Immortal Soul of Steel

Chapter 799 The last train to death

From the beginning to the end, Lin Youde had only one goal, which was to defeat the Lord Angel, not the Divine Will Gundam.

It can be said that the self-destruction of the Divine Gundam and the bombardment of the Archangel were just accidents.

Because Lin Youde kept in mind from beginning to end that he must defeat the Lord Angel as soon as possible and force the Phantom Pain troops to return for reinforcements.

Only in this way can the safety of Lux and the Minerva be guaranteed.

There were some surprises in this.

The appearance of Neo Roanoke and some of the information he deliberately threw out really disturbed some of Lin Youde's thoughts and delayed some time.

But it just delayed some time...

Neo Roanoke's overall level is much better than that of Law Lou Cruze. If this were done before, Lin Youde might still have to work hard.

But Lin Youde, who had experienced various battlefields, was no longer a battlefield recruit with little combat experience.

There is no need to explode SEED. Lin Youde relies on his driving skills and rich combat experience to handle the current combination of Neo Roanoke and Divine Will Gundam.

It was just that Neo Roanoke deliberately delayed time and led him somewhere in the middle, which seemed too obvious to Lin Youde.

Knowing that the other party might have something up his sleeve, Lin Youde had already taken precautions.

Later, the new humans' mental telepathy sensed a strong sense of crisis coming from the direction of the Archangel. No matter how stupid Lin Youde was, he knew that Neo Roanoke was plotting against him.

At the beginning of the period, Lin Youde thought that Neo Roanoke simply wanted to lure him to a fixed coordinate, and then let the Archangel use its main gun to kill him.

But as the sense of crisis in Shenyi Gundam became stronger and stronger, Lin Youde had an absurd guess in his mind.

This guy...could he be trying to self-destruct and kill himself too, right?

Because when he first entered this world, Lin Youde tried his best to prevent himself from being blown up by the crazy Aslan using the Holy Shield Gundam to hold him, and tried hard to avoid this situation.

Having learned the lesson from the original work, Lin Youde also had a clear understanding of the fact that the enemy would pull him into a trick of self-destruction.

But so far, Lin Youde has never met such a crazy person.

But now, Lin Youde seems to have met.

This is why Lin Youde asked Neo Roanoke before why he did not go to Mu's father but came to find himself despite his determination to die.

If you want to die with others, what are you going to do with Dad Mu? Why are you looking for me, Lin Youde?

This is what Lin Youde wants to ask.

Neo Roanoke ultimately died without giving Lin Youde an answer.

Died in the self-destruction operation he planned...

Lin Youde didn't know if he had some back-up plan, or if he just wanted to drag himself to death because he was so frustrated and mad after seeing him.

Now, Lin Youde only knew that in the end, Lin Youde was still sure of saving Neo Roanoke.

If only Neo Roanoke had shown no ill will and had shown a little remorse.

At that time, the beam sword that the Freedom Gundam slashed at the Divination Gundam would also slash at the cockpit of the Divination Gundam.

Lin Youde now had the confidence to split open the cockpit of the Shenyi Gundam, cut off the cockpit, and leave with the cockpit before the Shenyi Gundam self-destructed.

Unfortunately, until the end, Neo Roanoke had no intention of repenting.

Therefore, Lin Youde did not save him and allowed him to die.

This is also the reason why Lin Youde still drove the Freedom Gundam to rush over even though he had noticed that the God's Will Gundam was going to self-destruct.

Of course there is the fact that Lin Youde himself is confident enough to be able to avoid this series of attacks with the Freedom Gundam.

There was also speculation that the Archangel would not be so crazy as to use its main cannon to bombard itself and Neo Roanoke together.

But more than anything, it was Lin Youde's last bit of compassion for this poor guy who used part of his own genes.

It is a pity that Neo Roanoke did not seize this last hope of life, but chose the last train to death.

"It seems that when facing some clones in the future, there is no need to hold back..."

While muttering to himself, a stern look flashed in his eyes as he looked towards the Lord's Angel, which was getting closer and closer.

"Even the coach dares to bombard him. It seems that this ship is not a good thing."

"You are like a raccoon dog, let me send you to the west..."

The Freedom Gundam quickly approached, and the first officer and others on the bridge of the Archangel panicked.

CIC: "The God's Will Gundam self-destructed, the Freedom Gundam is alive and approaching rapidly..."

The first mate hurriedly ordered: "All Balkan artillery fires, all induced missiles are launched, we must stop it..."

Before the first mate finished speaking, the artilleryman said urgently: "The artillery and missiles have been deployed and launched, but..."

CIC looked desperate: "No, the Freedom Gundam is too fast, artillery and missiles can't hit it at all, already..."

Before he finished speaking, a blue shadow passed through the cannon fire in the sky and rushed to the front of the bridge of the Main Angel.

The empty muzzle of the gun was pointed at the bridge.

As the first officer turned and tried to escape, a beam of light penetrated the bridge and caused an explosion.

Amid countless people screaming in terror, the bridge of the Archangel exploded.

There are no magic weapons descended from heaven, and there are no unexpected reversals.

The Freedom Gundam destroyed the bridge of the Archangel with a simple shot...

"It's over..."

Using the high maneuverability of the Freedom Gundam and the beam of the positron cannon as cover, the Freedom Gundam rushed directly in front of the Archangel and blew up the bridge with one shot before the opponent could open fire.

This was the judgment Lin Youde made instantly after giving up on saving Neo Roanoke and implemented it smoothly.

After doing all this, Lin Youde muttered to himself, shook his head, and completely destroyed the Main Angel without another last strike. Instead, he turned around and flew in the direction of the Minerva.

This is not just because the Main Angel has lost its bridge and is temporarily unable to move. Keeping this immobile battleship may be of great use in the future, such as obtaining more information and giving the Earth United a scapegoat.

It was even more because the Main Angel didn't have time to fire the signal flare for retreat in the end.

Therefore, Lin Youde's heart was still unknown as to whether the Phantom Pain troops had retreated, and whether the three real birds could stop the Phantom Pain troops.

For this reason, what Lin Youde has to do now is to rush back non-stop to support the three real birds.

Secretly calculating the speed of the previous attack by the Phantom Pain Force, Zhen Feiniao and others, Lin Youde thought about whether 3V9 could block it...

'Really, you need to give me a little more strength, your sister is still on that boat...'

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