Immortal Soul of Steel

Chapter 811 The escaping... Justice Gundam?

After the Minerva's war preparation alarm sounded, Lacus left Lin Youde and went to the bridge.

Lin Youde, on the other hand, boarded the Freedom Gundam and prepared to attack.

"Mr. Kira, do you think we can succeed this time?"

In the communication channel, Zhen Feiniao's voice sounded. Lin Youde opened the communication channel and returned.

"It's not a question of whether we can succeed, but we must succeed."

"Julius 7 must not fall to the earth, otherwise everything will be irreversible."

"Really, remember, we are fighting this time to save the lives of countless innocent people on the earth."

"There are not only natural people on the earth, but also adjusters. Human beings are a whole and should not be distinguished by natural people and adjusters."

"In my eyes, the fate of a natural person and the fate of an adjuster are the same. We are all human beings, ordinary human beings, and there is no distinction between high and low in life."

"We must fight to save innocent people who know nothing."

"Any enemy who stands in our way is anti-human and should be killed directly. He does not deserve sympathy."

"So, do you understand? In this battle, there is no need to hold back, and it is not worth holding back."

"Preventing Julius 7 from getting drunk is the top priority. Everything else can be put on hold for a while!"

Lin Youde's powerful speech shocked Zhen Feiniao and nodded heavily.

"Yes, Mr. Kira, I understand, I will try my best."

Luna also opened the communication channel and said: "As expected of Mr. Kira, what you said is really good."

"Julius 7 is very important to us adjusters. We cannot let it fall or be used in such a place. I will work hard to make this operation a success!"

Ray was quite silent and said nothing.

Seeing this, Luna said: "Lei, it's time, you can say a few words."

After Lei was silent for a moment, he said: "I don't know what to say, but I will faithfully perform the task and work hard to complete it."

Luna smacked her lips and said: "You are still the same as before. Forget it, Mr. Kira, don't argue with Lei General. He has always been so cold."

"Also, Mr. Kira, is your Freedom Gundam really repaired?"

"I heard from people in the maintenance class that the damage to the Freedom Gundam was quite serious."

"There aren't many spare parts for the maintenance of the Freedom Gundam on the Minerva, so I'm a little worried about the progress of the Freedom Gundam's maintenance..."

Lin Youde glanced at Lei's silver-white Zaku warriors and replied: "It doesn't matter, I have seen many soldiers who are loyal to their missions. As long as this battle can be completed, nothing else matters."

"As for the maintenance of the Freedom Gundam, you don't have to worry."

"The overall repair of the Freedom Gundam has been completed, and there is no impact on performance."

"It's just that there aren't many spare parts here, and if it gets damaged, it won't be repairable. That's true."

"I will drive carefully from now on and try not to injure the Freedom Gundam."

Not long after Lin Youde finished speaking, Meiling's voice came over.

"We have arrived at the designated coordinates, the hatch has been opened, and the road has been cleared. Freedom Gundam, please attack!"

Lin Youde composed himself: "Understood, Freedom Gundam, Kira Yamato, attack!"

With a burst of acceleration, the Freedom Gundam flew out of the Minerva.

As soon as it flew out, the cockpit of the Freedom Gundam received a communication from Captain Thalia Kuradis.

"Prince Kira, Julius 7's interception force seems to be fighting with an unknown force."

"Please rush over immediately for support. Our ship will arrive soon."

"Since it is unclear whether this unknown force has other combat units, please be careful of the possibility of encountering other attacks along the way."

Lin Youde waved his hand: "Don't worry, I will be careful. It was just to prevent this that I was the first to attack, wasn't it?"

"Let Zhen and the others protect the Minerva and follow us. Just leave it to me to lead the charge."

After saying that, Lin Youde closed the communication and rushed towards Julius 7, which was already visible to the naked eye.

As the distance continued to get closer, Lin Youde could clearly see beams of light and explosive fire flashing near Julius 7.

It was obvious that there was a very fierce battle going on over there.

Lin Youde deployed the new human telepathy. Not long after he deployed it, he discovered that three MS troops were flying towards him not far away.

Before the two sides could get closer, the other party took the lead in launching an attack.

Lin Youde, who had expected it, controlled the Freedom Gundam to easily dodge and avoid these attacks.

Not bothering to talk nonsense, the Freedom Gundam sprinted at full speed, and the colorful cannons exploded on the spot, directly destroying the three mobile suits in the lead.

The three mobile suits exploded, and the other mobile suits dispersed, forming a group of three, trying to outflank the Freedom Gundam from both sides.

More than a dozen beams of light in different sequences were fired from the direction of the remaining six MSs.

It was at this time that Lin Youde saw the appearance of these MS through the monitor of the Freedom Gundam.

They were black assault daggers with the same style one after another. The style was exactly the same as the mobile suit used by the Earth Alliance Army during the last war.

However, based on the shooting speed of the beam weapon and the trajectory speed of the MS when moving, Lin Youde determined that these machines were simply 73-year-old daggers covered in 71-year assault dagger skins.

Lin Youde had played against Dagger L not long ago. Lin Youde knew the performance of Dagger L well.

‘Sure enough, are these troops from the Earth Alliance? ’

‘In other words, the Earth Alliance was involved in the fall of Julius 7 this time? ’

'In order to provoke a war, they did not hesitate to throw Julius 7 to the earth. The death merchants of Blue Cosmos are really crazy! ’

After figuring out the origin of these machines, Lin Youde was furious, and the Freedom Gundam rushed over at full speed.

After a very slight dodge, just two rounds of colorful cannons, all the remaining 6 assault daggers were destroyed.

It only took 45 seconds, and the Freedom Gundam did not change lanes or change its flight trajectory throughout the entire process, flying straight towards Julius 7.

Such a fierce performance made the three people near the Minerva in the rear dumbfounded.

Luna was shocked: "Okay, so awesome..."

Zhen Asuka was excited: "Is this Mr. Kira's true strength?"

Lei looked gloomy: "Kira Yamato..."

In the different reactions of the three people, the Freedom Gundam flew towards Julius 7.

As the distance continued to get closer, Lin Youde saw the red Justice Gundam at first glance, dodging attacks from left to right, looking really embarrassed.

Lin Youde's first reaction when he saw this scene was that he was dreaming.

As we all know, Justice Gundam is Aslan's exclusive car. As long as Aslan doesn't fiddle with things, his combat effectiveness is a super ace on the same level as Kira and Zhen Asuka.

And such a super ace, driving his own exclusive car, was beaten left and right, dodging left and right, barely parrying.

How could this not make Lin Youde doubt whether he was dreaming?

What surprised Lin Youde even more was that what was besieging the Justice Gundam were three very familiar but different machines.

These three machines are each a red Holy Shield Gundam without undercuts on its legs.

A Thunder Gundam with some strange things on its back.

I met Lin Youde, a variant of Strike Gundam called Strike Gundam IWSP type.

Watching the three Gundams besieging the Justice Gundam, Lin Youde felt that he was completely confused.

"What is this? This is..."

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