Immortal Soul of Steel

Chapter 807 Durandal with a heavy heart

Lin Youde and Durandal looked at each other and said in unison.

"Strengthen people!"*2

The two looked at each other and smiled, and Durandal returned.

"It seems that we have the same view."

Lin Youde nodded: "Yes, looking at the child's reaction, apart from the enhanced people only available from the Earth United, I really can't think of any situation that would make a child of this age become like this."

"The skill just now and the mental state she showed can only be matched by strengthened people."

Durandal was a little surprised: "Oh? Is that so?"

"I don't know much about the enhanced people of the Earth United. I just have some understanding, and subconsciously I feel that this abnormal reaction seems to be very similar to the description of the enhanced people."

"Now it seems that I was the one who was right. But, Prince Kira, do you know much about enhanced people?"

Lin Youde replied ambiguously: "A little bit."

"But Speaker Durandal, although I think the United Earth is very hateful."

"But these children are innocent after all. If you can, I hope you can save them."

"At their age, they shouldn't become expendable to those guys from the Earth United."

Durandal frowned: "This...I can't guarantee you."

"Although I don't know much about enhanced humans, based on the little bit of information I got from the last war."

"I also understand that these enhanced people use drugs to forcibly stimulate the body and improve reflex nerves. This puts a huge burden on the body and brain."

"The enhanced human body is in a state of overdraft. I don't know what the situation is like with these children now."

"And as far as I know, these children seem to need to take certain medications to maintain their mental and physical stability."

"We don't have these things on hand right now. In their current state, they may not be able to handle it until we can complete the analysis and develop the corresponding medical technology."

In response, Lin Youde smiled calmly: "I think this shouldn't be a problem."

"Don't forget, I just damaged the enemy's mothership before."

"It takes a long time to get from P.L.A.N.T.'s colonial satellite to Earth."

"With such a distance, there will definitely be records of leftover medicines and corresponding technical information on the other side's mothership."

"As long as we look there, it shouldn't be a problem to maintain the condition of these children in a short period of time."

"Furthermore, Speaker Durandal, don't you think that once things like enhanced humans are exposed, it will be a heavy blow to the United Earth?"

Durandal twitched his eyebrows and laughed: "That's right. It would be a pity not to use such a good card."

"However, just relying on this little harvest so far may not be enough to cause a sufficient blow to the United Earth."

Lin Youde shrugged: "If it's not enough, you can collect it. There are definitely many experimental bases on the earth for strengthening human experiments."

"For this kind of inhumane research, even the ZAFT army cannot directly conduct searches and attacks."

"But don't forget that in our world, there are still many mercenaries who do not belong to the United Earth, nor to P.L.A.N.T., nor to neutral countries."

Durandal looked at Lin Youde thoughtfully and said, "Thank you, Prince Kira, for reminding me. I will send someone to follow up on this."

Lin Youde also took a deep look at Durandal, turned to look at Zhen Feiniao, and said.

"Your Excellency Durandal, let's leave aside the other enhanced people for now. I think you need to work hard to save the enhanced girl named Stella, or even fight for it."

"That child may be very important to the child Zhen Asuka, maybe."

Speaker Durandal was startled for a moment and looked towards Zhen Asuka.

Looking at Stella who is clinging to Zhen Asuka and unwilling to leave, Luna who is speechless, Mayu Asuka who looks weird, and the subtle expressions of others around her.

Durandal frowned: "Is it important?"

Lin Youde pretended to be speechless and shook his head: "Your Excellency, Speaker, during my previous trip, I learned a saying from East Asia."

Durandal was confused: "What are you talking about?"

Lin Youde: "I would rather destroy ten temples than destroy a marriage."

"If you interfere with others' love too much, they will get kicked by donkeys~!"

Lux teased: "Kira, these are two sentences."

Lin Youde laughed and said: "Same, all the same."

Durandal did not respond to Lin Youde and Lux's singing, but just frowned and looked at Zhen Feiniao.

"Of course, if the Speaker doesn't want it, of course we, Orb, can fight for it."

"After all, in terms of medical technology, our Orb is not bad at all. Not to mention that the real child was originally our Orb's child."

Durandal's face tightened: "Prince Kira, is it bad to poach someone in front of me?"

Lin Youde shrugged: "I'm not poaching. I just said you didn't want it, so I took it myself."

"After all, a good bird chooses a tree to roost on, and that kid, Zhen Fei Bird, has the right to choose for himself, doesn't he?"

Durandal did not respond directly to Lin Youde, but asked instead: "Prince Kira, where is this child who values ​​Zhen very much?"

"Is there really something special about this child? That he can be so favored by Prince Kira?"

Facing Durandal's temptation, Lin Youde chuckled.

"What's so special about it? Others don't know it, but Speaker Durandal doesn't know it yet?"

Durandal looked startled, but quickly recovered and pretended to be confused: "Prince Kira, I don't understand what you are talking about."

Lin Youde whispered: "The pilot who drove the Divine Gundam before was a clone of Rau Lu Cruze."

In an instant, Durandal's pupils shrank and his breathing suddenly stopped.

But soon, Durandal returned to normal: "Prince Kira..."

Without giving Durandal a chance to speak, Lin Youde rushed to the scene and said, "Do you think your relationship with Law Lou Cruze can be hidden from others?"

Durandal glanced at Lux, a hint of gloom flashed in his eyes, and sighed.

"Okay, I admit, Law Lou Cruze and I were good friends before, but after his death, I..."

Lin Youde raised his hand and interrupted Durandal's defense.

"Stop, don't go on talking about these things, I won't believe them anyway."

"I just want to tell you that Zhen Asuka is just as you expected, very special."

"If you train him well, he can grow into a MS pilot like Aslan and I."

"The premise is that you can make his mental state stable enough."

"Unlike Aslan and I, I am too young, too impulsive, and too hasty."

"To make him work for you, you need someone to tie him up. Maybe Mayu Asuka can, but maybe Stella can too."

Durandal finally stopped acting and stared at Lin Youde seriously.

"Prince Kira, what exactly do you mean?"

Lin Youde put his hands behind his back and pretended to be profound.

"It's nothing, I just want to help you."

"You're not a lunatic like Law Lou Cruze."

"And our interests do not conflict, so I think we can cooperate."

"With Aslan and I's current status, things like charging into battle are no longer suitable for us, right?"

In Durandal's silence, Lin Youde spoke frankly.

"Something has to be done by someone..."

"Aslan and I are no longer suitable, but that kid can..."

"He has that talent and potential in this area. The most important thing is that he has "SEED"! "

Durandal's pupils shrank violently: "SEED?" "

Lin Youde smiled and said: "Yes, "SEED" is the special genetic sequence of human beings, a special talent. "

"I have this talent, Aslan has it, and this kid also has it."


Lin Youde patted Durandal on the shoulder.

“For regulators, SEED is an opportunity. "

"Durandall, the future of our adjusters is very heavy. Can you bear it?"

Taking Lux's hand, Lin Youde left.

Durandal was left standing alone, thinking solemnly for a long time before turning his head to look in the direction where Lin Youde and Lux ​​left.

‘Kira Ashar, Lux Klein, it seems that your union is not as simple as previously rumored. ’

'How much do the Kleinians know...'

With a heavy heart, Durandal glanced at Zhen Feiniao, turned around and left...

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