Immortal Soul of Steel

Chapter 808 Something happened again?

Returning to the rest room, Lux looked at Lin Youde doubtfully.

"Youde, why did you say those words just now?"

"I know about SEED's ability."

"If Zhen Asuka also has this ability, wouldn't it be better if we fight for it?"

Without asking Lin Youde why he knew that Zhen Feiniao had this special talent, Lux just asked about Lin Youde's conversation with Durandal just now.

In this regard, Lin Youde held Lux's hand, sat on the edge of the bed, and explained slowly.

"Because it's hard for us to win."

"Lux, don't forget, the real Asuka family is now living in P.L.A.N.T."

"When the Zhen Asuka family first came to P.L.A.N.T., Durandal helped a lot. The family must be very grateful to Durandal."

"Moreover, Zhen Asuka was recruited into the ZAFT army by Durandal and became the pilot of the Pulse Gundam. Even if he and Mayu didn't notice it, his parents probably were aware of it."

"Durandall has plans to cultivate Zhen Asuka into his direct lineage."

"In this case, it will be difficult for us to win over Zhen Asuka."

"After all, even if he wanted to, his parents probably wouldn't let him leave the ZAFT army and join our Orb army."

"In terms of national strength, P.L.A.N.T. is much stronger than Orb."

"It's precisely because of this that the family left Orb and returned to P.L.A.N.T., isn't it?"

Lux understood: "So, Youde, you deliberately made everything clear and used words that were both true and false to deceive Durandal?"

Lin Youde put his arm around Lux's shoulders and said, "That's right."

"After that, the war between the Earth United and ZAFT will break out again, which is probably unavoidable."

"In this case, it is better for ZAFT to win than for Earth United to win."

"We have all witnessed the United Earth's madness."

"Once the Earth Alliance wins, Orb will not be immune and will definitely be destroyed."

"So since we can't get Zhen Asuka, it's better for Durandal to pay more attention to him."

"That kid has the potential to become a super ace pilot."

Lux leaned on Lin Youde's shoulder: "Then there's no need to tell you about SEED, right? Isn't this a secret that only we know?"

Lin Youde stroked Lux's hair: "No, although there are few people in this world who have noticed the SEED incident, it is not impossible. It just so happens that Durandal is one of them."

"I am also curious about what SEED is. If possible, I would like to find a way to mass-produce SEED."

"Unlike the world here, our world is more dangerous and needs this more."

Lux was silent for a moment, then raised her head and asked, "So, Youde wants Durandal to send someone to study the SEED ability?"

Lin Youde shook his head: "Not just Durandal, I even hope that my father-in-law and my cheap dad can also help to study it. Even the matter of the super adjuster, it is best to study it."

Lux was startled: "Youde, you don't even want to mass-produce super adjusters, do you? Once you do that, won't you lose any advantage?"

Lin Youde smiled slightly: "That's not necessarily the case. Although the Super Adjuster is strong, what I have is not just such a talent."

"Besides, I didn't say I wanted Super Adjusters to be ruined."

"I just want to find a way to create a second super adjuster, so that you, Lux, and Mengmeng can all gain this power."

"Because this will give you more strength to survive."

"Moreover, I got a good thing this time, a super adjuster. I may not be the strongest adjuster soon."

Lux was surprised: "Super adjuster is not the strongest adjuster, Youde, what exactly did you get?"

Lin Youde pretended to be mysterious and said: "I'll keep it secret for now, and I'll tell you later."

Lux was silent for a moment, and finally responded: "Then... I can let dad and the others invest in researching SEED."

"But the Super Adjuster thing is still not okay. It's too dangerous."

"P.L.A.N.T. is not my father's word. Once it is leaked, the risk is too great and a lot of trouble will happen."

Looking at Lux who was thinking about herself, Lin Youde hugged her movedly: "Don't worry, I also know about the Super Adjuster. The less you know, the better."

"So, I plan to entrust my cheap dad with this matter."

Lux raised her head: "Your Excellency Uzmi?"

Lin Youde nodded: "My cheap dad was originally an insider of the Super Adjuster Project. It is safest to let him help continue the research. And with his skills, if you want to keep it secret, it shouldn't be a big problem."

"Of course, this matter involves quite a lot of issues, and it's not just a matter of research. After we return to Orb, let's discuss it with the cheap daddy."

Seeing that Lin Youde did not act impulsively on a whim, but had the mentality of making a decision and then acting slowly, Lux felt a little relieved.

"Well, we will discuss the specific situation with Mr. Uzmi later."

Lux finally chose to respect Lin Youde's decision.

Just as Lin Youde said, Lin Youde's current strength relies not only on the super adjuster, but also on the talent of the new human being.

New humans have special talents that do not belong to this world, as long as others do not have this talent.

Even if others also have the talent of super adjuster, Lin Youde can crush others.

This is the strength that Lin Youde has always shown, giving Lux the confidence.

Not to mention that Lin Youde also possesses various technologies from another world.

Although Lin Youde had no intention of bringing over technology from another world before.

But it really pissed off the couple, and it was not impossible to build a super robot that far surpassed the technology of this world.

With all the accumulation in another world, Lux is now very confident and is not afraid that this world will be destroyed.

Because Lin Youde has the ability to suppress all the collapse.

It's just that in order to get more hidden tasks now, it's better not to mess around.

After all, no one knows whether the impact of taking over technology that does not belong to this world can still be considered a hidden mission.

For the sake of stability, it is better to keep everything as it is for the time being and maintain stability.

While Lux was thinking about this, she was gentle with Lin Youde and asked Lin Youde to rest while talking about everything about the previous battle in Hong.

As Lin Youde spoke and Lux ​​listened in a harmonious atmosphere, the communication phone in their lounge suddenly rang.

The two looked at each other and stood up in confusion.


Lin Youde had just picked up the phone and before he could speak, he heard Meiling speaking urgently.

"Mr. Kira, Miss Lux, please come to the bridge immediately."

Lin Youde and Lux ​​looked at each other and said in unison.

"Something happened again?"*2

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