Immortal Soul of Steel

Chapter 457 The Power of the King

Just when Lin Youde was preparing for the next action.

On the other side, Lelouch's side, something was also happening.

Not long ago, Zai and his classmate Livar were riding sidecar motorcycles on the urban roads.

Livar: "At the beginning..."

Lelouch: "Huh?"

Livar: "Why do you start with the king?"

Lelouch sat in the motorcycle sidecar, glanced at Livar who was driving the motorcycle, returned his gaze to the book in his hand, and said calmly.

"If the king doesn't leave first, his subordinates won't be able to follow, right?"

Livar: "That..."

Lelouch: "Huh?"

Levi: "Lelouch, do you want to be a high-ranking official?"

Lelouch: "How is it possible that strange dreams can lead to trouble..."

Before Lelouch could finish his words, he was interrupted by two rapid trumpets beside him.

When Lelouch and Levi turned around, they saw a large truck speeding behind them.

"Wow~! What is this?"

Livar screamed, trying to speed up on his motorcycle and try to get out of the way. But he found that he couldn't increase the speed at all, so he could only quickly move the motorcycle to the side.

But the driver of the large truck behind him who was blocked seemed to have lost his patience.

"What the hell are you driving so carelessly? Damn it, in that case..."

The driver turned the steering wheel and chose to change the road.

However, this scene made the woman in the passenger seat next to him scream in shock.

"No, over there is..."

The large truck smashed through the railing blocking the way and crashed directly into the abandoned building.

There was a huge impact, a loud noise was made, and a large amount of dust began to fly away.

Hearing the noise, Livar quickly stopped the car and looked down, sweating profusely.

"Um...this can't be our fault, right?"

Lelouch replied instantly: "How is it possible? No matter how you look at it, it's nothing like us..."

Before Lelouch could finish his words, he saw a small police helicopter hovering over the building.

The sudden appearance of the police helicopter made Lelouch aware that something was wrong.

On the helicopter: "Call the National Police Headquarters, target the abandoned V·O Building under development..."

Communicator: "Wait a minute, this matter has been taken over by the military. I am General Bartlett!"

Helicopter: "General?"

On the viaduct, Lelouch took off his helmet and looked down at the accident site.

"what is that?"

Livar: "Hey, Lelouch, the power line of the motorcycle seems to be broken. I was just telling you why the speed was getting slower and slower..."

"Huh? Well..." Lelouch replied somewhat perfunctorily. His eyes were fixed on the big truck that had just been involved in the accident, and he couldn't take his eyes off it.

Because, in Lelouch's eyes, there seemed to be a phantom of light that looked like a human being in the big truck.

This strange phenomenon made Lelouch subconsciously want to ask Livar: "Hey, that is..."

Before Lelouch could finish his words, he was interrupted by others.

"Hey, this way, this way."

Lelouch heard the sound, lowered his head, and saw a group of people stopping and watching under the viaduct.

"Wow, how miserable."

"What's wrong? What's wrong? There was an accident?"

"Is someone driving drunk again?"

"What an idiot. Driving under the influence? You're in danger of dying."

"Hey, can someone help them?"

Lelouch took the camera and took a photo in the direction of the big truck.

However, the human-shaped shadow formed by countless light points that he saw in the photo was not at all in the photo.

Listening to the indifferent comments from passers-by, Lelouch's voice was a little sulky.

"Hmph, one or two, everyone is the same..."

Throwing down his helmet, Lelouch ran towards the bottom of the viaduct.

Rivar, who was checking the motorcycle's power line and trying to make repairs, saw Lelouch running away, and his eyelids jumped.

"Hey, Lelouch, are you trying to..."

Completely ignoring Livar's obstruction, Lelouch had already run to the accident site where the big truck turned.

When the onlookers saw Lelouch running over, they all took out their mobile phones to take pictures and sarcastically said.

"Oh, the student rescue team is here."

"Hey, at this time, someone should call the police, right?"

Near the viaduct, people were talking, taking pictures, and ridiculing, but no one took any action or came to help.

Among the entire scene, only Lelouch ran over, came to the truck, and tried to open the driver's door.

"Hey, are you okay?"

However, Lelouch tried a few times and found that with his own strength, he could not open the motionless car door.

In desperation, Lelouch could only find other methods.

On the viaduct, Livar pushed his motorcycle back and complained.

"Let me tell you, although what you did is right, I still hope you will stop."

"Driven by meaningless kindness, we can't catch up with school and are late..."

While Livar was complaining, Lelouch had climbed into the truck.

"Hey, can you hear me?"

However, just as he climbed into the truck, a voice sounded in Lelouch's mind.

(Found it, mine...)

This sudden sound made Lelouch stunned on the spot.

"Eh? A woman's voice? But..."

Lelouch looked around subconsciously.


At this moment, the driver of the big truck seemed to wake up at the call of his co-pilot companion.

The sound of the truck shifting gears and the engine starting to restart made Lelouch subconsciously shout down.

"Hey, are you here?"

Almost as soon as Lelouch finished speaking, the big truck reversed rapidly.

The sudden acceleration caused Lelouch to lose his balance and fell directly into the container of the truck.

Fortunately, the height was not high. Lelouch hit his butt in the container and gasped in pain.

At this time, the truck suddenly stopped and then began to accelerate.

Lelouch felt anxious as he felt the truck stop reversing and start accelerating forward.

"Hey, stop, there's someone here!"

However, it is impossible for the driver to hear the sounds inside the container.

On the viaduct, Livar panted and lowered his head, pushing the motorcycle, and did not see Lelouch falling into the container at all. Only after hearing the sound of the truck starting, he raised his head and complained.

"Hey, hey, is this driver too impatient?"

Lelouch couldn't hear Levi's complaints.

After searching for a long time in the container, he couldn't find a ladder to climb out of, and Lelouch complained helplessly.

"Really... there should be a ladder in the truck."

Suddenly, Lelouch heard the sound of a loudspeaker.

"Warning, now you still have the possibility of defense. Stop the car immediately."

Rapid gunshots rang out from outside the container, and then the entire container shook violently, causing Lelouch to fall into the corner of the container.

At the front of the car, in the driver's seat, the young driver's voice was trembling.

"Even the army is dispatched, what should we do?"

In the passenger seat, the young red-haired woman took off her hat and said seriously.

"That's why I came along."

In the truck container, Lelouch climbed up from the corner. His face looked a little unsightly.

"I always feel like I'm getting involved in something troublesome."

"It's definitely dangerous to go out now."

"It looks like something is wrong. Using a mobile phone..."


The sudden sound of the door opening made Lelouch hide subconsciously.

Then, Lelouch saw a young woman with a hot figure taking off her courier company uniform and walking in.

“You can access the subway by taking the Azabu route.”

The horn in the container suddenly sounded.

"Karen, why not just use that one?"

The young woman named Kallen became angry upon hearing this.

"That would be a massacre!"

The voice from the loudspeaker weakened: "This is true..."

Hiding in the corner, Lelouch narrowed his eyes: (That woman...)

After parking the car in the direction of the previous building, Livar looked around for Lelouch.

"Hey, Lelouch, where have you been? Aren't you going to school?"

No matter how much Livar shouted, Lelouch, who was not here, would not be able to respond.

In fact, Lelouch couldn't care less about going to school now.

Because, the sound of helicopter propellers outside the train sounded again.

Helicopter: "The target is escaping from the location towards the concentration camp."

Communicator: "Very good, catch up."

Helicopter: "YES!"

The helicopter zeroed in on the truck again.

This time, however, the truck did not dodge.

The truck compartment suddenly opened, and a rope shot out, directly hitting the helicopter's machine gun and knocking it sideways.

This scene made the helicopter pilot scream in surprise on the spot.

"Ejection rope?"

The warehouse was completely opened, and a red mecha appeared.

The helicopter pilot exclaimed again: "Knightmare?"

The red Knightmare jumped out of the container.

Two large tires popped out of the heel, and started running on the spot, using the reverse method, allowing Knightmare to move backwards behind the large truck.

After the red Knightmare jumped out, Lelouch quickly ran out of the corner, trying to escape.

However, his movements were too slow.

By the time he ran to the container door, the container had been closed again.

Lelouch complained as he punched the door helplessly.

"Damn it, are these guys real terrorists?"

Outside the truck, Kallen sat in the cockpit of the red Knightmare, looking at the helicopter in the sky with hatred in her eyes.

"You know the power of this guy best."

In the midst of a series of machine gun fires, the red Knightmare quickly dodged under Karen's control, causing all the machine gun bullets to miss.

Even while evading, Kallen pressed the button, causing the red Knightmare's ejection rope to fly out, entangle a helicopter, pull it off on the spot, and smash it on the road, causing an explosion.

A voice suddenly sounded from the helicopter's communicator,

"You guys step back and I'll deal with it."

As a transport aircraft appeared above Karen's head in the sky.

Let Kallen raise her head subconsciously, alert.

"Don't know where it came from, but with the old "Glasgow" (4th generation). They can't beat my "Sunderland". "

The two ejection ropes collided in the air, but Kallen's Knightmare failed to hurt the opponent. He watched helplessly as the other party fell off the transport aircraft, landed successfully, and began to speed on the road.

"What's more, you still can't understand His Majesty's benevolent "residents of District 11." "

The blue-haired soldier said inside the Knightmare while controlling the machine to pick up the howitzer and aiming it at Kallen's machine.

When a howitzer hit, Kallen tried her best to dodge and successfully dodged it. But the impact of the explosion caused the red Knightmare to shake violently.

"Karen, change the route!"

"It would be bad if the whole army is wiped out. You should escape first."

Listening to the truck driver's words on the communicator, Kallen was filled with reluctance.


Before Karen could finish her words, she saw the truck suddenly turn sharply.

It turned out that another Knightmare appeared directly in front of the truck, shooting with a machine gun.

In order to avoid the attack, the truck had to change its escape route.

Seeing the truck swerving to escape, the gray-haired and black-skinned female soldier taunted in the cockpit of the new Knightmare.

"Simple guy."

Seeing the truck being attacked, Karen wanted to control the machine to eject the ejection rope and attack the enemy.

But Karen pressed it several times, but the machine didn't respond.

The Knightmare next to Kallen seized the opportunity, pulled out his ax and looked over.

Kallen gave up her attack and dodged.

The blue-haired soldier praised: "Oh~! You have good judgment. But... do you think I will let you go like this?"

Lelouch had no idea what was going on outside the truck.

Sitting in the container, Lelouch held his mobile phone with a look of helplessness on his face.

"Tsk, the phone has no signal."

Looking at the 0-bar signal on his cell phone, Lelouch said to himself.

"Judging from the darkness and road conditions, this car must have been running on the past subway route."

"The destination is a concentration camp somewhere. It will be dangerous if we go out."

"But... good... got it."

There was no panic in Lelouch's eyes. He put down his cell phone very calmly and picked up a communicator.

"It's disgusting to have the military protect us if the conditions are met."

"But if you treat the terrorist's communicator as a gift, there should be no problem in ensuring safety. The next thing to do is to wait..."

Sitting in the container, I didn't know how long I had been waiting, when the entire container suddenly started shaking violently.

Lelouch stood up on the spot and said warningly.

"Accident? Or..."

Realizing that the truck had stopped, Lelouch immediately hid in a corner.

Then, he found that the hatch of the container suddenly opened.

Sensing movement, Lelouch immediately planned to take action.

"The situation outside is unknown. It's too dangerous to go out now. It's better to climb up there now..."

Before he finished speaking, Lelouch heard a series of rapid footsteps.

Turning around subconsciously, Lelouch saw someone flying and kicking towards him.

Just as he had time to put his hands in front of his body, Lelouch was kicked away.

Falling to the ground, Lelouch saw the opponent's uniform.

"Breton Army?"

The soldier grabbed Lelouch by the collar.

Soldier: "Stop killing people."

Lelouch quickly defended: "Wait, I am..."

The soldier ignored Lelouch, his voice full of anger: "And you actually used poisonous gas, even if you want to be fake..."

"So..." Lelouch tried to kick the opponent away, but the opponent nimbly dodged it.

Although the kick missed the opponent, Lelouch still found the opportunity to get up.

"Anyway, that poisonous gas was also made by Britannia."

As Lelouch stood up, dim light shone on Lelouch's face.

The soldier looked at Lelouch's face and his voice was full of astonishment: "You are..."

Lelouch calmly walked out of the container: "Don't kill anyone? Then destroy Britannia."

However, the soldier ignored Lelouch's words and just read his name in shock.


In Lelouch's surprised expression, the soldier took off his helmet.

"It's me, Suzaku."

Lelouch was shocked and his face was full of shock: "Suzaku?"

In his mind, the time spent with Suzaku when he was a child flashed quickly.

Lelouch was full of confusion and shock: "Have you...become a soldier of Britannia?"

Lelouch looked at Suzaku with a complicated expression, and Suzaku also looked at Lelouch in surprise: "You...could this...what on earth are you doing, Lelouch?"

Before Lelouch could defend himself, the large jar next to the two of them suddenly glowed.

Seeing this movement, Suzaku picked up his gas mask, put it on Lelouch's face, and knocked him down.

This scene made Lelouch exclaim: "Suzaku..."

However, before Lelouch could finish speaking, the two of them saw a bound green-haired beauty appearing in the big jar behind them.

Lelouch and Suzaku were lying on the ground, looking at the green-haired beauty in the jar with astonishment in their eyes.

Suzaku's brain shut down: "Isn't it poisonous...gas?"

In a daze, Lelouch discovered that this woman seemed to be looking at him the moment she opened her eyes.

On the other side, in an underground passage, Kallen was sitting in the cockpit, communicating with her teammates.

Communicator: "Sure enough..."

Karen: "Yes, I think it's poisonous gas as the intelligence said."

Communicator: "Really, what about Nagata?"

Karen: "I don't know, I think it might be underground."

While Karen was chanting, in a certain underground tunnel, truck driver Nagata was lying on the steering wheel, groaning in pain.

In the warehouse behind him, Lelouch had already lifted up the green-haired beauty who had closed her eyes again, and asked Suzaku.

"Answer me, Suzaku, is this girl poisonous?"

Suzaku put away his weapon: "But, the report does say..."


The spotlight suddenly shined on Lelouch and Suzaku.

An officer came over and stared at Suzaku with disdain.

"You monkey, the titular Breton is not given such permission."

Suzaku hurriedly stepped forward: "But, I heard that it was poisonous gas..."

The officer shouted: "You have no right to defend yourself."

Lelouch held the green-haired beauty in his arms, looked at Suzaku, and secretly said anxiously.

‘No seconds, this is indeed highly poisonous. ’

‘If it is leaked to the outside, it could even be a poison that threatens Suzaku’s top executives. ’

Officer: "However, in recognition of your attack, I will give you a chance."

The officer handed a gun to Suzaku: "Private Brittania, use this to shoot the terrorists."

Suzaku was startled and quickly explained: "He is not, he is an ordinary civilian, he was just involved..."

The officer looked displeased: "Stop talking nonsense, this is an order. You have sworn allegiance to Britannia."

Under Lelouch's gloomy expression, Suzaku lowered his head: "That's...but, I can't do it."

Suzaku's words made Lelouch look at Suzaku in shock.

Officer: "What?"

Suzaku lowered his head and replied: "I can't do it."

As he spoke, Suzaku turned around and looked at Lelouch tenderly.

"I wouldn't shoot a civilian, shoot him..."

Officer: "Then you go die."


Suzaku fell down as Lelouch's eyes widened in shock.

Under the gunfire of the officer, he fell straight to the ground.

"You look like you're a student from Brittany? You're really unlucky."

"Capture the girl and shoot the student on the spot."

Lelouch turned a deaf ear to the officer's words. Just looking at the fallen Suzaku, I was speechless for a long time.

Soldiers: "Yes, sir."

At the front of the truck, the driver named Nagata raised his head and looked at the soldiers with resentment in his eyes.

"The bastards of Brittany..."

Nagata moved his fingers tremblingly to a button and slowly closed his eyes.

"New neon...onboard..."


A violent explosion sounded underground.

The violent smoke even rushed out of the ground and onto the ground.

General Bartlett was sitting on the land battleship, furious at the communication.

"You said they ran away? Is this considered a personal guard?"

Communicator: "I'm extremely sorry."

"Although the storm basically spread to the top, but..."

General Bartlett: "Why do you think I only told you this?"

"If Her Highness Cornelia finds out about this, all of us will die."

"You must complete the matter for me before Her Royal Highness Cornelia arrives at the scene."

"If it doesn't work, just destroy all traces. Do you understand?"

Communicator: "Ming, I understand."

After hanging up the communication, Bartlett frantically wiped the sweat from his forehead with a handkerchief and asked.

"Where are your Highness Cornelia and the others?"

Signal Corps: "We have already left the Governor's Palace. We will arrive at the Second Shinjuku District in about 10 minutes."

Bartlett lowered his head to the table anxiously: "Hurry up then, and let those guys exercise restraint."

"This is in front of foreign guests, so you must not do anything inappropriate."

"If we do anything embarrassing, all of us will be shot by Her Majesty Cornelia!!!"

In the underground passage, Lelouch threw the green beauty to the ground and cursed angrily.

"What the hell are you!?"

Lelouch leaned against the wall in pain and covered his face with his hands. Deaf to the violent explosion nearby.

"This commotion is all because of you. Right?"

"And Brittania... Brittania is even like Suzaku... hateful, hateful!!!"

The green-haired beauty opened her eyes and looked at Lelouch calmly without saying anything. Just watch.

The other party's calm gaze made Lelouch, who was filled with rage, calm down.

"Yeah, there's no use in blaming you now."

"The top priority now is to get out of this predicament and try to survive."

"Otherwise, Suzaku's sacrifice would have no value at all..."

"I want to take Suzaku's share and live together!"

He walked over and helped the green-haired beauty up, and Lelouch led her forward.

On the streets of the city, Lin Youde sat on Lloyd's transport truck, looking at the various helicopters in the sky, and exclaimed.

"Is this battle too big?"

Lloyd said: "No, no, this level is what it should be. After all, Dr. Lin Youde, your safety is very important."

Cornelia also nodded repeatedly: "That's true."

As she said that, Cornelia secretly praised: 'General Bartlett is quite sensible, isn't he? The security force is indeed sufficient. It seems that Clovis's men are not all a bunch of losers. ’

Regarding the reactions of Lloyd and Cornelia, Lin Youde just shrugged and said nothing more.

But secretly, Lin Youde was muttering: 'Sure enough, this battle is the opening scene of "Lelouch of the Rebellion", where Britannia defeats Shinjuku. ’

‘But things seem to be different here? ’

‘After all, in the original work, Cornelia is not in Area 11 at this time. ’

‘Besides, there is a foreign guest like me here now. Brittania should never do the massacre of civilians in the original novel, right? ’

Thinking of this, Lin Youde sighed secretly: 'I hope I deliberately mentioned the matter of asking for Lancelot's information and going to the front line with Cornelia. Maybe we can save some innocent civilians. ’

Thinking about this, Lin Youde looked out the window: 'Lelouch, the situation now should be better than in the original work. If you can't handle it and die, don't blame me. As my idol when I was young and in my second year of high school, don’t just keep quiet...'

When Lin Youde was talking about Lelouch.

Lelouch had already led the green-haired beauty to an exit.

However, for the sake of caution, Lelouch did not let the green-haired beauty follow him out, but gave her instructions.

"Listen, stay here and wait for me to come back."

Da da da da…

There was a burst of machine gun fire, and Lelouch quickly held down the green-haired beauty's head, lying down on the exit steps.

Outside the stairs.

"How about it?"

"This exit seems to only contain residents of District 11." "

The leading officer said solemnly: "Clean up the bodies and leave no traces."

The officer looked around and said to himself: "It's probably around here. After all, this is one of the nearest exits."

Soldier: "Yes, I have already looked for the street map of the old city."

Lelouch was lying on the street, intending to stick his head out slightly to observe the situation.

However, a rapid ringing sound suddenly sounded in this warehouse-like place.


The attention of the officers and soldiers was instantly attracted.

In a place similar to a school, Lelouch's classmate Charlie looked at her phone and stamped her feet angrily.

"You actually hung up on me? Lulu is really too much..."

In the warehouse, Lelouch was punched and sent flying to the container row.

The green-haired beauty was also arrested by the soldiers.

The officer glanced at the green-haired beauty and stared at Lelouch with a smile in his eyes.

"It really fits the image of a terrorist apocalypse."

Lelouch clenched his fists and stared at the officer angrily.

"You guys..."

The officer sarcastically said: "Well, for a student, you have worked very hard. As expected of us Brittanians."

As he spoke, the officer sighed: "But your future will end here."

The officer had his gun pointed at Lelouch.

Lelouch looked at the officer's ferocious smile and the finger that slowly pulled the trigger, and closed his eyes in despair.

‘Damn it… is it going to end? I still haven’t done anything, is it about to end? ’

'I'm sorry, Nunnally, Suzaku, I've...'

At the critical moment, the green-haired beauty who had been captured suddenly broke free from the soldiers' restraints, rushed out, and stood in front of Lelouch.

"Don't kill him!"


The bullet came out of the barrel and accurately hit the green-haired beauty's forehead.

At that moment, Lelouch, who had just opened his eyes, and the officer who had just pulled the trigger were both stunned.


As the bullet entered her forehead, the green-haired beauty fell down.


Lelouch looked at the green-haired beauty lying in a pool of blood in shock, his eyes full of confusion.

The officer quickly came to his senses and snorted coldly.

"Humph, if possible, I would like to let you live. Vinia will take over."

"Our SS found the terrorist base and destroyed it."

"But they have already killed all the hostages."

"How about this classmate?"

Lelouch knelt on the ground in a daze, his right hand tremblingly reaching out to the dead green-haired beauty, trying to grab her hand.

Inside, Lelouch was filled with anger.

'Why on earth is this...'

'Suzaku is like this, and so is this woman...'

‘And that’s the end of it for me? ’

‘I just didn’t accomplish anything, it was so easy…’

The shadow of his sister flashed in his mind, and Lelouch was filled with unwillingness.


However, the moment Lelouch's hand was about to touch the green-haired woman's wrist.

The green-haired woman who was already dead turned around and grabbed Lelouch's wrist.

For an instant, everything around him seemed to be suspended, everything was still and different. '

The voice that suddenly appeared before once again appeared in Lelouch's mind.

(Don’t you want to die yet? Young man...)

Lelouch felt countless phantoms flash before his eyes, and his mind was in chaos.

'what's the situation? ’

Woman's voice: (You seem to have a reason to want to survive.)

Lelouch: 'Is she that woman just now? Could it be...'

Woman's voice: (You can survive if you have the strength, right?)

The shadow of the previous woman began to appear in front of Lelouch.

(This is a contract...)

(I give you power in exchange for granting one of my wishes.)

(If you sign a contract, although you will still be alive in the world, you will follow different principles from humans.)

(Different destiny, different time, different lifespan.)

(The power of kings will eventually make you lonely.)

(If you have this awareness...)

In an instant, Lelouch cleared away all distracting thoughts and returned to his heart.

‘Very well, then I will sign this contract. ’

Time, restored.

Lelouch covered his eyes with his hands and stood up.

"I say, how are Bretons supposed to live, who hate Britannia?"

The officer pointed his pistol back at Lelouch.

"Are you someone who hates the country? Huh?"

Lelouch sneered: "What's wrong? Don't you shoot? Your opponent is just a student. Or did you notice it?"

"The only ones who can shoot are those who have the consciousness to be killed."

Lelouch let go of the hand covering his left eye, and in an instant, a V-shaped symbol like a bird appeared in Lelouch's left eye.

Seeing the red light flashing in Lelouch's eyes and the overwhelming aura exuding from his body, the officer panicked: "W-what?"

The officer's hand holding the gun began to shake.

At this time, Lelouch pointed his left hand at the officer, pointing far away.

"In the name of Lelouch V. Brittania, I order you... to die!"

As Lelouch's voice fell, he waved his right hand to his side and raised it flat. The bird-like V symbol in his left eye spreads its wings and flies like a real bird.

In an instant, the officer and all the soldiers pointed their pistols at their heads with red eyes.

Officer: "Yes your highness!"

Soldier: "Yes your highness!"*N

Officer: "Fire!"

Bang bang bang...

The officers and all the soldiers fell down and died in front of Lelouch.

Looking at all this, Lelouch's expression turned into disbelief, then turned into astonishment, then turned into shock, and finally turned into ecstasy.

"Finally got...real power!"

On the ground, the green-haired woman who was supposed to be dead suddenly blinked and her pupils were aimed at Lelouch...


PS: I have tried my best to streamline the original plot, but I still wrote so much.

I am mentally prepared to be criticized by people for "copying the original work" and "good water".

so hard……

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