Immortal Soul of Steel

Chapter 494 The Only World

C.C's words made Lin Youde's eyelids jump and he was even more surprised.

"Miss Xizi actually knows my online name?"

C.C smiled slightly and spoke calmly.

"Lelouch and I were working together at Cornelia's house to fill in some information about you."

"Whether you unlock the entire Gundam series as the first Gundam pilot."

"I already know about you becoming the first new human being and obtaining the copyright of Gundam."

Lin Youde was not surprised or surprised by this.

After all, these are not secrets, and they don’t even require any skills. You can find relevant entries and detailed records in various encyclopedias of the three major countries.

Ever since he became famous, some people have started to edit and write these stories about Lin Youde.

You can find out just by checking the Internet networks of the three major countries.

After Cornelia became interested in Gundam before, it was impossible not to understand this.

It is also easy to bring back these relevant recorded materials.

As someone who is currently working with Cornelia, she will also be a crucial person in the future. It's not surprising that Lelouch and C.C would be allowed to view this information.

Having said that, Lin Youde can still remain calm now. But soon, C.C's words made it impossible for him to remain calm.


"Even in the game, I have read the entire record of your feat of pushing back the huge meteorite Axis with your own strength."

"I have to say, that video of you pushing the meteorite was really impressive. It's just..."

C.C looked at Lin Youde with a half-smile, and whispered: "Just like the real Amuro Ray..."

As soon as these words came out, Lin Youde finally realized that something was wrong.

Theoretically speaking, it is impossible for people in this world to know about Amuro Ray.

Because before Lin Youde appeared in the "Machine War" game and came out under the name Amuro Ray.

Amuro Re is completely unknown.

But C.C said that the scene where Lin Youde pushed back the meteorite was just like the real Amuro Ray.

In other words, C.C knew the real Amuro Ray. He even knew that Amuro Lei had done the same thing as Lin Youde.

Reminiscent of a series of situations such as C.C being different from the original work, appearing next to Lelouch.

Lin Youde had a bold guess in his mind.

With some uncontrollable shock, Lin Youde looked at C.C.

"C.C, you...are a person of the same era as Amuro Ray and Char?"

After Lin Youde revealed his identity, C.C was quite calm.

"It seems that Amuro has mentioned my appearance to you. No wonder the people around you all wear contact lenses."

"You have been guarding against Lelouch's GEASS for a long time, right?"

Before Lin Youde could answer, C.C looked at Lin Youde strangely.

"But, didn't Amuro tell you? High-level new humans are not affected by GEASS."

"Don't talk about an unprecedented new human being like you, with a ridiculously high level."

"Even a new human like Amuro, who is not of a high level, can resist GEASS."

"As long as you are not a half-baked new human like Char, GEASS will be almost ineffective against you."

"But, as the strongest new human being in history, you also wear contact lenses."

"What is your situation? I'm a little curious."

Under C.C's curious gaze, Lin Youde did not answer her question.

C.C’s speech has confirmed the previous speculation. Lin Youde was even more confused and confused about this.

"C.C, what's going on with you now?"

"Why are Amuro and the others in "Machine War", but you can be in the real world?"

"What happened in the past?"

C.C looked at Lin Youde with some curiosity: "Didn't Amuro and the others tell you anything?"

Lin Youde shook his head: "No, I asked, but Amuro refused to tell me."

"I only vaguely knew from the few words I exchanged with Camus that mankind seemed to have been destroyed once in the past."

C.C took a sip of tea and sighed: "That's it..."

Lin Youde frowned slightly: "What's wrong?"

C.C shook his head: "It's nothing, I just remembered some past events."

"I have some friendship with Amuro and the others."

"As the person chosen by Amuro and the others, I will give you some help within the scope of my ability."

Lin Youde nodded and said thanks: "Thank you."

C.C calmed down and said.

"Well, let me first answer some of the questions you asked before."

"First of all, what happened in the past?"

"A lot has happened in the past."

"As now, humanity is still engaged in endless civil war."

"It's just different from now. In the past world, there was no threat from dimensional beasts."

"Yes, it's the threat of a large number of aliens and underground invaders."

"Because there are so many aliens and invaders that I can't even remember them, I won't go into details."

"But that's not the point here."

C.C spoke with a mocking tone.

"The real point is that those human beings from different worlds are almost losing their minds because they are competing for power."

"Because of these people, the human civil war continues to escalate, and they gradually act recklessly and commit all kinds of crazy behaviors."

"As a result, the earth's environment was gradually polluted. Many people died."

"It can be said that various alien invaders failed to do anything to human beings, but human beings killed themselves."

"And this is probably why Camus in "Machine War" was so angry."

"After all, nuclear bombs were actually used to clean the land back then."

As C.C shook his head, Lin Youde was suddenly stunned.

"Huh? Wait, Earth? Not Aquamarine?"

"And, you said humans from different worlds?"

C.C nodded and explained: "Yes, it's not Aquamarine, but the Earth."

"In the past, the planet we lived on was the Earth."

"While it is now called Aquamarine, in the past its name was Earth."

"Also, Lin Youde, you should know about parallel worlds, right?"

Lin Youde nodded: "Yes, I know. Depending on the different directions of certain people or certain things, similar but different worlds have evolved."

C.C nodded slightly: "Yes, many of us originally lived in parallel worlds where the earth is the same."

"Just like a big tree has many branches, the world also has many parallel branches."

"But for some reason, these branches were cut off. The parallel worlds symbolizing the branches were merged together, superimposed into a super huge earth and solar system."

"Because people from different worlds were forcibly pulled together, humans from different worlds began to fight."

"And this struggle triggered various disasters and led to the gradual extinction of human beings."

"It can be said that the fusion of the world is the beginning of all destruction."

"But thanks to the fusion of parallel worlds, the concept of parallel worlds has disappeared since then."

"Now, in our universe, there is only one world. That is the world we live in now."

"In the past, there were still people who tried to use various technologies to jump to other parallel worlds to avoid wars and so on."

"But it turns out that it was in vain..."

"No matter which parallel world you escape to, eventually, that parallel world will be pulled over and integrated into this world."

"It's as if there is some kind of power that is constantly absorbing those parallel worlds."

C.C seemed to have thought of something, and his expression became a little subtle.

"In this way, when all parallel worlds are integrated, humans will have no way out."

"The parallel world...disappeared."

"Any technology that can jump around the world is useless. It's not that it can't be used, but that no matter how you jump, you will return to the same place."

"Our world has become the only thing that exists."

"But even though it became the only world in this world, it was almost destroyed because of humans themselves."

Looking at C.C with a calm face and telling the cruel truth, Lin Youde's mind was not on this at all.

Because Lin Youde thought of something.

‘The concept of parallel world disappears? ’

'How is it possible? If the parallel world really does not exist, what happened to Raymond and Lamia? ’

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