Immortal Soul of Steel

Chapter 493 C.C is not a new human being?

No one present could hear Lin Youde's voice.

But Lin Youde's speech just now surprised everyone present.

Lei Mengmeng, Lux, Refina, Lamia, Zeng Jia and others thought that Lin Youde was going to send out the Blue Sky Knight Gundam Unit 1, which had been doing dirty work. It would give me one less excuse for the Free Federation to make trouble, and I would be happy for Lin Youde's wit.

But Cornelia and Lelouch were simply surprised.

Because with Lin Youde's identity and ability, if he doesn't speak, he will act as if he doesn't speak. If he speaks, he will never send garbage.

In other words, the things Lin Youde gave Lelouch must be good things.

Of course, this is not the most important thing.

The most important thing is that Lin Youde represents unity.

If Lin Youde is willing to help Lelouch, in a sense, it can be regarded as a formal friendship with Britannia.

Although Lin Youde's best friend was only Britannia, represented by Lelouch.

But for the current Britannia, it is a good thing no matter how you look at it.

For a moment, both Cornelia and Lelouch thought a lot.

But without exception, both of them reacted quickly.

"I'm really grateful to Dr. Lin Youde." Cornelia quickly thanked him for fear that Lin Youde would return.

Lelouch also responded immediately: "Thank you very much for Dr. Lin Youde's support. I will work hard."

Seeing the expressions on Lelouch and Cornelia's faces, Lin Youde was also very happy.

"No matter where you are, it's just a matter of effort."

"I have also read the previous records of Lelouch commanding those terrorists to fight."

"To be honest, Lelouch's ability is indeed very good. I'm looking forward to how far he can go in beating his father in the face after gaining stronger power."

Lin Youde's words made Lelouch wave his hands modestly.

"Dr. Lin Youde was so complimentary. I just happened to be there..."

Seeing that Lelouch wanted to be modest, Lin Youde said jokingly.

"Oh? Really? I decided to invest in you a Gundam of the same model as Princess Cornelia's special machine after seeing the original tactical command."

"If the person who commanded those terrorists was not you, then the Blue Sky Knight Gundam Unit 1, which is the same model as Princess Cornelia's special machine, would be..."

Lelouch's mouth twitched slightly and he immediately changed his words.

"No, that's me."

Seeing Lelouch quickly change his words, Lin Youde smiled happily.

Even Cornelia pursed her lips and smiled.

Being able to see the always proud Lelouch being easily manipulated by Lin Youde, Cornelia also felt that her previous worries about being begged by Lelouch to form her own power were relieved a lot.

As for Lelouch? He didn't really care about it.

Compared to this level of teasing, being able to get a cutting-edge Gundam is undoubtedly worth more.

If you just accept Lin Youde's teasing, you can get a Gundam. Lelouch didn't mind being teased a little more.

After all, this business is really profitable.

Lelouch thinks openly, and C.C seems to feel Lelouch's mood. He looked at Lin Youde with a half-smile.

For a moment, the previous feeling of lightning flashing in my mind, as if sensing a new human being, emerged again.

This feeling made Lin Youde subconsciously look at C.C.

After discovering that C.C was also looking at him, Lin Youde thought for a moment and used the new human's telepathy to communicate with C.C.

Lin Youde: (I can’t believe that Miss Xizi is also a new human being.)

(It is truly a fate to meet someone who is also a new human being in a place like this.)

(Miss Xizi, do you have time in a moment?)

C.C glanced at Lin Youde, and the smile in his eyes grew stronger.

C.C: (Are you a new human being...Okay, since you said so, Dr. Lin Youde, after this is over. I will go to the courtyard outside to wait for you.)

Listening to C.C's voice in his mind, Lin Youde further confirmed that C.C is a new human being.

After confirming this, Lin Youde immediately responded: (Okay, see you later.)

Secretly using telekinesis with C.C, we secretly made an appointment at a time and place.

On the surface, Lin Youde said to Lelouch quite seriously.

"Now that you admit it, Lelouch, I will give you the Blue Sky Knight Gundam Unit 1 originally used for display as an investment."

"I can even provide you with some financial and technical support when you follow up on your actions."

"But how to get Blue Sky Knight Gundam Unit 1 into your hands, we need to have a serious discussion here."

"As the saying goes, it's a complete performance. Since I want to build a reputation for you, I naturally have to plan it carefully."

Under the guidance of Lin Youde, Lelouch and Cornelia discussed with Lin Youde how to arrange for Lelouch to put on a show, grab the body and other things.

Not long after everything was discussed, Cornelia arranged a pass for Lin Youde and others. You can let Lin Youde and others roam around Area 11 at will.

After doing all this, Cornelia left. Lelouch and C.C also left with Cornelia.

After declining Lei Mengmeng and Lux's invitation to go shopping in District 11, Lin Youde temporarily left Lei Mengmeng and Lux ​​on the grounds that he had something to do.

Following the direction of the new human's telepathy, Lin Youde soon came to a courtyard. I saw C.C already waiting here.

"Sorry to keep you waiting."

With a smile, Lin Youde came over and said hello.

C.C smiled and nodded to Lin Youde and responded.

"No, I just came here not long ago."

"I just don't know. Dr. Lin Youde came to see me specifically. What do you want to ask?"

C.C's eyes seemed to have seen through Lin Youde, which made Lin Youde a little uncomfortable.

But the questions in my heart still need to be answered. So Lin Youde also got straight to the point.

"Actually, I'm just surprised that Miss Nishiko is also a new human."

"I remember that Miss Xizi is from Brittany."

"Britannia cannot log in to "Machine War" without access to "Machine War"."

"Without the help of machine warfare, how did Miss Xizi become a new human being?"

"I'm very curious about this."

C.C tapped his head with his finger and said with a sudden look on his face: "Oh, so this is what you were talking about."

Under Lin Youde's gaze, C.C smiled and shook his head.

"Unfortunately, I am not a new human being."

Lin Youde was stunned for a moment: "Huh? It's not a new human being? But we were clearly communicating with the new human beings using their unique telepathy."

C.C smiled and poured a cup of tea for Lin Youde and spoke slowly.

"In this world, new humans are not the only ones who can use brain quantum waves to communicate."

"I don't think you don't understand this, Amuro..."

Thanks to "Arrogant Little Nightingale" for the reward of 1,500 starting coins.

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