Immortal Soul of Steel

Chapter 714: Dimensional beast wants to escape?

“There is virtue (there is great virtue)!!!”*N

Amidst the exclamations of Lei Mengmeng, Lamia, Gu Lincai and others, the Freedom Gundam flew out sideways with thick smoke.

The originally smooth armor was now covered with dust and looked dirty.

But now everyone had no time to care about this. When they saw the Freedom Gundam burst out of the smoke, the White Knight and Archer Angel immediately rushed forward.

The White Knight and Bow Angel blocked the Freedom Gundam on the left and right, causing it to stop.

"Don't worry, I'm fine."

Lin Youde's energetic answer made everyone feel relieved a little.

"So, Youde, have you succeeded?"

Ni Xingxing's questions on the ground made Lin Youde stare at the smoke of the explosion and return.

"No, that guy is still alive. However, I think this attack should have caused some damage to it."

As Lin Youde spoke, the smoke from the explosion gradually dissipated.

The figure of the red unicorn-shaped dimensional beast gradually emerged from the smoke of the explosion.

There were two holes on both sides of the groove on the head that was originally used to move the one-eye, and two of the four claw-like things on the waist were blown off.

The most critical thing, and also Lin Youde's main goal, was a very big gap in his slender waist.

The gap in the waist pole caused considerable harm to this red unicorn-shaped dimensional beast.

At this point, everyone used the red unicorn-shaped dimensional beast's left hand to cover the wound on the waist pole to cover it. You can see it.

Lin Youde's zero-range shot caused serious damage to his hand.

The damage that had been impossible to cause before was finally successfully caused this time.

This is definitely a morale booster.

The white knight held the arm of the Freedom Gundam and Lei Mengmeng asked excitedly.

"Youde, after you activated the telekinesis frame, were you able to use the Freedom Gundam to cause damage to it?"

"If that's the case, then if we do it again, we can..."

Before Lei Mengmeng was fully excited, Lin Youde objected.

"I'm afraid not."


Lei Mengmeng looked at Lin Youde in astonishment, and then asked with concern.

"Are you injured?"

Lin Youde stared at the red unicorn dimensional beast and replied without looking back.

"Don't worry, I'm fine. I'm not injured and I can hold on mentally."

"The reason why I said no is because the Liberty Gundam can't hold on any longer."

As soon as these words came out, everyone was shocked.

Lei Mengmeng was shocked: "What? The Freedom Gundam can't hold on?"

"Isn't this the latest cutting-edge Gundam made by Yanagi?"

"This is your first attack, can't you keep up with the needs of Youde?"

“Isn’t that guy Yumi cutting corners?”

Lin Youde shook his head slightly: "No, I don't blame Liu Mei. The performance of the Freedom Gundam has met my previous expectations."

"This time it was entirely my fault. I was too reckless."

Lamia was shocked: "Did the previous battle cause damage that the Freedom Gundam could not bear?"

Lin Youde shook his head and said, "Yes, I just used the double amplification of the telekinesis frame and the BGM field to strengthen the light wave defense shield and frame of the Freedom Gundam to the maximum. I used this method to resist the impact of this guy."

"This attempt was successful." Ladis' words made Lin Youde nodded slightly.

"Yes, this attempt was successful. The frame strength of the Freedom Gundam is very high, and with the technical support of PS armor, it successfully offset the impact damage caused by the impact."

"But what I didn't expect was that the explosion from the previous zero-range attack caused a secondary impact. This impact exceeded the upper limit of the Freedom Gundam frame."

"Now the performance of the left half of the Freedom Gundam's frame is severely degraded due to metal fatigue."

Lin Youde sighed helplessly as he looked at the instrument panel in the cockpit of the Liberty Gundam that displayed the body status, and at the icon on the left half of the instrument panel that was completely flashing red.

"Half the frame was seriously damaged. Although it will not disintegrate, it can no longer withstand another zero-range shooting."


Listening to Lin Youde's words, everyone who was originally feeling a little heavy suddenly felt their hearts lift again when they heard the last words.

"But what?"

During Gu Lincai's inquiry, the corners of Lin Youde's mouth raised slightly.

"Through the explosion just now, I have successfully discovered a weakness of this guy."

"Although this guy can control the air to compress it through the method Ladis said, causing some acceleration, and even become armed for fighting."

"But this move has pros and cons. The benefits are obvious, and the acceleration is very exaggerated."

"But the disadvantages are also obvious. When using this technique at close range, once the compressed air is detonated in advance, the damage caused is no joke."

"This is also the reason why this guy didn't dare to shoot that strange wind blade at such a close distance just now."

"And I found that as long as the distance is very close, the protective stance of the Dimensional Beast cannot be deployed."

"Even special individual dimensional beasts are no exception to this. It's just that special individuals can lower their protective stance to a very ridiculous distance and release it at an extremely fast speed."

"But as long as this is broken through, this guy's defense is not indestructible."

No one refuted, because the injuries on the red unicorn dimensional beast were the best proof.

"Yo Xi (very good)! Then leave the rest of the battle to us."

"Although we are not new humans, and we do not have a telepathy framework. We may not be able to increase the attack to the level you just had."

"But relying on the T-LINK system and telekinesis plus the increase in the BGM field, you can always break through its defenses if you attack it a few times."

Ni Xingxing's words boosted morale.

Ladis even added: "We directly attack the wounds caused by Youde breaking through the defense."

"With that kind of damaged wound, the defense will never be as strong as when it was not damaged before."

Gu Lincai nodded slightly: "Then, leave the next battle to us..."

Before Gu Lincai could finish her words, the red unicorn-shaped dimensional beast moved.

But this time, the action was not to launch an attack, but to turn around and face the direction behind him.

Lin Youde exclaimed when he saw this scene.

"No, this guy is going to run away! Mengmeng, Lamia, intercept it!!!"


A huge burst of air sounded again, and the red unicorn-shaped dimensional beast rushed towards the direction behind it like a cannonball.

"That's ridiculous. These dimensional beasts actually run away when they can't be beaten? Are they such a thief?"

Under the amplification of the BGM field, the white knight sprinted at full speed towards the red unicorn dimensional beast.

"give it to me!"

Archangel pulled out his beam sword and spread his wings behind him, tinged with golden light and shadow.

"Phantom mark..."

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