Immortal Soul of Steel

Chapter 479 (14th update) The target is confirmed and the attack begins!

In Lloyd's patrol car, Lin Youde nodded to Cornelia and smiled.

"I have already made arrangements. Reinforcements will arrive soon."

Lin Youde's words made Cornelia feel at ease.

But what Cornelia didn't know was that after Lin Youde finished the phone call, he walked aside and whispered to Lei Mengmeng.

"I've asked Zenga to use Zero to transport the White Knight. If Lamia can't handle the battle in a while, you'll have to do it."

Lei Mengmeng clenched her hands into fists and said excitedly: "Don't worry, I'm here to make sure to knock down that big spider."

Lin Youde smiled and pinched Lei Mengmeng's pretty face: "Well, I can rest assured that you are doing the work."

In fact, Lin Youde had no choice but to do this.

If possible, Lin Youde still hopes to go to it himself.

After all, against guys with strong defenses like Dimensional Beasts, he still very much hopes to use ancient iron to fight these guys.

But what was counterproductive was that every time the Yuan Beast appeared, the one he drove was not Gu Tie. Either that or he wasn't there.

Finally he was there, and the ancient iron could be shipped over at any time. The dimensional beast that happened to appear was a dimensional beast that completely conflicted with the ancient iron phase.

The characteristic of this spider-shaped dimensional beast is speed.

Facing this extremely fast dimensional beast, using ancient iron is too passive.

Although Gu Tie's dash speed is also very fast, Gu Tie's attacks are usually straight-line charges.

Although this spider-type dimensional beast is fast, Gu Tie can still catch up as long as it breaks out in the BGM field.

But the problem is that this spider-type dimensional beast is fast, not just in a straight line.

This spider-shaped dimensional beast is also very fast on curves. You can see it by watching it keep sprinting on the screen, almost turning itself into an ∞-shaped Möbius strip. It is very difficult for Gu Tie to attack it.

Gu Tie is only good at defense, advance, and attack. Not good at high-mobility pursuit battles.

Therefore, in order not to lose face, Lin Youde gave up the idea of ​​having sex.

It was decided to put Archangel and White Knight, who are good at speed, on the field.

Zenga's Zero is also not suitable for dealing with such a super-high-speed enemy, so this sortie is just a porter.

After arranging Lei Mengmeng, Lin Youde picked up the communicator and started chatting with Lamia.

On the battlefield, with Lin Youde's arrangements, Cornelia no longer had to worry about the fierce spider-shaped dimensional beast below.

Glancing at the blue Sunderland who had not yet escaped, Cornelia nodded and opened the communication.

"Can the pilots of the aircraft below still hold on? Reinforcements will arrive soon. Please hold on for a while."

What Cornelia didn't know was that Rei, one of the attackers, knew earlier than her that someone would come to deal with this dimensional beast.

So she just replied coldly: "Understood."

Blue Sky Knight Gundam Unit 3 began to retreat and came to the sky above Lelouch's Knightmare.

Sitting in the cockpit, Lelouch wanted to take action several times, but held back. Now I saw Cornelia actually paying attention to herself. He even shook his head unconsciously.

"It looks like we can't escape."

C.C didn't care much about this and comforted him: "It doesn't matter. If you can't run away, you can't run away. It's better to fall into the hands of Cornelia than to fall into the hands of Clovis. You won't die anyway."

C.C's comfort didn't make Lelouch look any better.

He now looked up at the Blue Sky Knight Gundam Unit 3 above his head, feeling quite depressed.

Compared to Lelouch's depressed mood, Cornelia's mood was actually not much better.

Although she received help from Lin Youde, Lin Youde did not say what he asked her to do. It’s just that everyone is friends, and it’s normal for friends to help each other.

That's what he said. But Cornelia knew. I owed Lin Youde a favor.

Transactions of real money and silver are fine, but debts of gratitude are quite difficult to repay.

The most difficult debt to repay is a favor.

This is not something you say casually.

"I hope his subsequent demands won't be too excessive."

With a sigh, Cornelia saw a pink light coming quickly from the distance.

As Cornelia watched in surprise, a machine that looked like a pink angel had already arrived over the battlefield.

With the angel wings spread out to slow down when it came to a rapid stop, this pink machine appeared in the eyes of Cornelia and everyone like an angel descending from the earth.

Everyone looked at this machine and had different reactions.

Cornelia was surprised: "What a beautiful machine."

Lelouch was surprised: "Why does the body have to be like this?"

C.C rolled her eyes at Lelouch angrily: "Of course she is beautiful."

Shumu Suzaku was confused: "Can this machine really fight?"

Everyone in Mithril was not surprised. Because they have seen this machine before.

Under everyone's gaze, a cold female voice sounded on the public channel.

"Arch Angel, arrived at the battlefield. Target confirmed, now start to attack."

Under everyone's gaze, Gong Angel raised his left hand and pointed downwards.

"Phantom Gun!"

Swish, brush, brush...

Six green light guns shot out, centered on the attacker below, and fell in six completely different directions.

As these six light guns fell, the spider-shaped dimensional beast that had been attacking the attacker unscrupulously before stopped charging instantly, stopped briefly in mid-air, and dodged the continuous attacks.

This scene made Lockon and Weiba envious.

Lockon: "Six attack points in one instant? This is really..."

Weiba: "That's great. The super system is really good. I want to drive the super system too..."

Mao gave them both a blank look: "Stop making trouble."

Turning on the communicator, Mao commanded Lian: "Lian, distance yourself from that dimensional beast, and leave the rest of the battle to this Archangel."

Lian: "Understood."

Putting away its distorted stance, the attacker stopped defending and began to take off, trying to escape.

But the spider-shaped dimensional beast that just stopped its momentum seemed not to let her go, and charged towards her again with orange light.

But when the spider-shaped dimensional beast was halfway through, it quickly avoided it.

Because, at the position where it originally charged, Archangel descended from the sky with a beam sword, trying to cut it in two.

It was precisely after discovering this situation that the spider-type dimensional beast avoided it.

Lamia missed a single hit and turned on the Archangel thruster to the maximum.

Archangel brought strong wind and rushed after the spider-shaped dimensional beast.

Facing Archangel's pursuit, the spider-shaped dimensional beast fled without fighting.

Sprinting at full speed, Archangel barely caught up with the spider-shaped dimensional beast.

But this speed is a bit reluctant, every time Archangel catches up with the spider-shaped dimensional beast and launches an attack. This spider-shaped dimensional beast will be like a slippery loach. Slip away from Bow Angel's attack.

No matter whether it is a long-range attack like the phantom gun or a slash with a beam sword, it cannot hit.

This time, the spider-shaped dimensional beast seemed to be able to ignore the G force when turning. The turning angles were all strange, causing Archangel to miss frequently.

This situation made Lamia frown.

"It won't work if this goes on..."

Thanks to "Blooded Onion" for the reward of 10,000 starting coins.

Thanks to "Arrogant Little Nightingale" for the reward of 1,500 starting coins.

Thanks to "Blood-Raging Dragon" for the reward of 500 starting coins.

Thanks to "Dark Evil Saint" for the reward of 400 starting coins.

Thanks to "Fish Head Star Man" for the reward of 200 starting coins.

There is one last chapter to come, I’m working hard on typing...

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