Immortal Soul of Steel

Chapter 798 The coward who bullies the weak and fears the strong

Lin Youde was thinking this way, but felt that something was slightly wrong.

After all, Law Lou Cruze had a way to get his own genetic sample, so there was no reason to only get a little bit, right?

So, Lin Youde thought.

Is it possible that Law Lou Cruze obtained his complete genetic sample?

Just because he deliberately gave someone else only a partial genetic sample for some reason?

This kind of thing is not impossible.

You know, if you really want to talk about it, Kira, the super adjuster, is just one of the causes of the tragic life of Rau Lou Cruze.

The culprit is Mu's father, right?

Lin Youde can understand that Rau Lu Cruze hates himself as the person who replaced Kira.

But if you want to say that Rau Lu Cruze doesn't hate Dad Mu, the person who created him, then Lin Youde doesn't believe it.

So, is there a possibility that Law Lou Cruze guessed that he might die?

For this reason, he deliberately obtained some of his genetic samples and prepared to send them out.

The reason for doing this is to disgust himself, Kira's replacement, and Mu's father at the same time?

When a clone appears, even Lin Youde will be affected by his mentality.

Not to mention that with only a small amount of genetic samples, it was impossible to clone a complete Lin Youde. Father Mu could only create a defective version of the current Neo Roanoke.

Although we have the genetic sample of a real super adjuster, we cannot clone a real super adjuster.

When something like this happens, Mu's father and those who supported the creation of Law Lou Cruze will probably go crazy.

A small backhand, disgusting two waves of people at the same time.

Lao Lu Cruze, who wanted to drag the whole world to be buried with him for fear of bringing chaos to the world, was not incapable of doing such a thing.

There were thousands of thoughts in his mind, but the movements in Lin Youde's hands did not stop at all.

The Freedom Gundam quickly moved left and right, dodging all attacks, and gave the Divinity Gundam various counterattacks, taking advantage of the situation to defeat another large dragoon.

But Shenyi Gundam didn't care about this, but quickly retreated and continued.

"Yes, that guy seems to have anticipated his ending and specially arranged his backup plan."

"Thanks to his blessing, I am what I am now."

"Kira Yamato, you and Rau Lou Cruse are the damned source of all evil."

At the same time, Neo Roanoke quickly pressed a button and glanced at a countdown in the cockpit.

The Dragoons all surrounded the Freedom Gundam, intending to block the Freedom Gundam's movement space.

The Freedom Gundam sprinted at full speed, quickly moving left and right, dodging all attacks. The gun barrels on its body were continuously fired, and one dragoon after another was defeated one after another.

The distance between the God's Will Gundam and the Freedom Gundam is also getting closer...

While controlling the Freedom Gundam to do these things, Lin Youde replied nonchalantly.

"The root of all evil is the root of all evil. These things you impose on me are fine no matter what."

"Anyway, these created guys, in the final analysis, are just people who bully the weak and fear the strong."

Neo Roanoke's tone changed slightly: "What did you say?"

Lin Youde asked disdainfully: "How could I be wrong?"

"Then let me ask you, did I create you?"

Neo Roanoke was stunned: "This... is not."

Lin Youde asked again: "Did I deliberately use my genes to make you like this?"

Neo Roanoke's face gradually turned red: "No, it's..."

The countdown is passing little by little...

Lin Youde asked again: "Then let me ask you, have I ever done anything detrimental to you or harmed you?"

There was some bloodshot eyes in Neo Roanoke's eyes: "No..."

Lin Youde sneered: "Then it was me or Uncle Mu's father who turned you into this in the end?"

Neo Roanoke gritted his teeth and said, "It's... Mu's father."

Lin Youde finally asked: "Since I didn't create you, I didn't deliberately use genes to make you like this, and I didn't harm you, we have no grudges from the beginning to the end."

"Under such circumstances, instead of pointing a gun at Uncle Mu's father, you pointed a gun at me and forced me to do anything."

"You don't even have the courage and guts to pick up a gun and point it at the culprit."

"You are like this, don't you think you are bullying the weak and afraid of the strong?"

"Why? Just because I haven't harmed you, because I'm a good person?"

"You and Law Lou Cruze are both mentally ill types."

"You are obviously going to die, but you don't dare to drag the culprit who caused the tragedy in your life to die together."

"Instead, you have to drag me, a test subject who did nothing but was lucky enough to survive, to let off steam."

"Aren't you guys just bullies and bullies who are afraid of the tough?"

Lin Youde's shocking question directly confused Neo Roanoke.

The soul questioning that was like a machine gun left Neo Roanoke stunned on the spot, and he didn't even notice the countdown reaching zero.

It was at this time that the bridge of the Lord Angel was in the distance.

First Mate: "Now, positron city-breaking cannon, fire!"

Artilleryman: "Positron city-breaking cannon, fire!!!"

Two huge red beams shot out from the muzzle of the Archangel and flew towards the positions of the Freedom Gundam and the Divine Will Gundam.

At this time, the God's Will Gundam held up his shield to protect the position in front of him, so that the Freedom Gundam, which was unable to break the cockpit with its beam, had to pick up the beam sword and rush to the God's Will Gundam's side.

"Neo Roanoke, answer me!!!"

The Freedom Gundam, which was close at hand and had raised its beam sword, roared and questioned Lin Youde, leaving Neo Roanoke completely silent.

Even in silence, the Divine Gundam suddenly moved away the shield in front of him, opened his hands, and intended to hug the Freedom Gundam.

But the Divine Will Gundam's embrace was not able to hold the Freedom Gundam.

The moment Shenyi Gundam opened his arms, the Freedom Gundam flying towards him turned sideways and dodged.


In Neo Roanoke's exclamation, the Liberty Gundam swung its arm, and one of the God's Will Gundam's arms was cut off on the spot.

At the same time, the Freedom Gundam and the God's Will Gundam passed by each other, quickly passing behind and above the God's Will Gundam...

It was at this time that the countdown in the cockpit of the God's Will Gundam completely reset to zero.

Two scarlet beams of light came rushing from a distance...

Lin Youde's last voice also sounded in the communication channel.

"It seems that in the end, you still want to drag me to death. You are indeed not me, you are just a coward who doesn't even dare to find the right person to vent his hatred..."

In Lin Youde's disdainful and mocking voice, the Divine Gundam exploded with a dazzling nuclear explosion.

After the God's Will Gundam exploded, two scarlet positron cannon beams arrived.

The Freedom Gundam just turned sideways, causing two scarlet beams of light to pass by it, causing the beams to hit the exploding God's Will Gundam again.

"No, maybe you just inherited the cowardly part of me..."

In Lin Youde's self-deprecating voice, the Freedom Gundam rubbed the beam of the positron cannon and flew towards the Archangel at an undiminished speed...

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