Immortal Soul of Steel

Chapter 456 Suggestions

At Cornelia's invitation, Lin Youde left the venue with Lei Mengmeng, Lux, and Refina.

Seeing this, Clovis quickly followed.

"Sister Huang, what are you..."

"Oh, Clovis."

Cornelia glanced at Clovis and explained.

"Dr. Lin Youde is interested in our country's combat armored cavalry."

"Now I plan to take them to see the main models currently deployed in our army and see if Dr. Lin Youde can give some advice."

"You know, Dr. Lin Youde is currently the most famous humanoid mobile weapons research expert in the United Nations."

Clovis responded with a sense of relief after hearing Cornelia's words.

"That's it, then I won't go with Sister Huang."

Cornelia didn't care about this either: "You are still the same as before, except that you are not very interested in things other than art and painting."

Clovis smiled and said, "Sister Huang still understands me."

Cornelia nodded slightly and said, "I will take charge here, and you can go handle the banquet. Over there, I need you to entertain."

Clovis immediately responded: "Okay, then I'll bother Sister Huang."

Clovis left, and Lin Youde didn't care much about the prince who got lunch early in "Lelouch of the Rebellion".

There was little communication between the two parties, and Lin Youde didn't care about the other party's life or death.

Following Cornelia to the hangar of the Governor's Mansion, Lin Youde saw a group of people driving armored vehicles, transporting one machine body after another, heading out.

Seeing this scene, Cornelia frowned subconsciously and looked sharply at General Bartlett, who was urging the convoy to attack.

A look of understanding flashed in her eyes, and Cornelia felt helpless.

‘I see, no wonder Clovis was so nervous before. Are you afraid that I will see this? ’

‘The terrorists who were making trouble in the city have not been completely eliminated yet. ’

'Afraid I'll blame him for this? Clovis is also true, as long as he can handle such matters in his territory, I will not pay too much attention. ’

‘It seems that my harshness before left him with bad memories, right? ’

'I am such an incompetent sister...'

With a small sigh in her heart, Cornelia pretended not to see it and directly called a soldier over.

"come here."

"Your Highness Cornelia? Yes, do you have any orders from Your Highness?"

The soldier seemed very nervous when he saw Cornelia.

Cornelia didn't care about this and said calmly: "Find me a free combat armored cavalry, I can use it."

Soldier: "Yes!"

Cornelia didn't care that the convoy kept driving away, but that didn't mean that others didn't care either.

After General Bartlett saw Cornelia arriving, he trotted nervously and rushed over.

"Your Highness, Your Highness...why are you here?"

As if she could see General Bartlett's nervousness, Cornelia waved her hand.

"Don't be nervous, I won't get involved in Clovis's matter unless he asks me for help."

"I'm here now because I want to find a combat armored cavalry and show it to Dr. Lin Youde from the Human Innovation Consortium."

General Bartlett was relieved: "So that's it, then..."

Cornelia waved her hand: "You can continue to do your work. Remember, don't embarrass yourself in front of foreign guests, and get it done quickly."

General Bartlett nervously saluted: "Yes!"

Ignoring General Bartlett's departure, under Cornelia's arrangement, Lin Youde and others came to an idle combat armored cavalry.

Looking at this purple-colored machine that was only about 5 meters tall, Lin Youde touched his chin and asked.

"This is the combat armored cavalry you are using now?"

Cornelia returned: "Yes, this is our self-developed fifth-generation combat armored cavalry, the Royal Panzer Infanter (RPI), also known as the Nightmare Mecha."

"It means to bring an indelible nightmare to the enemy."

“And this model, codenamed ‘Sunderland’, is the main model currently used by us in Britannia. "

"The gray one next to it is the fourth-generation model Glasgow that was just phased out."

"But currently in our area, general machines are not called by specific code names, but are collectively called Knightmare."

Lin Youde nodded: "Knightmare? Her Royal Highness Princess Cornelia, can I go up and see the cockpit inside?"

Cornelia responded on the spot: "Of course, no problem, please."

With Cornelia's help, Lin Youde entered the cockpit of the Knightmare and studied.

"I see, Knightmare's driving method is very similar to MS and PT. It's just that the specific operating system is relatively complicated..."

"Huh? Is this the OS of this machine? Let me see..."

"I see, it's a pure land combat machine body, so do you use sliding wheels to enhance land combat mobility? It's a good idea..."

Lin Youde was studying Knightmare in the cockpit, and Lei Mengmeng was not idle either, observing Knightmare from below.

"It's a very interesting design, Princess Cornelia. Is this type of machine designed and developed by yourself?"

Cornelia was hesitant about this, not knowing how to answer.

But a voice came from the side.

"Of course not. It's only been 30 years since the concept of humanoid mobile weapons was born. With our own technology, how can we develop it purely by ourselves?"

"We are just like the three major countries, getting inspiration from other humanoid mobile weapons and conducting reverse research on the above technologies to obtain these results."

"In the final analysis, we are just picking up people's wisdom."

This voice made Cornelia's face look a little gloomy. Turning around, Cornelia saw

A man in a white coat walked over with a young and nervous clerical staff.

The civilian staff immediately explained nervously: "Your Highness Cornelia, I'm sorry to bother you. Lloyd just..."

Before the woman finished speaking, Lloyd interrupted: "I'd better introduce myself, Cecil."

Lloyd gave Cornelia a Breton noble salute.

"Lloyd Asplind, it is an honor to meet you, Her Royal Highness Princess Cornelia."

Cornelia frowned slightly: "Lloyd Asplind? Are you from the Asplind family?"

Lloyd nodded: "Exactly, I am currently in charge of the research and testing of the new Knightmare. Your Highness, these are..."

Cornelia briefly introduced Lei Mengmeng and others, and Lloyd raised his head excitedly and looked at Knightmare's cockpit.

"The genius who developed such miraculous things as the "BGM field", Dr. Lin Youde, is actually here? "

"Your Highness, please help me introduce him quickly. I have too many things to say to him."

Cornelia frowned slightly as she looked at Lloyd, who didn't care about his identity at all.

This reaction scared Cecil to the point where cold sweat broke out on his forehead.

However, Lin Youde in Knightmare heard the noise, got out, and looked down.

"Who's looking for me?"

"Dr. Lin Youde, it's me, Lloyd Asplind!"

Looking at Lloyd, who was waving to him below, Lin Youde was stunned for a moment.

'Lloyd? The Count of Pudding who is responsible for making "Lancelot" and loves to eat pudding? ’

"Hello, I'm Lin Youde, Mr. Lloyd, what do you want from me?"

Out of interest in the Lancelot he created, Lin Youde got off the machine and shook hands with Lloyd.

Lloyd excitedly held Lin Youde's hand and started talking.

"That's right, Dr. Lin Youde. I heard that you are an expert in Gundam research. You also have unique insights into the black box body. You are also the strongest new human in the legend."

"I am manufacturing the sixth-generation Knightmare belonging to our country, and I hope to get your insights."

"After all, you are an expert in the field of humanoid mobile weapon innovation. I sincerely invite you to come to my workshop as a guest."

"Oh, by the way, you have just arrived, so you may not know much about our iteration of the body."

"The performance of our aircraft is completely incomparable to MS and PT, so it lags behind the three major countries in terms of performance."

"So the two generations here on our side are equivalent to one generation in the three major countries."

"In other words, our main models here have just been configured to the level of 2.5-generation machines. Research on the sixth generation, which is also the third-generation machine, has just begun."

"And because of issues such as energy and technology, the volume cannot be compared with conventional MS and PT."

"So if you want to fight, you need three Knightmare to fight against one PT and MS."

"I have been troubled by these problems for a long time. I wonder if you have any solution..."

Watching Lloyd reveal all his information to Lin Youde. Cornelia was very dissatisfied.

Although she had no intention of hiding this from Lin Youde.

But there are some things that she does by herself, which have different meanings from others.

Seemingly sensing Cornelia's dissatisfaction, Cecil nervously wiped his sweat with a tissue and explained in a low voice next to Cornelia.

"Your Highness, please forgive me. Dr. Lloyd has always been like this. When it comes to humanoid mobile weapons, he forgets everything."

"It is for these reasons that he was arranged here by the family. Your Highness, please..."

Cornelia waved her hand: "Okay, I don't mean to blame him."

"And I remember that those responsible for researching the new Knightmare seem to be assigned to the Secret Service."

"The Secret Service has special authority. I don't care about his affairs."

Although Cornelia was very dissatisfied with Lloyd's performance just now.

But seeing that Lin Youde and Lloyd seemed to be having a good conversation, he followed Lloyd to a large transport truck not far away.

Cornelia also understood that Lloyd seemed to have aroused Lin Youde's interest.

Since Lin Youde, as a distinguished guest, felt satisfied, she would tolerate some dissatisfaction in her heart.

As long as he can get Lin Youde's help to enhance Britannia's strength. Some things she could pretend had never happened.

Moreover, Lloyd can study the sixth generation Knightmare, which is equivalent to the third generation machine of the three major countries. He is absolutely top-notch in terms of ability and is a rare talent.

Cornelia also has a special way of treating special talents. After all, geniuses always have some quirks or shortcomings, and Cornelia can still understand and tolerate these.

After comforting Cecil, Cornelia said to Lei Mengmeng, Lux, Refina and others.

"Well, guys, let's go there too."

At Cornelia's invitation, everyone quickly caught up with Lin Youde and Lloyd.

Then, everyone saw a white Knightmare in Lloyd's transport vehicle.

Standing in front of this Knightmare, Lloyd was as excited as a child showing off a toy.

"Look, Dr. Lin Youde. This is the sixth generation Knightmare Lancelot that I am responsible for the research and development~!"

"I know that the three major countries are currently equipped with conventional third-generation aircraft. I don't know what you think of my Knightmare."

"Oh, by the way, this is the body data and information, please take a look."

Lin Youde did not shy away from suspicion, so he took the information and started reading it.

However, Lin Youde frowned at this sight.

Lloyd and Cornelia, who were always paying attention to Lin Youde's reaction, immediately felt excited.

Lloyd asked cautiously: "Dr. Lin Youde, do you have any questions?"

Cornelia also said: "If you have any questions, please speak up, Doctor."

Lin Youde looked at the information and then looked at Lancelot again, feeling a little disappointed.

"It's not a big problem. It's just that your so-called sixth-generation Knightmare is probably not a true third-generation machine."

"First of all, third-generation aircraft must have the ability to fly alone, which this aircraft does not have."

"Secondly, the strength of the armor you use is still the super steel used by Zaku II in the old era. In terms of defensive power, it is not reliable enough."

"And, because you Knightmare are using a new type of energy called Sakura Stone. Judging from the usage time, I have reason to believe that your utilization rate of Sakura Stone is still very low."

"It can be said that the current Lancelot is still just a slightly stronger pseudo-2.5th generation machine in terms of performance."

Lloyd was shocked: "What... it's actually a 2.5-generation machine? Or is it a fake?"

Cornelia was also mentally shocked, and her fingers trembled a little: "Is there such a big gap?"

After being stunned for a moment, Cornelia quickly asked: "Dr. Lin Youde, is there any way to solve Lancelot's shortcomings and make improvements?"

Lin Youde showed a relaxed smile and replied: "Of course, although this machine has many shortcomings, if you want to improve it to the level of a third-generation machine, there are as many ways as you need."

‘After all, let alone third-generation machines, I also have fourth-generation machines, and even more advanced machine technology. ’

Of course, these words would not be spoken casually to others.

And Lin Youde has no intention of giving away benefits to others for free.

If you just make friendship, you don't really need to sacrifice your own skills, it can be done.

"Lloyd, I need to know the endurance limit of this machine frame and the specific combat methods."

"Is there any specific information? I don't know the endurance limit of the skeleton. If you want to improve it, you will be constrained."

"Also, tell me your method of transforming minerals like Sakura Stone. I want to study it."

Lloyd naturally agreed to Lin Youde's request.

"No problem, Dr. Lin Youde."

Just as he finished speaking, Lloyd's expression froze.

Cornelia was a little confused: "What's wrong? Is there any problem?"

Cecil on the side explained: "Well, Lancelot has just finished it and has not tested it yet. There is no test pilot. So the information and so on..."

Cornelia heard the words and nodded slightly: "I see, is that what happened? It doesn't matter, just drive it out for testing now."

"Test pilot, I can arrange it. Or, it's okay to just let me drive."

"And I remember that there seem to be terrorists still resisting in the city? It's just the right time for them to come and test the knife~!"

Hearing this, Lloyd excitedly raised his voice on the spot: "Your Highness, Princess Cornelia, is going to drive it yourself? That's great. I'll make arrangements right away. Please wait a moment."

Compared to Lloyd's excitement, Lin Youde was a little helpless.

'terrorist? Lancelot test? Let me go, I shouldn't have just caught up with the opening scene of "Lelouch of the Rebellion", right? ’

‘If that’s the case, then the place we’re going to go to next should be the area where Lelouch first fought. ’

‘And in the original work, Cornelia was not there when the plot opened. ’

'I don't know if Lelouch would be so frightened that he would run away on the spot if he found out that Cornelia was actually there...'

‘No, not necessarily. If it were Lelouch who had just obtained the "King's Power" GEASS, he might be so confident that he came to Cornelia to ask about her mother's murder. ’

'If this is the case, then I may have to make some preparations...'

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