Immortal Soul of Steel

Chapter 495 Remnants of the Past

C.C's words made Lin Youde feel very puzzled.

For this reason, Lin Youde asked specifically.

"C.C, are you sure the concept of parallel worlds has disappeared?"

"Could it be that the previous parallel world disappeared, but now that the earth has become an aqua star, the concept of parallel world has reappeared?"

"After all, according to scientific theory, parallel worlds are born all the time, right?"

Lin Youde's words made C.C look at him in surprise and shook his head in denial.

"It's impossible. The parallel world no longer exists."

"It's not just all parallel worlds being merged into the world we live in now."

"It's because the concept of parallel worlds has been completely shattered."

"Whether it was in the past or now, there is no parallel world possible."

C.C's determined tone made Lin Youde very confused.

"Why are you so sure?"

"Parallel world is a rather general concept, right?"

"Theoretically, as long as our world still exists, other parallel worlds will continue to be born."

C.C did not deny this.

"Indeed, according to our scientific knowledge, it can be explained this way."

"As long as our world exists, there will be different parallel worlds due to different choices made by different people."

"But this is based on the premise that the scientific theory can still be used."

Lin Youde's eyelids twitched: "You mean, what happened in the past that caused the collapse of scientific theories?"

C.C smacked her lips and said, "That's right. I actually don't know what exactly happened."

"But the disappearance of the concept of parallel worlds is not a conclusion I have drawn, but a fact that I have been told."

"One of our former partners was one who could travel through time and travel through many worlds."

"But that existence, after something happened, told us that the concept of parallel worlds disappeared."

C.C looked at Lin Youde with some doubts.

"I don't know what happened to you, but I'm sure of one thing."

"The concept of parallel worlds no longer exists. Because many people tried to repair it in the past, but they all failed."

"Unless there is some kind of power that surpasses my companions in the past, and the concept of parallel worlds is born again."

"Otherwise, the theory of parallel worlds is no longer valid. But we can still try traveling through time."

"But to be honest, I personally don't recommend you do that."

Lin Youde asked while digesting the information revealed by C.C.


C.C said frankly: "As I said before, our world has become unique. The timeline has also become a single straight line."

"Once someone goes back in time, no changes are made, just observation is fine."

"But once someone makes a change, it means that the future world before the change is abandoned, cut off, and completely disappears. It can be said to be destroyed."

"In short, once someone changes the past, the world will start from the change and continue the continuation of the timeline."

"Because parallel worlds do not exist, it is impossible to change the world line."

"When someone changes the world line, it means that his original world is destroyed."

As he spoke, C.C suddenly shook his head and said: "This kind of thing is not possible with the current technology of Aquablue Star. So I won't mention it."

"Let's continue answering your previous questions."

Lin Youde nodded in response while sorting out the information revealed by C.C.

"Okay, please."

C.C smiled and replied: "It's nothing, just think of it as reminiscing about the past with you. Now, you are the only one who can chat with me about this kind of topic."

Shaking his head, C.C said seriously: "Well, where did you come from? Well, why are Amuro and the others in a machine battle, but I am in the real world, right?"

When Lin Youde nodded, C.C showed a smile that Lin Youde couldn't understand, and replied: "I don't know about this either."

Lin Youde was stunned for a moment: "Eh? You don't know?"

C.C nodded calmly: "Yes, I don't know."

"I don't know, I gave up those memories myself."

"Or as the price of being able to move freely in this world."

"Anyway, I don't remember the reason why I can move here but Amuro and the others can't."

Lin Youde asked in confusion: "Why is this happening?"

C.C turned to look at the sky and said calmly.

"Sa, who knows. Maybe I am running away from something, or someone made me forget something."

"In the final analysis, I did not fight with Amuro and the others until the end."

“For some reason, I parted ways with Amuro and the others and escaped the so-called ‘battle’. "

Lin Youde was stunned for a moment: "Parting ways? Escape from the battle?"

‘Could it be said that C.C in the past also experienced everything from the original "Lelouch of the Rebellion". ’

'It's just that what she experienced was the TV animation version, so Lelouch was completely dead. After Lelouch died, was she unwilling and had no reason to fight with Amuro and the others? ’

Lin Youde analyzed secretly, while C.C explained in his own way.

"Yes, I ran away from the battle. Because the me in the past had lost the reason to fight. So, I left Amuro and the others."

"Many things were told to me by the child before the final moment came."

Looking at C.C who suddenly sighed, Lin Youde hesitated and asked.

"What does the last moment mean? Also, the child you are talking about is..."

C.C shook his head gently: "You don't know that kid, so it's useless to tell him. It will only increase your worries."

"As for the so-called final moment, it is...the end of the universe and the destruction of the past world."

In Lin Youde's shocked expression, C.C suddenly smiled.

"Otherwise, how do you think the current world was born?"

"It's not because the previous world was destroyed that the current world exists."

"The past world was destroyed. How the final battle broke out and how it ended. I have no way of knowing how I stayed on earth and escaped from everything."

"Perhaps, it is as my punishment for escaping reality. As a remnant of the past era, I was left alone in this era."

"All my former companions disappeared, leaving me alone, walking in this strange yet familiar era with the memories of the past."

"If it weren't for being able to see some familiar yet unfamiliar people."

"If it weren't for the possibility of someone like you being chosen."

"Maybe I can't hold on any longer."

With a sigh, C.C stared at Lin Youde and gave serious instructions.

"Go and change the world, the chosen boy."

"In order not to repeat the same mistakes we made..."

Thanks to "Tianqiong Haoyu" for the reward of 10,000 starting coins.

Thanks to "163czx" for the reward of 2000 starting coins.

Thanks to "Xiu En Apokalis" for the reward of 1321 starting coins.

The author will arrange additional updates for rewards, thank you all for your support!

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