Immortal Soul of Steel

Chapter 478 (13th update) dispatch

In everyone's eyes, the spider-shaped dimensional beast seemed to turn into an orange light, quickly passing by the attacker. Then turn back and cross again.

It seemed that the spider-shaped dimensional beast repeatedly passed around the attacker, which seemed to have no meaning.

But everyone present understood that this was a spider-type dimensional beast attacking Lian's attacker.

The spider-shaped dimensional beast passed by the attacker at an extremely fast speed. It wasn't that it didn't want to get closer, but that it was blocked by the attacker's protective stance.

Every time the spider-type dimensional beast rushes past the attacker, it will attack the attacker's protective stance with its sharp forelimbs.

If the speed is too fast, it will look like wasted effort.

In the transport truck at the rear, Lin Youde looked at the current situation and was confused.

'what the hell? What's going on with this machine that looks very similar to the M9? Why is it so hated by dimensional beasts? ’

'This machine didn't do anything, just let the Yuan Beast attack it fiercely. Even Lancelot was left aside and ignored. ’

‘It’s hard to say that this machine makes this dimensional beast think that its danger level is still higher than that of Lancelot? ’

‘Also, what is that transparent protective cover? The "λ-Driver" system in "Full Metal Panic"? ’

In Lin Youde's memory, Full Metal Panic's "λ-Driver" system was quite powerful. A special system that converts the driver's thought energy into physical energy.

Once this system is deployed, it can turn a real-type machine into a super-type machine, which is quite powerful.

Moreover, this system is an integrated offense and defense system, if the driver wants to defend. It will develop a defensive stance on the surface of the body to defend itself.

If the driver wants to attack, the weapon will be strengthened with thought energy similar to magic enchantment, giving the attack terrifying penetration, attack power, and acceleration that it did not have before.

If the M9-like machine that appears in the current video uses the "λ-Driver" system in "Full Metal Panic". It is not impossible to cause the current situation.

But Lin Youde's new human intuition told him that this didn't seem to be the case.

Since he was not at the scene, Lin Youde was a little confused about the situation, so he asked Cornelia questions.

"Her Royal Highness Princess Cornelia, how is the current situation?"

Cornelia deliberately raised the altitude of Blue Sky Knight Gundam No. 3 and looked solemnly at the battle situation on the ground.

"As you can see, Dr. Lin Youde, after the machine with the aircraft appeared, this special individual with the dimensional beast went berserk."

"The reason is completely unknown. I only vaguely heard the sound of soldiers or something like that."

Lin Youde touched his chin: "Jiangbing? Is it possible that this dimensional beast knows this machine?"

Cornelia turned her head and glanced at Lancelot who was standing aside because he was unable to join the battle.

"That seems to be the case, but I am very strange. Why does the Dimensional Beast know the Lancelot newly developed by our army, and also knows this strange machine."

"Dr. Lin Youde, have you done any research on this situation?"

Lin Youde's eyelids twitched: "You mean, when the attacked machine appeared, the dimensional beast recognized its behavior and made some strange noise?"

Cornelia nodded and repeated the voice she heard before.

At this time, Lin Youde was even more confused: 'The dimensional beasts that were attracted by the familiar machine before were all the names of the machine. ’

‘How did you get to this machine and become a top soldier? ’

‘I always feel like there’s some secret in this. ’

"Dr. Lin Youde?"

Cornelia's voice brought Lin Youde back to his senses.

Lin Youde: "Huh?"

Cornelia asked doubtfully: "Dr. Lin Youde, did you think of something?"

Lin Youde nodded slightly: "That's right, but it's just some speculation at the moment. These are not too important now. Her Royal Highness Princess Cornelia, the current situation has reached such an extent that conventional combat power can no longer be accessed. I think you should also understand."

"Do you have any plans for the future battle situation?"

Lin Youde's question made Cornelia hesitate.

It's not that Cornelia couldn't hear what Lin Youde meant, if she was willing to ask Lin Youde for help. Lin Youde will immediately send unconventional combat forces to help.

Cornelia could see this from the calm look on Lin Youde's face.

He has full confidence in defeating this special dimensional beast that currently makes him helpless.

But Cornelia also understands that there is no such thing as a free lunch.

If you want Lin Youde to help, you have to pay a price.

After all, this is different from doing research. The assistance can only be obtained through a real exchange of benefits.

This was also the reason why Cornelia kept silent and let Lin Youde come to help.

Unlike Mithril, an organization that calls itself an international mercenary group, Lin Youde serves as a messenger of human innovation and unity. The meanings are different.

While Cornelia was hesitating, Mithril was also communicating.

Mao's Commander M9 stood next to Lockon's M9 and asked Lockon and Weiba nervously.

"How about it?"

They both returned together.

Weiba said anxiously: "No, it's too fast. It's impossible to aim."

Lockon reconsidered: "With this speed and trajectory, it's impossible to predict. And it's easy to hit him."

Hallelujah seemed to have returned to its Allelujah state, and asked eagerly: "Sister Mao, this special individual dimensional beast has exceeded previous expectations. If it continues, Rei-chan's body will not be able to hold on. living."

Mao was also very anxious: "I know everything you said, but... Lian, how is your body condition?"

As a person involved, Lian was very calm: "There is no problem with the energy supply of the attackers. The intensity of the distorted position has been increased, so there is no need to worry for the time being."

"But the target speed was too fast and the machine couldn't keep up. So it was changed to holding mode."

Hearing this, Mao, Lockon, Allelujah, and Weiba all breathed a sigh of relief.

Mao nodded and said, "That's right. Then hold on, let's find a way... eh?"

Didi didi!

In Mao's Commander M9, the communication suddenly started ringing.

Mao connected the communication and found that it was from Theresa and Kujo Lisa.

Lisa Kujo stood next to Tesha and said to Mao.

"Mao, please ask Lianjiang to hold on a little longer. Lin Youde is making some moves."

Mao was startled, and suddenly looked at the Blue Sky Knight Gundam in the sky: "Is it Cornelia?"

Teresa nodded and responded: "That should be right."

Port of District 11.

The hatch of the white Trojan horse that was being repaired suddenly opened.

The two machines walked to the ejection port.

Li Te stood on the bridge and gave a thumbs up to the communication window: "Then, I'll leave it to you, Lamia and Zenga."

Lamia nodded slightly: "Understood, Lamia Labrese, Archangel, attack!"

Zengjia crossed his arms and said expressionlessly: "Chengzhi, Gurungast Zero, Zengjia, attack!"

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