Immortal Soul of Steel

Chapter 713 Zero-distance shooting

"What? A fixture for catching ancient iron?"

Ni Xingxing stared at the waist of the red unicorn dimensional beast, but before he could see clearly, the red unicorn dimensional beast accelerated again and rushed towards Lin Youde's Freedom Gundam.

Facing the rush of the red unicorn-type dimensional beast, Lin Youde controlled the Freedom Gundam to get out of the way quickly.

After being dodged again, the red unicorn-type dimensional beast started to pursue again.

Two figures, one red and one blue, crossed back and forth in the air, not once colliding with each other.

But because the two figures crossed each other so fast, the White Knight and the Bow Angel were unable to launch an attack for a while with their Oakstein rifles and longbows.

Lei Mengmeng was a little anxious: "No, the speed is too fast. If you attack casually, you will hit someone with virtue."

Lamia also looked solemn: "This red dimensional beast only stares at Youde Da Da. Is it because You De Da Da is its target?"

The enhanced R-2 stopped on the ground, and Ladis analyzed it piece by piece.

"It's possible, based on the analysis of the battle data just now."

"This dimensional beast is very similar to Gu Tie in terms of shape and characteristics."

"It lacks long-range attack methods, but is extremely powerful in close combat. It has extremely strong thrust and astonishing defensive power."

"This dimensional beast can be said to be an all-around enhanced version of Gu Tie."

"And I don't know if it's because the material is too special or for some other reason. Although this dimensional beast is twice as big as the ancient iron, it is very slender overall."

"Relying on this slender physique, it can turn very easily in the air. It has the ability to turn at right angles in the air that Gutie does not have."

Ni Xingxing was shocked: "No, Lai, are you saying that the reason why this red guy can turn so fast in the air at a right angle has to do with its slender body?"

Ladis sent the information he compiled to everyone's central control computer.

"Yes, you see. Every time this guy turns in the air, he will rely on his particularly slender waist to control the turning of his lower body in advance."

"Then his legs made a backward kicking motion."

"I was very confused before about what the meaning of it was."

"I analyzed it and combined it with the attack movements of this guy when he attacked the white knight before, and I came up with a guess."

Lei Mengmeng directly interjected: "This guy can control the wind in some form? Or can he create a wind blade to attack by compressing the air?"

Ladis was a little surprised, but still responded: "Yes, it can control the compression of air in some form, and then release it, creating unreasonable kinetic energy."

"I believe everyone has noticed that behind this dimensional beast there are only two tiny propulsion nozzles under the shoulders."

"Although these two propulsion nozzles can release huge blue flames as propulsion force."

"But the effect of breaking the sound barrier caused by every straight-line acceleration was not caused by this."

"At the same time, every time he turns and kicks his legs backward, a special air wave effect will be generated on the soles of his feet that breaks the sound barrier."

"This should be the compressed air, squeezing the air together, using it as a pedal, kicking it up to detonate, thereby achieving rapid acceleration."

"And this ability should not only be usable on the feet, but can be used anywhere on the body."

Ladis's analysis and explanation allowed everyone to fully understand the reason for this dimensional beast's amazing speed.

"But even if we know this, how should we deal with this guy?"

"If this guy's defense is more terrifying than Gu Tie's, how can we defeat it?"

Ni Xingxing's question made Lamia think for a moment and return.

"How about we find a way to control it and let Zeng Jia use the Zero-type ship-cutting sword to kill it with one sword?"

Lei Mengmeng shook her head and objected: "No."

Ni Xingxing was confused: "Why? Could it be that Zeng Jia's ship-cutting knife, which is comparable to a nuclear bomb, couldn't break through its defense?"

Lei Mengmeng: "No, if hit head-on, the Type Zero Ship-Slashing Sword should be able to break through the defense."

"But have you ever thought that Zeng Jia's knife would cause terrible splash damage?"

"Let me ask, which one of us has a body that can resist Zeng Jia's nuclear bomb swordsmanship while controlling this red dung beetle?"

This time, everyone was silent.

Just when everyone was silent, Lin Youde began to sweat on his forehead.

Because while others were talking, he and the red unicorn dimensional beast kept fighting for dozens of rounds.

This kind of battle situation where the opponent cannot hit him, but the opponent is not afraid of his attack at all, makes Lin Youde very uncomfortable.

Now he finally understood how painful it was for his enemies to face Gu Tie in the past.

I can't hit the opponent at all, and the opponent can kill me in one move.

This is simply walking a tightrope to the extreme, and if you are not careful, you will be shattered to pieces.

In other words, he is currently driving the Freedom Gundam, which is known for its maneuverability.

If it were replaced by other Gundams before, I'm afraid they would have died suddenly.

'But it won't be long to continue fighting like this. Activating the BGM field consumes a lot of mental energy. Even though I can bear it, if I continue to hold on to the stalemate, I will be the only one who suffers. ’

‘I have to create opportunities for other people to surround it. ’

Thinking of this, Lin Youde felt cruel.

"You must resist me, GUNDAM..."

The red unicorn-shaped dimensional beast once again turned at a right angle in the air and rushed towards the Freedom Gundam.

But this time, Liberty Gundam did not make dodge movements, but raised the light wave defense shield on its left hand.

This scene made Lei Mengmeng, Lamia, and Gu Lincai's eyelids twitch wildly.

“There is virtue (great virtue)!!!???”*3

Lin Youde took a deep breath and quickly adjusted some parameters of the body on the keyboard with his hands.

"The mental induction frame is activated, Freedom Gundam, maximum output, PS armor frame function enhanced, light wave defense shield energy supply maximized, hold on for me, GUNDAM!!!"

Boom! ! !

With a loud noise, the Freedom Gundam was grabbed by the light wave defense shield with its arms by the red unicorn dimensional beast, and the entire body was pushed backwards and flew out.


Everyone exclaimed.

But Lin Youde smiled...

"It's's done..."

In the title BGM field, plus the activation of the mental induction frame, and after processing the second upgrade, the light wave defense shield finally withstood the attack of the red unicorn-type dimensional beast.

The sharp claws on his right hand kept splashing light foam on the light wave defense shield, but it was not able to completely shatter the light wave defense shield and penetrate behind the light wave defense shield.

At the same time, relying on the physical transfer effect of the PS armor, the left arm of the Freedom Gundam was under tremendous pressure, and it did not completely collapse under the pressure that caused the entire body to fly upside down.

These two successes allowed Lin Youde to finally seize the opportunity.

"Watch the move, Freedom Gundam..."

The Freedom Gundam was aimed at the red unicorn-shaped dimensional beast that was close at hand. It set up two shoulder cannons and aimed them at the head. The two waist cannons were aimed at the two claws at the front of its waist. The beam rifle in its right hand was aimed at the slender figure. waist.

"Zero range shooting!!!"

boom! ! ! ! !

This time, the beam was not completely canceled out.

A huge explosion swept away the red unicorn-type Dimensional Beast and the Freedom Gundam...


PS: My sister at home seems to be positive and has a fever. Dad also has a cold.

My heart feels so cold...

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