Immortal Soul of Steel

Chapter 816 Simulated Battle of Heroes, 1V3 Game

No one could take advantage of the two waves of confrontation, and the situation was briefly stalemate.

But Lin Youde understood that he was suffering from the seemingly stalemate situation.

The attacks of the new three Xiaoqiang on the opposite side were only able to withstand the attacks of the Justice Gundam's shield.

But the opponent's artillery fire was too intensive, and the shield of the Justice Gundam was attacked too violently.

Although he could still bear it now, Lin Youde took a glance and found that the shield of the Justice Gundam had been obviously deformed.

Suffering from the previous attack and the current two waves of fierce attacks, Justice Gundam's shield was almost unable to withstand it.

A few more hits and Justice Gundam's shield will be disabled.

On the other hand, the light distortion shield of the Crimson Forbidden Gundam on the opposite side can completely render the beam attack here ineffective.

The physical shield over there only needs to withstand the physical damage from the railgun on the waist of the Freedom Gundam.

With the strength of the shield, it is still unrealistic to blow it up in a short time.

Therefore, after these two calls, in general, Lin Youde and Aslan suffered the loss.

Obviously, the New Three Xiaoqiang think the same way.

So much so that the New Three Xiaoqiang actually opened the regional public channel and spoke nonsense and openly mocked Lin Youde and Aslan.

The pilot of the Crimson Forbidden Gundam: "Hahahaha, it's useless, it's useless. We already know the information about the Freedom Gundam. Kira Ashar, your attack is useless!"

The Crimson Forbidden Gundam rushed to the front and gave a thumbs down gesture to the Freedom Gundam as a provocation.

The pilot of the Blue Calamity Gundam: "We were created specifically to fight you. Kira Ashar, today this is your burial place!"

The Blue Disaster Gundam revealed half of its body from behind the Crimson Forbidden Gundam, aimed the four gun barrels behind it, plus the two angle cannons on the left and right shields at the Freedom Gundam, and launched another attack.

Ochre snatched the Gundam's pilot: "In the simulation data, the Freedom Gundam has been destroyed by us countless times. Kira Ashar, just accept your death!"

The Ochre Robbery Gundam once again aimed all its firepower at the Freedom Gundam and launched an attack.

Faced with all the firepower aimed at him, and the almost full-scale mockery, Lin Youde controlled the Freedom Gundam to quickly take off, dodging all attacks.

Opening the public channel, Lin Youde replied disdainfully: "You want my life? Just rely on you, I'm afraid you are not qualified!"

Adjusting the communication channel, Lin Youde said to Aslan: "Aslan, the opponent's firepower is stronger than ours. If we continue to shoot at each other, we will not be able to take advantage. If we want to kill them, we must fight close to each other."

Aslan responded: "I understand, so, how do we distribute it?"

Lin Youde returned: "Same as before, you find a way to contain the most powerful disaster, and leave the ban and robbery to me!"

Aslan: "Yes, but I'm afraid the other party won't give me a chance to get close easily."

Lin Youde: "It doesn't matter, the other side's attention is all on me now, I will attract their attention. Aslan, you find an opportunity to get close to the disaster, and leave the rest to me."

Aslan was startled, but still responded: "This...I understand, I believe you, Kira!"

The Justice Gundam began to circle the side battlefield.

The new three Xiaoqiang didn't seem to care about Justice Gundam's actions. Instead, they continued to talk nonsense and ridicule.

The Crimson Forbidden Gundam began to charge forward: "Hahaha, have your companions given up on you? It seems that your popularity is very bad, Kira Asha!"

Waving the double-edged Heavy Scythe in his hand, the Crimson Forbidden Gundam galloped towards the Freedom Gundam.

The Freedom Gundam fires two beam cannons on its shoulders, which are deflected by its beam-distorting shield.

The pilot of the Crimson Forbidden Gundam: "It's useless, your attack can't even count as tickling me. Bunt, Lance, let's go!"

The pilot of the ocher-yellow Robbery Gundam, known as Bunt, responded with a grin: "Here we go, follow the same drill as before, right? Don't worry, leave it to me. Lance!"

Seeing the Crimson Forbidden Gundam charging forward, the Ocher-yellow Robbery Gundam followed closely. All the artillery fire continued to pour on the Freedom Gundam, and the meteor hammer in its hand kept waving, as if it was ready to throw it at the Freedom Gundam.

Lance, the pilot of the Blue Disaster Gundam, smiled disdainfully: "Don't worry, I won't miss it."

All the artillery fire of the Blue Disaster Gundam was aimed at the surroundings of the Freedom Gundam, and together with the Ocher Yellow Robbery Gundam, they tried to block all the Freedom Gundam's dodge space. He wanted to cooperate with the Crimson Forbidden Gundam charging forward and take down the Freedom Gundam in one fell swoop.

Faced with this almost three-on-one situation, Lin Youde replied calmly: "He's just a guy who only shows off in simulated battles. Don't think too highly of yourself."

"Today, I will let you understand the difference between simulated combat and actual combat!"

"Let's go, Freedom!"

A yellow light flashed in Liberty Gundam's eyes, its wings spread out behind it, and its body climbed high again at high speed, dodging all attacks in one fell swoop.

When Lance, the pilot of the Blue Calamity Gundam, saw this, he smiled instead of being angry: "You took the bait, Bunt, Dali!"

"Here it comes, look at me!!!" The pilot Bunter, who had snatched the Gundam, climbed up and pointed the meteor hammer in his hand at the Freedom Gundam and threw it over.

"Now!!!" The Crimson Forbidden Gundam's thrusters were fully activated, and it followed the meteor hammer and waved the double-edged heavy scythe in its hand, aiming at the wings of the Freedom Gundam and slashing at it.

Facing this fierce pursuit, Lin Youde's face remained calm.

‘SEED, break out! ’

A seed appears in my mind and explodes...

In an instant, Lin Youde's eyes became cold and lifeless...

Then, Liberty Gunge moved.

With a slight twist of the waist, the Freedom Gundam flew forward with the meteor hammer almost grazing the breastplate, dodging the ocher-yellow Robbery Gundam's meteor hammer.

The Freedom Gundam also grabbed the chain behind the meteor hammer with its backhand and suddenly pulled it to the left.

Relying on the powerful output of the Freedom Gundam, the Ochre Robbery Gundam, which was rushing forward at high speed, was dragged on the spot. Its posture was unstable, and it tilted to the left of the Freedom Gundam and to its own right.

Although this distance did not hit the Crimson Forbidden Gundam that had rushed further ahead, it also made it impossible for the Ocher Yellow Robbery Gundam to launch another pursuit at this moment.

At this time, the Crimson Forbidden Gundam came around from the side and slashed at him with the double-edged Heavy Scythe in his hand.

Freedom twists his waist and moves the chain of the meteor hammer in front of him.


With sparks flying, the Crimson Forbidden Gundam used its scythe to cut off the chain behind the ocher-yellow Robbery Gundam's meteor hammer.

With the momentum of splitting Huashan with force, the Crimson Forbidden Gundam's scythe, which originally wanted to cut off its wings, slashed towards the front of the Freedom Gundam.

Then with the inertia when turning around, the Freedom Gundam raised his right foot and kicked the Crimson Forbidden Gundam on the waist, kicking the Crimson Forbidden Gundam away on the spot.

The scythe that was about to land on Liberty Gundam's chest was blocked by the shield of Liberty Gundam's left wrist.

The coordinated attacks of the Crimson Forbidden Gundam and the Ocher Yellow Robbery Gundam were easily resolved by the Freedom Gundam.

It was at this time that Lin Youde shouted on the friendly channel: "Aslan!"

Aslan: "Here we come!"

A red light flashed from the black universe, and the Justice Gundam opened its speed and rushed towards the Blue Disaster Gundam...

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