Immortal Soul of Steel

Chapter 460 Taboo

Under Cornelia's questioning, Viscount Terry acted very spinelessly.

"Yes, it was snatched from the research institute."

"Those terrorists attacked the research institute in District 11 and took away the highly toxic gas inside."

Viscount Terry's move made Cornelia unable to hold back.

"Is there highly toxic gas in the research institute? Or is it a measure that can spread throughout the city? Her Royal Highness Princess Cornelia, could it be that you Britannia..."

Under Lin Youde's surprised gaze, Cornelia denied it immediately.

"No, Dr. Lin Youde. This must be a misunderstanding. We in Britannia did not violate the "New International Treaty" by conducting biochemical experiments. "

"In the "New International Treaty" jointly signed by the three major countries, it is expressly prohibited to research such weapons that are only effective against humans but not against dimensional beasts. "

"Not to mention, highly toxic gas is a special taboo in the "New International Treaty". "

"We in Brittany have always abided by the "New International Treaty" and will not touch the taboos, so this must be a misunderstanding. "

With a slight smile, Lux stood beside Lin Youde and whispered.

"That's the best. After all, I think Her Royal Highness Princess Cornelia will never forget why the "new international treaty" explicitly prohibits the research of biological weapons. Why poisonous gas is taboo. "

"Many people have not forgotten the tragedy that happened on the colonial satellite back then."

Looking at Lux's smile, Cornelia felt that her hands and feet were cold.

Of course she knew that the highly toxic gas was released into the colonial satellite, causing almost all the hundreds of thousands of people in the entire colonial satellite to die.

But it was precisely because she knew that she was afraid.

Because, that colonial satellite back then was a new homeland established by some wealthy people from the three major countries with joint investment.

It can be said that that colonial satellite is the top colonial satellite of the three major countries.

However, one such colonial satellite was attacked by terrorists and released highly toxic gas.

It is unknown how many children of dignitaries were killed in this attack.

After that incident, the three major countries were collectively outraged and firmed up regulations prohibiting the use, or even the research, of highly toxic gases.

Any force that dares to research or even use highly toxic gas will become the target of attack by the three major powers.

Although the highly toxic gas seems to have been released by terrorists this time. Not released by Brittany.

But the highly toxic gas was leaked from Brittany's research laboratory and was robbed.

Once this matter is done and spread, Brittania will be in danger.

Unless she, Cornelia, is willing to kill Lin Youde and the others and silence them. Otherwise, she can only let Brittania have nothing to do with the poisonous gas.

Otherwise, Brittania's situation would be...

And Lin Youde is now the new hope for Britannia to become stronger, and there is an official record of Lin Youde and his party coming to Britannia.

Moreover, Lin Youde's special operations troops are all very powerful. Even if all the Knightmare in Area 11 came together, they would not be able to match Lin Youde's troops.

Therefore, from the beginning, she, Cornelia, had no choice.

With an almost pleading tone, Cornelia lowered her head and said.

"I also ask Dr. Lin Youde to give me some time. I will definitely figure out what is going on here. There must be a misunderstanding here. I also ask Dr. Lin Youde to believe me."

Regarding Cornelia's low profile, Lin Youde also responded quite kindly.

"Of course, I think with Her Royal Highness Princess Cornelia's intelligence, she will never allow this to happen."

"So, this must be framed by someone."

"Her Royal Highness Princess Cornelia should go figure this out first. Regarding Lancelot's test, Lloyd and I will find other solutions."

Cornelia said gratefully: "Is Dr. Lin Youde still willing to help us Britannia? Thank you very much."

"I, Cornelia, swear on my honor that I will find out the truth in this matter."

"Then, I'll leave this place to Dr. Lin Youde and Earl Lloyd. I'll excuse you now."

After saying that, Cornelia left in a hurry.

Looking at Cornelia leaving, Lin Youde raised the bridge of Lux's nose in amusement.

Lux stuck out her tongue and turned around.

Lin Youde glanced at Viscount Terry, who was completely frightened, and couldn't help but shake his head.

Obviously, Viscount Terry, who used the highly toxic gas as an excuse, probably has no idea what kind of poison the highly toxic gas is to the current international situation of Aquablue Star.

These are obviously decadent nobles parasitic on the Brittanian Empire. They have never understood the "new international treaty" signed by the three major powers and what is happening in the universe.

Otherwise, Lin Youde really couldn't figure out why these people dared to use "poisonous gas" as an excuse.

This behavior, no matter how you look at it, is looking for death.

Ignoring the stupid Viscount Terry, Lin Youde looked angry and amused as he watched Lux ​​pull Rafina aside with a smile.

‘Should I really be called Lux? Although it is not as complete as the black one, it is quite smooth in using the topic and knocking the mountain to shake the tiger. ’

Lin Youde believed that Lei Mengmeng and Lefina knew that poisonous gas was taboo.

But Lux was the only one who could react so quickly and use this matter to scare Cornelia.

Lin Youde didn't believe it if there was no talent at all.

Fortunately, Lux is Lin Youde's pillow. Moreover, Lux of Lin Youde's family has not been completely blackmailed yet, so Lin Youde is still very relieved at the moment.

"Lloyd, now that Princess Cornelia can't drive Lancelot, should we find someone else to do it?"

Lloyd responded on the spot: "Of course, but in the current situation, I guess it is not suitable to find His Royal Highness Clovis's bodyguards. How about we choose from ordinary soldiers?"

During the conversation, a group of injuries happened to be transported out.

Seeing the injuries, Lin Youde remembered that Suzaku Shumu was selected as Lancelot's temporary test pilot at the beginning of the plot.

It seems that Shumu Suzaku was picked up by Lloyd when he was injured and unconscious.

Thinking of this, Lin Youde suggested.

"Then why not choose from the people currently on the battlefield."

"In any case, it is certain that the current battlefield is very dangerous."

"Those who can go to the battlefield now must be warriors with consciousness. How about we..."

Lloyd nodded repeatedly in agreement with Lin Youde's proposal.

However, before he could speak, a soldier was thrown out not far away.

Seeing this scene, Lin Youde was a little surprised: "That's it?"

Lloyd thought for a moment and suddenly said: "Oh, he should be an honorary Breton, right?"

"After all, in such dangerous battles, they will always be placed at the front to earn military merit."

"Speaking of this, Dr. Lin Youde, why don't we choose an honorary Breton to conduct the test?"

In response, Lin Youde said on the spot: "This is up to you."

Then, Shumu Suzaku, an honorary Brittanian soldier who was strong and had no obvious injuries but fainted, was carried back.

Holding Shumu Suzaku's information, Lloyd asked Lin Youde.

"It's better to choose him, Dr. Lin Youde. He has the best physical fitness among all the candidates currently on the list."

Lin Youde looked at the information that Lloyd brought over and was stunned for a moment.

"Xu Mu Suzaku?"

‘I’ll go, it can’t be such a coincidence. Was it transported here so easily? This is really lucky...'

Looking at Zhumu Zhuque, Lin Youde's mood was a little subtle.

Lloyd asked in confusion: "What's wrong with this honorary Brittanian?"

Lin Youde did not hide this, and replied: "If I remember correctly, the original Prime Minister of Xin Neon seems to be named Shumu Xuanwu. And his son seems to be named Shumu Suzaku..."

This is the whole story of Shumu Suzaku being brought back.

After recalling what had just happened, Lin Youde shook his head and looked at Shumu Suzaku, who raised his head again.

"However, the son of the former New Neon Prime Minister will actually become an honorary Brittanian soldier. This is really a bit subtle..."

Regarding this, Shumu Suzaku remained silent...

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