Immortal Soul of Steel

Chapter 480 (15th update) Awakening! Pink angel!

Lamia realized that this was not going to work.

Others also saw that if the fight continued like this, the Archangel would not be able to hit the spider-shaped dimensional beast at all, and would not be able to make an effective attack.

Seeing this situation, Cornelia was a little confused: "Is it really okay to leave it to her? Dr. Lin Youde?"

Lei Mengmeng also looked at Lin Youde and asked in a low voice: "Do you need me to play?"

Just now, the huge Grungast Zero had already transported the White Knight over against the huge container.

As long as Lin Youde says a word, the white knight can attack the enemy at any time.

But Lin Youde didn't speak, just stared at Gong Angel.

Seeing Lin Youde's reaction, Cornelia and Lei Mengmeng stopped talking.

The two of them once again set their sights on Gong Angel.

I don’t know if it’s because the attacker, who is the leader of hatred, started to retreat and left the current combat area.

The spider-type dimensional beast no longer continued to stare at the attacker, but started a chase scene with Archangel.

After Archangel's attacks failed again and again, finally, the spider-shaped dimensional beast jumped onto the side of an abandoned building and made a mocking "chichichichi" sound, which made Lamia angry.

Lamia clearly realized that this spider-shaped dimensional beast was laughing at him.

Although the speed of Archangel can barely keep up with it, it is always a little short of actually hitting it.

In this kind of ultra-high-speed duel, a little difference means a big difference.

Under Lamia's control, Archangel stopped. He said to himself: "Sure enough, if you don't expand the BGM field and can't reach the speed beyond it, you can't fight this dimensional beast."

Speaking of this, Lamia's mind recalled the previous conversation between Lin Youde and her.

—Fragments of memories—

Lin Youde held the communicator and said to Lamia.

"Lamia, you asked me before how to awaken the BGM field of Archangel, right?"

Lamia sat in the cockpit of Archangel, nodded and replied: "Yes. Director, how can I make Archangel recognize me?"

Lin Youde thought for a moment and returned: "To be honest, I don't know much about Gong Angel."

"But since the Archangel is also a black box machine, it should be the same as other black box machines."

"When you long for its power, it will lend you its power."

"But unlike the R1 type, the Bow Angel is a machine that can only be used by women. I think you should start from your own heart."

Lamia was a little confused: "In my own heart?"

Lin Youde thought for a moment and tactfully babbled.

"Yes, actually I took the time to communicate with the black box consciousness in Bow Angel before."

"Before you, the pilots who actually used this machine were not real humans."

Lamia was shocked and had a vague premonition: "What do you mean?"

Lin Youde said bluntly: "The previous owner of Bow Angel was an existence similar to an artificial human."

"She joined the partners as a spy at the beginning and made some friends."

"At the beginning, she was a mechanical soldier who only knew how to follow orders and had no thoughts of her own at all."

"But in contact with her companions, she gradually recognized the reality. Use her own eyes to see the world, and use her own thoughts to think about what is right and what is wrong. Gradually, she found her own heart , I found what I should do.”

"In this way, she finally realized that the previous organization's approach was actually wrong. Then, she stood beside the companions she had made and fought together."

"So, if you want to be recognized by Bow Angel, maybe you should do the same thing."

Lamia's face was filled with astonishment: "Director..."

Lin Youde walked to a deserted corner, leaned against the wall, and said to Lamia.

"You don't need to explain it to me."

"I don't know anything either."

"I don't know many things about you, Lamia, and I don't know what you think."

"But I know that you are my partner now."

"You may be able to come to me because of fate, or it may be just a coincidence."

"These are not important to you right now."

"What's really important to you now is..."

"If you want to be recognized by Bow Angel, then go and find your true heart."

"A person who can't even understand his own heart and is full of confusion may not be recognized by Gong Angel."

"I think……"

With a slight hesitation, Lin Youde sighed: "This...maybe also Raymond's hope."

In Lamia's disbelieving expression, Lin Youde said the last thing.

"Go ahead and do what you can, or what you want to do."

"If it doesn't work, I'll let Mengmeng deal with that dimensional beast."

"After all, you are Raymond's child, and in a sense, you are also my child."

"No matter what your choice is, I don't blame you."

"Work hard, Lamia, and grow up like a real human being."

After saying that, Lin Youde hung up the communication.

Lamia's entire brain was completely shut down and there was no response.

It wasn't until I arrived at the scene and saw the red Blue Sky Knight Gundam Unit 3 that I realized what I was doing. A sudden brake and stopped.

—End of memories—

He looked at the spider-shaped dimensional beast that was about to laugh at him, kicked his legs, shattered the whole building, and rushed towards him.

On the contrary, Lamia was surprisingly calm.

"When did he realize my identity?"

"Why does he know about Raymond?"

"How much does he know?"

"He really is..."

"Master Raymond...what should I do?"

Seeing the spider-shaped dimensional beast getting closer and closer to her, Lamia slowly closed her eyes.

"Angel Bow, to be honest, I'm very confused now..."

"I don't know what Mr. Raymond... is thinking, and I don't know if Mr. Raymond has such expectations for me as he said."

"But, I know. If I don't make a choice now, I'm afraid I won't be able to continue to perform missions in the future... No, I won't be able to continue to face Lord Raymond and him."

"So... Bow Angel."

"I don't know if my situation is the same as your previous master."

"And I don't know now whether my choice was right or wrong."


Holding the Bow Angel's control stick tightly, Lamia opened her eyes and growled.

"But if Lord Raymond really hopes that I can find my "heart" like your previous master, then I will try to work hard. "

"Lend me your power, Bow Angel..."

"I, Lamia Labrese, want to be a real person, Archangel!!!"

With everyone watching and exclaiming, the spider-shaped dimensional beast, with orange light, crashed into the Archangel who had no reaction.

Cecil, who was more emotional, had turned his head away and did not dare to look at the next scene.

But Lin Youde, Lei Mengmeng, Lux, and Refina were surprisingly calm.

Because they believe that Lamia can truly awaken the Archangel.

At the moment when the spider-shaped dimensional beast was about to encounter the Bow Angel, an ethereal piano sound sounded from above the battlefield.

[BGM: ASH TO ASH-Okada さとる]

The moment the piano sounded and the sky resounded, Gong Angel's body suddenly turned into three shadows, lined up in a row.

The spider-shaped dimensional beast, with its orange light, passed straight through the three shadows of Archangel...

After being penetrated by the spider-shaped dimensional beast, the three phantoms of Archangel merged together and turned into a real Archangel.

This scene stunned everyone on the battlefield.

"This, this is..." *N

Everyone looked at Gong Angel, and they were all shocked by the scene just now and were speechless.

Only Lin Youde smiled slightly: "Succeeded."

Lei Mengmeng also came to her senses and smiled after hearing Lin Youde's words.

"It seems that I don't need to appear anymore."

Lin Youde held Lei Mengmeng's hand tightly and whispered: "Yes, leave it to her next."

"Lamia, but..."

Lei Mengmeng looked at Lin Youde in confusion, but Lin Youde did not continue to say the following words.

On the battlefield.

Lamia held the control stick of Archangel and looked at the spider-shaped dimensional beast directly in front of him.

"Thank you, Bow Angel, for being willing to recognize me and lending me your power..."

The spider-shaped dimensional beast didn't seem to understand what just happened. It landed on the side of a broken building and turned to look at Bow Angel.

Then, it turned into an orange light again and rushed over.

Archangel still didn't move, and his body turned into three translucent shadows on the spot, allowing the spider-shaped dimensional beast to pass through.

It's just different from before, this time after being penetrated by a spider-type dimensional beast.

Archangel quickly regained his physical form, turned around, and looked at the spider-shaped dimensional beast.

"Bow Angel, let this monster see our true power."

The green pupils under Bow Angel's goggles bloomed with dazzling green light.

Lamia flipped her emerald green hair in the cockpit and said coldly.

"Target, special type of dimensional beast, attack begins!"

A pink ball of light flew out from the palm of Bow Angel's right hand and circled three times from bottom to top with Bow Angel as the center. Archangel's originally pure white wings were stained with a faint golden light.

As the wings spread out in golden light, an afterimage visible to the naked eye appeared behind Archangel.

Bow Angel raised his left hand, stretched his right hand out from his left wrist, grabbed it out of thin air, and grabbed a beam saber that should not have existed in the first place.

As the beam saber appeared out of thin air and was drawn out with great force, the Archangel spun in a circle and his whole body tilted slightly.

He raised the beam saber in his hand vertically. Driven by the afterimage, the Archangel slowly moved backwards, and then...disappeared.

Yes, it just disappeared.

It's not that some optical camouflage was turned on to cover up the figure.

But it literally disappeared.

This scene of disappearing out of thin air made Cornelia stand up from her seat in the cockpit of Blue Sky Knight Gundam No. 3.

Completely ignoring the pull of the seat belt, Cornelia widened her eyes, trying to find any trace of the Arch Angel.

At the scene, many people who saw this scene had almost similar reactions.

Even Theresa stood up from the captain's seat in the bridge of Son of Danu and exclaimed.

"How can it be?"

But no matter how Cornelia and others searched, they found no trace of the Archangel.

But soon, they found traces of Angel Gong again.

No, it shouldn't be said that they found it.

Instead, Archangel himself appeared.

Behind the high-speed flying spider-shaped dimensional beast, the Archangel moved strangely behind it at the same super high speed, like a spirit behind it, and brought up three entity-like afterimages that appeared behind it.

At the same time, Lamia's cold voice also sounded on the public channel.

"Take the move...this is the power of me and Archangel."

Bow Angel spread his wings, sprinted, swung his sword and cut off the three tentacles behind the spider-shaped dimensional beast's head, rushed to the position in front of it, and disappeared again.

Before Cornelia could search again, the Archangel appeared again.

This time, Archangel appeared in front of the spider-shaped dimensional beast on the left, rushed past again, chopped off its right forelimb with a sword, and then disappeared...

Immediately afterwards, it reappeared on its right rear, cut off its left hind limb with a sword, and disappeared...

Then, it reappeared in front of its right, cut off its left forelimb, and then disappeared...

Lamia shouted coldly: "Phantom Mark!"

Under the dizzying gaze of everyone, Archangel kept appearing, waving his sword, disappearing, reappearing, waving his sword again, and disappearing again...

After repeating this for more than a dozen times, the originally arrogant spider-shaped dimensional beast that had been laughing at Lamia and Bow Angel just now had been reduced to a main body.

It was at this time that everyone at the scene discovered that, centered on the only torso of the spider-shaped dimensional beast, there were six identical bow angels with the same physical form, their backs to the spider-shaped dimensional beast, and they continued to swing their swords towards the spider-shaped dimensional beast. Fly out in six directions.

Before anyone could wonder, an even more shocking scene appeared.

Behind the six Archangels, as the six Archangels flew out, from behind them, there was only one spider-shaped dimensional beast left with its torso.

A huge purple-blue magic circle appeared out of thin air, imprisoning the spider-shaped dimensional beast and controlling it in mid-air.

Just as the magic circle was deployed, another arching angel descended from the sky, connected the spider-shaped dimensional beast with only one torso to the magic circle, and chopped it into countless pieces with a single sword.

As the magic circle turned into fragments, the figures of the six bow angels flying outward became increasingly faint.

Finally, at the moment when the six Arch Angels disappeared, a huge explosion occurred in the magic circle, instantly sweeping away the spider-shaped dimensional beast that had been turned into countless fragments, triggering a secondary explosion.

Below the explosion, Archangel spread out his dual-wielding hands, and swung the beam sword downwards in his right hand. Like an aloof and beautiful female war goddess.

At the same time, Lamia's voice sounded again.

"This is... Me and Archangel, the new power..."

Everyone looked at the aloof and beautiful Archangel with his back to the explosion, his mouth wide open, unable to regain his consciousness for a long time.

Whether it was the strange clone, the teleportation attack, or the magic circle that appeared out of thin air later.

All of this made everyone present feel like they were in a dream, and some were unable to recognize which side was reality.

Even Lei Mengmeng and Lux, who had been following Lin Youde for a long time and had already watched several Awakening BGM fields explode with amazing power, looked at Gong Angel dumbfounded.

Then he turned his head mechanically, looked at Lin Youde, and asked in unison.

"Why, why, can there be magic, magic, formation?"

Lin Youde didn't know how to answer this.

Although in the world of machine warfare, it is very common to have magic machines.

But for people in this world, magic and the like are unscientific and do not exist.

In fact, Archangel itself is not a magic machine.

But I couldn't stand it. When Bow Angel used his ultimate move, the animators just added such a performance scene to Bow Angel in order to look cool.

Then, here, the magic circle appeared when Bow Angel's secondary ultimate move "Phantom Mark" actually ended the blow.

Under such circumstances, Lin Youde could not explain to his two wives that this was an animated performance, similar to Zeng Jia's inherent enchantment.

Therefore, Lin Youde could only shake his head and said, "I'm not sure about that either."

After all, this is the real world of machine combat, not a game played in a previous life.

Lin Youde didn't dare to say for certain whether the Bow Angel's transformation from a mass-produced machine to the current black box body had anything to do with magic.

Therefore, at this time, it is better to say less and make less mistakes.

Seeing that Lin Youde, who knew the most about the black box body, said he didn't know, and others also gave up the idea of ​​finding the answer.

After all, in the world of technology, exploring the mysteries of magic is asking for trouble...

Everyone gave up exploring the mystery of Gong Angel, and the BGM field of Gong Angel gradually stopped.

But for the first time, I saw the amazing combat effectiveness of super robots at close range when they exerted their power in the BGM field. Cornelia and Lelouch couldn't come back to their senses for a long time.

Cornelia sat in the cockpit of Blue Sky Knight Gundam Unit 3 and muttered to herself.

"Is this... the power of the real black box body?"

Lelouch also exclaimed: "With this kind of combat power, even if there is only one machine, it can destroy all the Knightmare in the entire District 11, right?"

"This is the strongest power in this world..."

C.C looked at Lelouch and said nothing.

After a long time, both Lelouch and Cornelia came to their senses.

However, at the moment they came to their senses, the two siblings looked at each other.


Cornelia opened the public channel and shouted to the blue Knightmare below.

"Okay, now the battle is over. You can come out."

"I think you should understand the current situation."

"If you don't want to die in vain, just come out."

"Even if you are a terrorist, you have the right to defend yourself."

After shouting, Cornelia finally remembered that the "poisonous gas" was taken away.

He secretly gritted his teeth and said: 'We must ask these guys what exactly they got. ’

'There is something more terrifying to Clovis than poisonous gas...'

‘If this idiot Clovis doesn’t tell himself, I will find it myself. ’

'I will find the answer sooner or later...'


PS: Once again, all the BGMs in this book have been added to the NetEase Cloud playlist ""Soul of Eternal Steel" BGM List" and the group files of the book club.

Finally finished writing, so tired.

I haven't been in good shape lately, so I don't want to make any updates. But I can’t stand it and reach the recommended position, let alone explode.

Therefore, the updates in these two days may not be of high quality.

Everyone will be dissatisfied, and I know it, the author.

The author won't refute anything, and I know how well it is written.

But it’s the end of the month, and the tickets you don’t use will expire and go to waste.

The author is still shameless here, asking for votes...

For the sake of the author making so many updates today, give me some votes, folks! ! !

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