly, but instead lowered his voice again.

"In addition, the "treasure" captured not long ago was taken away. "

Clovis's eyes trembled: "Immediately block the news and never let the imperial sister know."

General Bartlett's voice was very low: "Yes, I have blocked the news and announced it to the outside world. It is a powerful gas-type biological weapon."

Clovis waved his hand with a gloomy expression: "Hurry up and deal with it. You must not let the imperial sister get involved."

General Bartlett: "Yes..."

Sitting in the special car arranged by Cornelia, looking at the smoking building not far away, he looked doubtfully at Cornelia in the car.

"Her Royal Highness Princess Cornelia, did something happen to you here?"

Cornelia seemed to have noticed the movement outside the window, her eyebrows twitched, and her expression remained unchanged and calm.

"It's really shameful. This area has been harassed by some terrorist organizations recently."

"In this era where dimensional beasts are raging, there will always be some crazy people who lose their minds and want to take revenge on society."

"Although we work very hard to suppress this crazy existence, Britannia is not a behemoth like the United. It is really powerless."

Although it was obvious at a glance that Cornelia was telling lies, Lin Youde still responded very cooperatively.

"As expected of Your Highness, you are really concerned about the country and the people. This purchase of the latest machine body from our Wang Heavy Industries is also to protect the safety of the people and enhance its strength, right?"

That's what Lin Youde said. But deep down in his heart, Lin Youde was mumbling.

‘I’m afraid the people attacking here are not crazy people caused by the dimensional beast disaster. But the people from the "Japanese Liberation Front" in the original work, right? ’

'Of course, this is New Neon, not the original Japan. So this should be the "New Neon Liberation Front"? ’

'But in the end, there is no difference between these people and real terrorists. ’

‘Whether it’s Shan Kaname’s group led by Lelouch in the original novel, or Toudou’s group from the old Neon Army, they are all a bunch of brainless guys. ’

‘To say they are terrorists is really not inappropriate at all. ’

Recalling the original work, this group of people, apart from carrying out bombings in crowded places, also kidnapped a hotel to show their existence, blackmail the governor of District 11 into giving up their power to rule, and return the country to them.

This kind of mindless approach, apart from hurting ordinary civilians, has not affected any Britannia high-level officials at all. It will only make others feel bad.

Such a group of insects, if it weren't for Lelouch's revenge and no other choice, he would choose them to become his own power.

I'm afraid they would have been destroyed long ago.

Lin Youde didn't have any good impressions of these guys.

'I don't know what Lelouch in this world will choose...'

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