Immortal Soul of Steel

Chapter 812 Reason

Several G-series mechas that looked familiar but were different besieged the Justice Gundam. Lin Youde was shocked by the way the Justice Gundam could only dodge left and right.

But he was shocked, and Lin Youde's movements were not idle.

A colorful cannon fired from a long distance, almost forcing back three G-series Gundams at the extreme range. Lin Youde opened the communication channel and shouted.


The three G-series were forced back, and the Justice Gundam turned a corner and moved closer to the Freedom Gundam.

Aslan also said excitedly: "Kira, you are finally here!"

Lin Youde looked at the three G-series that were forced to retreat, united again, and launched an attack on his side. Lin Youde asked while driving the Freedom Gundam to dodge flexibly.

"Aslan, what is going on? Why does the G series appear here?"

Justice Gundam blocked the enemy's attack with his shield, and Aslan took the time to return.

"These are the machines of the terrorists of "Blue Earth". These G series machines were stolen from a company called "Actaion". "

"I have the code names of these machines, and I will pass them on to you."

Lin Youde looked down and saw the code name change on the radar.

"Red Holy Shield Gundam, Jet Black Thunder Gundam, Strike Gundam IWSP type?"

"Are the terrorists from "Blue Earth" causing trouble this time? "

The three mobile suits attempted to attack the Freedom Gundam and Justice Gundam from three directions.

But the Justice Gundam rushed to the front of the Freedom Gundam and used its shield to block the forward attack, then quickly moved up, revealing the Freedom Gundam with its gun barrel set up behind it.

Ignoring the attacks from both sides, the Freedom Gundam fired a colorful cannon and fired directly at the Strike Gundam IWSP type at the front. His head and right arm were blown off on the spot.

Only the shield on the left arm firmly protected the cockpit on the chest, preventing the Strike Gundam IWSP from being directly destroyed.

The cooperation between Freedom Gundam and Justice Gundam seemed to scare the three G-series derivatives on the opposite side, causing the Red Holy Shield Gundam and Jet Black Thunder Gundam to quickly move towards the damaged Strike Gundam IWSP type, pull up and retreat. .

Seeing this scene, Freedom Gundam and Justice Gundam immediately launched a pursuit.

Meanwhile, Aslan took the time to explain.

"No, it's worse."

"This incident was jointly caused by "Blue Earth" and "Silent Universe". "

Aslan's words shocked Lin Youde again: "What the hell? Aren't "Blue Earth" and "Silent Universe" opposing terrorist organizations? "

"They are an extremely anti-adjustment person, an extremely anti-natural person who wants revenge."

"How can people from these two organizations get involved?"

Aslan replied with a gloomy face: "Yes, this is very incredible. But that's how it happened."

"The initial intelligence we received was that the extreme avengers of the "Silent Universe" wanted to push "Julius 7" to the earth and smash it down to take revenge on the natural people on the earth. "

"And they are very cautious. No one has noticed the orbit change of Julius 7 before."

Lin Youde interjected: "They took advantage of the incident of ZAFT's new machine being robbed to cover up the public and secretly infiltrate the warehouse?"

Aslan glanced at Lin Youde in surprise: "Kira, have you traveled to East Asia this year? Why are there so many East Asian idioms?"

Aslan said, without waiting for Lin Youde's reply, he continued: "Yes, we all thought before that the "Silent Universe" secretly carried out this operation by taking advantage of the previous incident of the new machine being robbed. "

"But after investigation, we found that there was more to it than that."

"Before the new aircraft was robbed, various attacks often occurred in other places. These incidents were caused by "Blue Earth" and "Silent Earth". "

"After analysis, we concluded that both groups were engaged in a cover-up for this operation."

"It's just that the previous incident of the new model being robbed was too big, and everyone's attention was drawn there. It's just more prominent."

"In other words, they planned this operation long ago. It was just because the new aircraft was snatched away that caused the ZAFT army to feel a sense of crisis. That's why they accidentally discovered the orbital deviation of Julius 7?"

"These guys have wanted to do this for a long time!"

Listening to Aslan's angry voice, Lin Youde frowned.

"But even so, how do the "Blue Earth" and the "Silent Universe" get mixed up? "

Aslan shook his head: "I don't know. When we first arrived, there were only those extreme Avengers from the "Silent Universe" here. "

"It's easy for Yitzhak, Diego, Nicole and I to deal with these extreme Avengers."

"Although they are all adjusters and have more people than us, their airframes are all old-fashioned models. In terms of airframe performance, we have an advantage."

"As long as we defeat these Extreme Avengers and then dismantle the thrusters on those Julius 7s, this matter will be over."

"But not long after the battle started, our mothership was attacked."

"The engineering force responsible for dismantling the propulsion device, loading the reverse propulsion device onto Julius 7, and pushing Julius 7 back was also defeated."

"It was only then that we discovered that the organization "Blue Earth" was also involved in this incident. "

"We don't know when they got together."

"The purpose is just to push Julius 7 to the earth."

Lin Youde's face darkened when he heard this: "That means the reverse propulsion device is gone now. We can't push Julius 7 back?"

Aslan replied solemnly: "Yes. But that's not the point."

"The point is that we are currently blocked from dismantling the propulsion device on Julius 7. Julius 7 cannot slow down and is approaching the earth."

"If those devices can be dismantled, it will at least allow Julius 7 to partially slow down and gain time for the next engineering unit to arrive."

"In order to reduce the pressure on Yitzhak, Diego, and Nicol, and create opportunities to dismantle and destroy the propulsion device, I specially lured these Gs out to keep them away from the assault force."

"For this reason, our side even sacrificed a transport carrier as a bait."

Hearing this, Lin Youde had to comfort him: "You guys have paid a lot."

Aslan shook his head and sighed: "No way, we didn't expect that the "Blue Earth" and the "Silent Universe" would actually get mixed up. "

"The troops we brought were severely outnumbered. If we want to achieve our goal, we can only do this."

"But it's okay, Kira, you're here."

"With our strength, we can at least destroy those G units first and look for opportunities to destroy the thrusters."

Lin Youde nodded heavily: "Ah~! Let's go, these guys are all anti-human lunatics, they have no value in living!"

Aslan was excited: "Yes, this guy has no value in living. Kira, let's go!"

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