Immortal Soul of Steel

Chapter 800 Fierce Battle

Just when Lin Youde was thinking about it, hoping that Zhen Feiniao could be more powerful.

On the Minerva side, Zhen Asuka and others started a fierce battle with the Phantom Pain troops.

Due to the lack of effective communication and no retreat signal, the Phantom Pain troops had no idea that the mothership and commander behind them had been taken advantage of by Lin Youde.

With no orders and no knowledge of the battle situation at the rear, the Phantom Pain troops followed the original orders and began to fight.

And unlike the two or three big cats and kittens in the original work, this time in addition to the three Gundams brought by the Phantom Pain Force, there are also two Windhams and four Dagger Ls.

The combination of 9 machines directly defeated the fledgling Zhen·Asuka, Lei, and Luna in a very embarrassing manner.

At the beginning, Shin Asuka drove the air combat type Pulse Gundam as before, and faced Chaos Gundam, Gaia Gundam, and Abyss Gundam alone.

Luna and Ray faced off against the other two Windhams and Dagger L.

With his own good skills, his condition with Stella was seriously unstable, causing the Gaia Gundam to suffer serious strokes.

Shin Asuka piloted the air combat type Pulse Gundam to fight one against two, so the problem wasn't that big.

Although the combination of Chaos Gundam + Abyss Gundam is quite powerful, the real Asuka can still fight back and forth with the two due to the maneuverability of the air combat type Pulse Gundam.

But the fact that Asuka can use its body performance and its own technology to fight one against two does not mean that others can do the same.

Although Lei and Luna are both adjusters, their skills are very good.

But the performance of the Zaku Warriors they drove did not reach the level of Gundam.

Although the overall performance was slightly better than that of Windham and Dagger L, in a 2-on-6 situation, they still forced the two of them to dodge left and right, and could only barely parry.

Moreover, both of their attacks were blocked by the enemy MS's shields. The situation of three people fighting together made Luna and Lei quite uncomfortable.

Seeing this situation, the captain Thalia Kuradis decisively ordered the use of missiles, machine guns and artillery for support.

A large number of barrages were fired, compressing the combat space of the Phantom Pain troops and giving Luna and Lei some breathing time.

But this situation also annoyed Al Nida, who piloted the Abyss Gundam in the Phantom Pain Force.

Being unable to take down Shin Asuka's aerial combat-type Pulse Gundam for a long time made him irritated.

"Damn! Why is this guy so difficult to deal with?"

"Sting, is there anything you can do?"

Sting Oakley of the Chaos Gundam glanced at the Gaia Gundam who was huddled in the back and had no shot to support him, and returned before he could.

"This guy is a master. If you want to take him down, I'm afraid it won't be possible in a short time."

"But Orr, don't be impatient. Don't forget, the mission Neo gave us also includes trying to capture the last new machine."

"But Neo also said that if it can't be captured or defeated, then ignore it for the time being."

"Our highest priority is to destroy the power of the new ship and delay their pursuit of us."

Al Nida was quite dissatisfied: "Are you going to let this guy go (referring to the air combat type Pulse Gundam)?"

Sting Oakley: "There is no way, Stella is not in good condition, the two of us can't take him down."

Or Nida said with a dark face: "What about destroying that new type of ship?"

Sting Oakley returned: "No need, don't forget what Neo said, destroying just one battleship will waste a lot of our time."

"On the contrary, destroying their power plant and forcing this new ship to stay in place, waiting for rescue, can delay time."

"This is the territory of the adjusters. If we continue to stay here, we will be surrounded by an army of adjusters coming from other places to support us."

Seeing that Al Nida wanted to say something else, Sting Oakley said in a deep voice: "Al! You don't want Neo to be angry with you, do you?"

Ol Nida's expression was stunned: "Uh..."

Sting Oakley reminded: "Don't forget, because you said forbidden words before, Stella became like this."

"Because this is the case, Neo is already a little dissatisfied. If you continue to make him unhappy, it will definitely make him angry."

"I don't need to say more about what will happen once Neo gets angry, right?"

"Are you sure you want Neo to be angry with you?"

When Sting Oakley said this, Ol Nida's face suddenly turned pale: "No, I didn't mean that."

Sting Oakley nodded: "That's good, let's implement plan B according to the previous plan."

"It's up to you to hold off this new machine (air combat type Pulse Gundam). Stella is not in good condition, just use cover. You don't need to defeat him, just hold it off."

"I'll catch the other two Zakus. The others will bypass these three escort aircraft and attack the new ships directly."

Or Nida responded with a pale face: "I, I understand. Stella, come and help me."

Stella was in a trance: "Yes, yes."

Sting Oakley: "So..."

The Chaos Gundam fired a round of artillery fire at the air combat type Pulse Gundam, but it was dodged.

However, this time the Chaos Gundam just feinted and took the opportunity to fly past the air combat type Pulse Gundam and fly towards the two Zaku Warriors, one red and one white.

True Asuka: "Wait a minute..."

The Chaos Gundam picked up the beam spear in his hand and directly knocked away the air combat type Pulse Gundam.

Rioll Nida on the public channel taunted: "Where do you want to go? Our fight is not over yet."

After hearing Or Nida's obviously sarcastic voice on the public channel, Zhen Asuka also opened the public channel and asked.

"Who are you?"

"Why did you come to steal our body?"

"You guys, do you want to start a war again?"

The air combat type Pulse Gundam pulled out its beam sword and swung it, and the Abyss Gundam quickly retreated.

Ol Nida snorted coldly and said: "Why don't you talk so much? If you want to fight, I will fight. As long as I hold you back, it will be my victory."

Zhen Feiniao was stunned for a moment: "Hold me? Could it be..."

Or Nida shouted: "There is a flaw!"

The Abyss Gundam opens its shoulders and fires six small beam cannons and a high-energy beam cannon on its chest at the same time.

Seven large and small beams of light came at them all over the place, forcing the air combat type Pulse Gundam to raise its shield to resist.

But at this moment, Luna and Lei's screams came from the friendly forces channel.

Luna: "Wow..."

Lei: "Reinforcements? No, it's Chaos!?"

Zhen Asuka quickly turned his head and saw the smoking red Zaku Warrior on his right shoulder, and the silver-white Zaku Warrior protecting him in front of the red Zaku Warrior.

"Luna! Ray!"

Luna quickly replied: "I, I'm fine. The shield on my right shoulder was broken. The rest of the body was not seriously damaged. I can still fight, but..."

Lei's voice was full of impatience: "Luna, come back quickly, I will hold back this Chaos, their target is Minerva!!!"

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