Immortal Soul of Steel

Chapter 458 Doubts

"Hey woman, what do you want me to do?"

Standing in front of the body of the green-haired beauty, Lelouch looked at the beauty lying in a pool of blood and whispered to himself.

"After giving me strange power, but..."

In Lelouch's hell, he suddenly found the green-haired woman's body and suddenly blinked.

A strange chill shot straight from the soles of his feet to Lelouch's Heavenly Spirit Cap.

Then, the woman opened her red lips lightly and spoke.

"Don't just talk about people to death, okay?"


Lelouch took two steps back and looked at the green-haired beauty in shock, his pupils trembling.

"How is it possible? You should be dead..."

The green-haired beauty, who was lying in a pool of blood and even had blood stains on her forehead, did not answer the question, but just reminded her.

"Someone is coming, you deal with it."

Before he finished speaking, a roar suddenly came from behind Lelouch.

Lelouch looked back and saw a Knightmare crashing into the warehouse wall and rushing in.

The violent dust caused Lelouch to put his hands in front of him.

Faintly, he heard the reminder from the green-haired beauty.

"Remember, your power can only take effect when people look into each other's eyes. And after you use it on a person once, it won't take effect the second time. Don't forget."

Lelouch looked back at the green-haired beauty and found that she had closed her eyes again, like a corpse.

The driver of this Knightmare was the British female soldier who intercepted the truck Lelouch was riding in before.

When Lelouch turned to look at the green-haired beauty, the female soldier also looked at the corpses all over the warehouse through the camera, and also let out a cry of surprise.

"How is it possible? All the guards are actually..."

Soon the female soldier discovered the only living person in the warehouse, Lelouch.

As Lelouch slowly turned around, the female soldier pressed Knightmare's loudspeaker.

"What's going on here?"

"Why are Brittanian students in a place like this?"

"Answer me, otherwise..."

What the green-haired beauty had just said flashed through his mind, and Lelouch raised his hands in a cooperative gesture of surrender.

"I am Aslan Pesa, my father is a Duke."

The female soldier was shocked: "Duke?"

Lelouch opened his eyes and told lies: "I have an ID card in my pocket. I hope you can protect me after confirming it."

The female soldier clicked her tongue, turned off the Knightmare, pulled out the key, and walked out of the Knightmare.

"Hold your hands and don't move. Let me get the ID card."

Looking at the female soldier walking towards him with a gun pointed at him, Lelouch thought back to what the green-haired beauty had just told him about the limitations of "King's Power".

After dozens of ideas and strategies flashed through his mind, the V symbol in Lelouch's left eye reappeared and he began to flap his wings.

"Give me your Knightmare and forget you ever saw me."

Red light flashed in the eyes of the female soldier, and the pistol originally pointed at Lelouch was put away on the spot.

Female soldier: "I understand. The password is XG-2 and the code is IG2D."

Taking the key from the female soldier, Lelouch whispered.

"Very good, it seems that multiple commands can also take effect."

Before Lelouch finished speaking, the woman's voice sounded again.

"Of course, as long as the command is not too complicated. Even if it is several paragraphs, your power can be effective on people."

Lelouch turned back in an instant and looked at the woman who had stood up again at some point.


"Ah~ah~! These clothes are dirty."

The woman turned around, looking at her prison uniform, which was stained with blood, and asked Lelouch calmly.

"Hey, Lelouch, do you have any clothes for me to change into?"

The green-haired beauty's seemingly familiar reaction made Lelouch quite shocked and wary.

"Who are you? Why are you not dead like this? Also, how do you know my name? What is your purpose in giving me this strange power?"

Facing Lelouch who was talking nonsense, the green-haired beauty shrugged: "Are you sure you want me to answer these now?"

"This woman will almost wake up after completing her order."

Lelouch's face tightened and he looked back and forth between Knightmare and the green-haired beauty.

The green-haired beauty walked towards Knightmare with a smile and said.

"Don't worry, Lelouch, you and I are accomplices, and no one will betray you more than me. Let's go."

Looking at the green-haired beauty walking towards Knightmare, Lelouch gritted his teeth and followed.

After a moment, the female soldier came back to her senses and looked around blankly.

" I doing?"

The female soldier looked around for a while, trying to recall what happened before, but she frowned.

"I remember that I drove my Knightmare to support here, and then... damn, I can't remember. Where is my Knightmare?"

On the other side, in Lloyd's transport vehicle.

Shumu Suzaku shook his eyelids and opened his eyes.

But as soon as he opened his eyes, he heard Lloyd say with a playful smile.

"What a pity. We are only one step away from going to heaven, Private Shumu Suzaku."

Shumu Zhuque struggled and got up: "Um, here is..."

Lloyd took a moment and then returned: "Huh? Oh, this is still in Shinjuku No. 2 for the time being."

Sehir explained: "This is the outermost area of ​​Shinjuku 2, so it is considered a relatively safe place."

"Shumu Zhuque-kun, this is what protects you."

Lloyd was so relaxed: "It just blocked the bullet that was shot into the protective suit."

Cecil asked: "Is it something important?"

Shumu Suzaku blankly took the broken pocket watch from Cecil and replied: "Yes, yes."

Lloyd: "I remember that the "residents of District 11" believed that there are gods in everything, right? This is also..."

"Um, Lulu... um, how's the situation?" Shumu Suzaku interrupted Lloyd and asked nervously.

Lloyd spread his hands: "The poisonous gas seems to have been leaked. It is said that a large number of victims have appeared among the "residents of District 11". "

Cecil also sighed: "It seems that the prisoner has not been found yet."

Lloyd said helplessly: "Thanks to this incident, the original plan for Her Majesty Cornelia to drive the Lancelot came to nothing. Her Majesty Cornelia is now furious at Her Majesty Clovis."

Hearing this, Shumu Suzaku was obviously relieved: "That's it, not yet... hmm? Your Highness Cornelia?"

In Suzaku's stunned expression, the door behind Lloyd opened and a young man walked in.

"How's it going? Is he awake already?"

Lloyd turned around on the spot and replied diligently: "Yes, Dr. Lin Youde, Private Shumu Suzaku is awake."

Shumu Zhuque looked at Lin Youde doubtfully: "Lin"

Lin Youde walked in with a smile, nodded to Lloyd, looked at the bandaged Suzaku, and smiled.

"It seems like you're fine, Shumu Suzaku."

Listening to Lin Youde's words, Shumu Zhuque looked at Lin Youde in astonishment, with doubts in his eyes: "Excuse me, who are you?"

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