Immortal Soul of Steel

Chapter 462 Chaotic Situation

C.C's words made Lelouch silent for a moment before returning.

"Whether you are a human or not, let's not mention it for now. Now, we have more important things to do."

C.C smiled and said nothing, Lelouch said to himself.

"Now there's obviously lockdown news in Brittany."

"Since they are deliberately hiding from the public eye, it is difficult to blatantly send additional reinforcements."

"In other words, these are the only pieces on the chessboard."

Lelouch thought as he looked at the indications of friendly forces displayed on the radar.

"Having said that, it is too difficult to break through this level of siege with just one machine like ours."

C.C said easily: "What about using the power of the king to seek protection like before and let others take us out?"

Lelouch rolled his eyes at C.C and replied: "That power can only work when people's eyes are facing each other. Once others don't come down from the Knightmare, the power is useless."

"Moreover, the two people's goals are too big, so seeking protection is even more dangerous."

C.C looked at Lelouch and nodded with relief: "Yeah, yeah, that's it. So, what should we do?"

Lelouch looked at the crashing helicopter with blazing flames on the monitor. Whispered.

"Just let those guys who got me involved return a favor to me."

In the battlefield, Kallen, who was fighting alone in the Knightmare, was quickly besieged.

The blue-haired soldier who had been chasing Kallen earlier recognized Kallen's body at a glance.

"The previous Glasgow (Fourth Generation)?"

Dodging the enemy's attack, Kallen faced the enemy's siege and had no chance to fight back, so she could only run away desperately.

"Damn it...if this continues..."


Suddenly, a man's voice came from the intercom attached to the cockpit of Kallen's Knightmare.

"Exit to the west, use the rail route to move west."

Kallen asked: "Who are you? Why do you know this channel?"

Intercom: "It doesn't matter who it is, if you want to win, just trust me."

Karen was stunned for a moment: "Winning?"

Although I don't quite understand why the other party would say such things so brazenly.

But Karen still followed the guidance of the voice on the intercom and came to the track.

"Hey, what should we do next?"

After taking a look at the enemy chasing behind her, Kallen felt very anxious.

Among the Knightmare behind him, the blue-haired soldier even sarcastically said.

"Will the cowardly "residents of District 11" just run away? As expected, they are inferior monkeys who can only become prey for hunting. "

While the blue-haired soldier was mocking, Kallen, who was rushing to the front of the track, saw a mine cart speeding towards her.

At the same time, the previous voice sounded again on the intercom in Kallen's cockpit.

"Since you believe in me, I will let you win."

"Jump on top of this thing."

Karen was surprised and happy: "I understand."

Kallen's Knightmare nimbly jumped onto the train and escaped from above.

The Knightmare pursuing from behind was blocked by the train, and it used its body to immobilize the rather old minecart.

The blue-haired soldier sneered: "Do you want to use this to stop me? Just rely on this strategy... ha. You go after the "Glasgow". "

His subordinate: "Yes, sir!"

The one behind jumped up high and passed from above.

But the moment he took off, two ejection hooks suddenly popped out of the rubble on the side, hitting the Knightmare directly and knocking it away on the spot.

At that moment, the blue-haired soldier was stunned: "Attack, attack friendly forces?"

"Which army are you from, bastard?"

"Put down your weapons..."

Da da da……

The only thing that responded to him was machine guns and bullets.

"You bastard..."

Amid the angry roar of the blue-haired soldier, the Knightmare that suddenly attacked the friendly forces blew out one of his feet on the spot, causing his Knightmare to kneel on the ground and be pushed back by the mine cart.

The friction between the machine body and the track caused countless sparks to fly.

At the same time, Kallen, who had jumped on the minecart before, controlled the Knightmare and rushed back with an angry roar.

"Oh oh oh!!!"

Looking at the speeding red Knightmare and the huge fist, the blue-haired soldier immediately pressed the escape button.

With a click, the entire cockpit of the blue Knightmare ejected, causing the body to fall straight onto the rails.

Seeing that she couldn't attack the opponent, Kallen was not angry and just turned her head to thank him.

"Saved, but how on earth did you treat "Sunderland"... Hey, where are the people? "

"Hey, Hualian, what was the communication just now?"

On the railway track, a group of people with submachine guns ran along the railway track and greeted Karen.

Karen was a little surprised: "Eh? Did you hear the slap?"

The leading man named Shan responded: "Yes, Yoshida and the others are almost here."


A voice suddenly rang from the intercom in Fan's hand.

"Are you the captain?"

Shan quickly replied: "Yes, yes."

Walkie-talkie: "I give you the goods in that train as a gift. It is a prop for victory."

"If the weak want to rely on these to win, then follow my command."

As Kallen opened the cargo compartment behind the mine cart, Kallen took a breath of cold air.

Because, those are the fifth-generation Knightmare Sunderland used by the Britannia Army.

A group of people below opened the warehouse.

"There are some here too."

"Oh my God, this is so awesome."

"There are actually so many, how about we just listen to him. There are so many, maybe we can really..."

Karen sat in the cockpit, her whole body numb with shock.

"So much Sunderland, where did he come from..."

Intercom: "Woman on the Glasgow." "

Kallen quickly came to her senses: "Yes, I'm here."

Intercom: "You don't need to change the body, just act like this."

"That machine is great for disrupting the enemy."

Karen: "I understand."

Intercom: How much energy is left?

Karen: "I can still last 15 minutes."

Intercom: "Then change to a new energy pack."

In a ruined building, Lelouch held a walkie-talkie and said.

"I will give the next instruction in 10 minutes."

Turning off the intercom, Lelouch exhaled heavily.

"It's surprisingly exhausting."

Under C.C's smiling and silent gaze, Lelouch quickly cheered up.

"But you must persevere to the end. After all, this is a game where your life is on the line."

The bridge of the Britannian Army's commander-in-chief ship.

General Bartlett talked eloquently to the virtual sand table on the virtual map.

"There are still some residents of District 11 who are helping the terrorists to resist."

"But this cannot change the overwhelming advantage of our army."


General Bartlett turned to look at the dark communication window, filled with worry.

"There is still no news from His Highness."

"Your Highness Clovis, something must have happened..."

However, just when General Bartlett was full of worries.

In the Governor's Mansion in District 11, Clovis was sweating profusely and lowering his head.

In front of him, on a huge monitor, Cornelia was furious.

"What happened when terrorists stole poisonous gas or something?"

"Explain it to me now, immediately, immediately. Do you know that Britannia's life or death depends on this moment. Clovis!!!"

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