Immortal Soul of Steel

Chapter 461 C.C’s teasing

Seeing Shumu Suzaku's silence, Lloyd, who didn't care who Shumu Suzaku was, couldn't wait to ask.

"Private Suzaku Shumu, do you have experience driving a "Knightmare"? "

Shumu Zhuque turned his head in surprise: "Eh?"

"How is it possible? People who are born as "residents of District 11" cannot be knights. "

Lloyd took Lancelot's key and waved it in front of Suzaku.

"What if I could?"

"Congratulations, the only Knightmare in the world is waiting for you."

"Once you sit on it, your world will change."

Cecil also helped.

"It depends on your wishes."

Seeing Lloyd and Cecil come to persuade Shumu Suzaku with confusing words, Lin Youde didn't say anything and just watched.

Second Shinjuku District, in the chaotic ruins of the city.

Kallen piloted a red Knightmare and fought against the Knightmare warriors of the Brittanian Empire.

Even though the performance was at a disadvantage, Kallen still managed to defeat a Knightmare by virtue of her superior operational ability.

"The bastards in Brittany are so annoying..."

In the communicator: "Hualien, can Glasgow (the fourth generation) still move?" (Note 1)

Kallen: "No problem, I'll be the bait. You hurry up and evacuate the people here."

"If the dogs of Brittany want to catch us in the "resistance organization", don't involve those innocent people. "

Communicator: "I know, but now we are surrounded like iron barrels, there is nothing we can do..."

In a place that looked like a women's changing room, Lelouch's friend Charlie was changing clothes.

But at this moment, Charlie's cell phone rang.

Picking up the phone, Charlie's face was full of surprise, but she quickly puffed up her cheeks angrily.

"Lulu, what, it's just now...where are you?"

"If you keep skipping classes, you will repeat the grade."

On the mobile phone Lelouch: "Do you have a TV somewhere?"

Charlie's face was full of astonishment: "TV?"

In the second Shinjuku District battlefield, Lelouch controlled Knightmare and hid in the ruins.

Lelouch: "Sorry, this is important."

Mobile phone·Xia Li: "Really... just wait a moment."

"Sorry, lend me this."

"Huh? What are you going to do?"

Lelouch said while operating the central control computer in Knightmare.

"Watch the news, what happened in Shinjuku?"

Mobile phone·Xia Li: "News? That...only traffic control, nothing else."

Lelouch: "What's the reason for the control?"

Mobile phone·Xia Li: “I don’t know, I didn’t explain it.”

Listening to Charlie's words, Lelouch thought deeply: 'I see. ’

‘Are you planning to report according to the needs of the military after everything is over? ’

Suddenly, through Knightmare's monitor, Lelouch saw the chess pieces scattered on the ground among the ruins.

Mobile phone Charlie: "Hey, I said it before, this kind of dangerous thing..."

Lelouch: "Yeah, I understand."

"Ah~! Also, help me tell my sister that I will come home later. That's it."

"Ah~! I hate it, why do you always hang up the phone unilaterally!"

After being hung up on, Xia Li was so angry in the dressing room that she quickly dialed the phone again.

But the response was...

"The phone you dialed has been switched off..."

Charlie held her head: "It happens again, Lulu!!!"

Second Shinjuku District, next to a certain ruins.

In the Knightmare that Lelouch was riding in, the green-haired beauty leaned on the edge of the driver's seat and said teasingly.

"Is this really okay? If you hang up the phone casually, Charlie will be angry, right?"

Lelouch looked at her coldly and said calmly.

"It doesn't matter, just go back and coax her after what Charlie said."

"It's you, C.C. Are you sure you will tell me what you want to know when you go back?"

The green-haired beauty named C.C smiled and responded: "Of course, this is our agreement. But now, you should worry about how we get out first."

"The Brittanian army has surrounded this area."

"If we don't do anything, I'm afraid we will be caught soon."

"And, Lelouch, why didn't you kill that woman from before?"

"If you kill her, we might be able to use this Knightmare..."

Before C.C finished speaking, Lelouch interrupted.

"It doesn't make much sense to kill her. Even if we don't kill her, the loss of a Knightmare will be noticed by the Brittanian army and even locate our location."

"But given the current situation, the possibility of this happening is extremely low."

"The pistol was still in her hand before. Taking her hand away casually may trigger a stress reaction."

"She is a soldier and is definitely physically stronger than me. I don't have the confidence to subdue her with my bare hands."


Lelouch turned to look at C.C: "I also want to use her to test whether what you said is true. Whether this power called the King's Power is so absolute."

"Whether plural orders will actually work."

C.C looked surprised: "I see, you plan to use her as a test subject."

Lelouch looked at the radar display again indifferently: "This is one of the purposes, and more importantly. According to you, she was about to wake up."

"I don't know when she's going to wake up, rather than go get those dead guys' guns and shoot her and leave fingerprints."

"It's better to just let her go and see if she will really forget about me."

C.C smiled and asked: "What if she hasn't forgotten you?"

Lelouch said calmly: "At that time, I will naturally have other ways to deal with it."

C.C tilted his head and squinted at Lelouch: "But this approach is still very dangerous, isn't it?"

Lelouch said with a straight face: "I admit that doing this is risky, but for the sake of the future. This is also a necessary test."

Suddenly, C.C smiled: "What a dishonest child. It's obvious that I haven't made up my mind to shoot her with a gun, so I can only use this statement to cover up my guilty conscience."

"You dare to use the power of a king to order others to commit suicide, but you don't dare to kill someone yourself."

"Sure enough, people are all contradictory..."

In Lelouch's silence, C.C smiled again: "But that's right."

"You said it yourself, the only way to shoot others is to be prepared to be the one being shot."

"Did you say this to the Brittanians before? I think you should say it to yourself."

"Although you are full of desire for revenge, Lelouch, your mentality is still not correct."

When Lelouch had no expression on his face, no reaction, no response.

C.C said with a smile.

"But, it doesn't matter. Lelouch, you are also a human being."

"This is how people transform from youth to maturity. This is the so-called growth, this is the so-called human being~!"

At this time, Lelouch finally spoke.

"Don't talk like you're not human."

C.C asked: "Lelouch, do you think I am still human?"


Note 1·PS: Kallen is the real name, Hualian is the pseudonym, it is not a typo, the above.

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